Chapter 160 I Want to Join the Holy League

Through the rearview mirror, Tang Yao looked at the gray off-road vehicle that was approaching, and he had some guesses in his mind.

It seems that the people on the black off-road vehicle before and the people on the gray off-road vehicle behind should not be in the same group.

Otherwise, the two of them glanced at me, and the other hadn’t looked at me specifically until now. If they were in a group, it would be impossible not to pay attention to this obvious flaw.

The guy behind was really cautious. He first used a passer-by to reduce my vigilance, then appeared in the same way and waited for an opportunity to attack me.

such a pity!

It’s useless!

Soon, the gray off-road vehicle behind chased up.

When the body of the off-road vehicle was level with Tang Yao, the black man in the car turned to look at Tang Yao, showing a bright smile.

Tang Yao also turned to look at the black man, and smiled back.

The black man smiled heartily at Tang Yao and said, “Hey, brother…”

Halfway through, the black man stepped on the brake with one foot and slammed on the accelerator with the other foot.

With the aid of the primary pupil technique, the black man’s every move was under Tang Yao’s control.

Tang Yao noticed the movement of the black man’s leg.

Tang Yao immediately stepped on the pedals on both sides of the motorcycle with both feet, and he leaped towards the side of the road.

At the moment Tang Yao just jumped up, the off-road vehicle’s engine made a huge roar, and the tires rubbed violently on the ground, bringing up dust in the sky.

Suddenly, Tang Yao and the gray off-road vehicle were shrouded in the dust of the sky, and their vision was greatly hindered.

At this moment, the sunglasses worn by the black man flashed a light, emitting a faint red light, allowing the black man to see in the sand.

The black man was a little surprised to discover that Tang Yao had left the motorcycle.

But the black man did not hesitate. He grabbed the seat and the steering wheel with his hands, and with a strong arm, he rushed out of the damaged car door and shot Tang Yao in mid-air at high speed.

The black man flying in the air suddenly showed a long knife in his hand and volleyed it fiercely towards Tang Yao.

At this time, Tang Yao had already flown out for a certain distance, and fell to the ground farther away.

As the off-road vehicle is getting farther and farther, the dust near Tang Yao is not so dense.

Before Tang Yao landed, he heard a burst of sound coming from behind him.

There are the sound of sharp tools cutting the air, and the sound of the body and clothes rubbing against the air.

With the aid of the primary listening position, and by distinguishing the various sounds behind him, Tang Yao immediately judged the position of the attacker behind him, the shape of the weapon, and the direction of the attack.

The first time he landed, Tang Yao’s right toe touched the ground, and his body rolled to the left, avoiding the attack of the long knife behind him.

At the same time, Tang Yao shouted: “I want to join the Saint League!”

After Tang Yao dodged the long knife that had originally slashed at Tang Yao’s head, it cut a ravine out of the ground with a bang.

After the black man landed, as soon as he turned around to continue his attack, he heard Tang Yao’s loud shout.

There was a momentary pause in the attack of the black man.

At this moment, Tang Yao’s heart moved.

Talented ability: Charm!

The black man with blinking eyes suddenly felt his head sink, and he fell into a sluggish state.

After standing up, Tang Yao immediately turned around and faced the sluggish black middle-aged man.

At the same time, the black gold spear appeared in Tang Yao’s hands.

Tang Yao didn’t pause, holding the gun in his right hand, and stabbing forward forcefully.


The tip of the black gold gun penetrated the black man’s head.

When the tip of the gun had just pierced the black man’s head, the severe pain caused the black man to get out of his sluggish state.

But immediately after, the tip of the gun pierced his head, and the black man’s eyes were only clear for an instant, and he immediately began to lose sight of panic.

Withdrawing the black gold spear, Tang Yao looked around.

Seeing that there was no other danger, Tang Yao secretly let out a sigh of relief.


Judging from the momentum and speed that this black man just broke out, he is indeed a senior fighter!

I don’t know which level of senior warrior of the seven or eight nine stars.

If I hadn’t consumed 30% of Mental Energy in an instant, the charm ability might not work.

Earlier, I speculated that consuming 20% ​​of Mental Energy could make senior fighters and commanders instantly sluggish, which seems to be incompletely accurate.

Against the leader of advanced zombies and upgraded beasts, 20% of Mental Energy is no problem.

But if human beings have perfect consciousness, 20% is not enough, 30%.

When the zombies and upgraded beasts reach the king level, they have the same complete consciousness as humans, and the mental energy that needs to be consumed at that time is basically the same.

Two steps forward, Tang Yao walked to the black man’s corpse.

Tang Yao bent down and took down the Interspatial Ring of the black man.

The owner is dead, and the binding with the Interspatial Ring is automatically lifted.

Tang Yao dropped a drop of blood on the Interspatial Ring and began to refine.

Soon, Tang Yao refined the Interspatial Ring and checked the items in the Interspatial Ring aside.

Tang Yao thought, and a silver oval sign appeared in his hand.

The brand was two laps smaller than Tang Yao’s palm, so it could be held firmly in his hand.

In his hand, there is a faint coolness, very comfortable, and Tang Yao doesn’t know what material it is made of.

The front of the brand can be viewed by light, a bit like a screen.

On the back of the sign, there is a big word “Holy”.

Seeing the word “Holy”, Tang Yao also confirmed his previous guess.

Looking at the body of the black man in front of him, Tang Yao smiled coldly.


Sure enough, they are from the Saint League!

Shengmeng really valued me, and to deal with a 9-star soldier of mine, he actually dispatched a senior soldier.

This senior soldier was extremely cautious, until I was about to return to the Karen base, he did not attack me.

Not only that, this senior fighter also has a good control over the timing of his shots.

Not only did I try to reduce my vigilance with the help of the previous black off-road vehicle, but also showed kindness to me before shooting.

While using words to attract my attention, he suddenly shot at me.

Cautious enough, cunning enough, and sinister enough!

However, this is also normal.

The people of the Saint League have been hiding in the human world. If they were not cautious and cunning, they would have been caught and killed.

With a thought, Tang Yao selected some of the items in this Interspatial Ring and transferred them to his own Interspatial Ring.

Afterwards, Tang Yao waved his hand and collected the body of the black man and the silver brand into the newly refined Interspatial Ring.

This Interspatial Ring is the same size as Tang Yao’s own Interspatial Ring, which is 100 cubic meters.

Tang Yao was secretly speechless.

An ordinary high-level fighter in the Saint League, actually has such a large Interspatial Ring!

100 cubic Interspatial Rings are worth 1 billion!

The general high-level fighters simply can’t afford it.

Are Shengmeng so rich?

I really want to join!

Earlier I said I wanted to join Shengmeng, but I was very sincere!

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