God-level Base

Chapter 880: Desperately

In almost an instant, the flame that Shu Feng transformed into appeared in front of the one-eyed and four-armed weird monster, and it turned into a terrifying blade light, slashing madly towards the one-eyed and four-armed monster.


The two-meter-tall burly man who had been lying on the table pretending to be a poisoned person burst into flames, his eyes gleamed, and the terrifying aura of the upper demon envoy erupted, tearing the void from a strange and incomparable angle, towards Shu Feng Cut off frantically.

"These guys are not kind! I am the only one who is really poisoned!!"

Zhou Xingya tried his best to roll towards the outside with the shock wave of those strong men, glanced at the burly man who suddenly violent, and smiled bitterly in his heart.

Originally, Zhou Xingya thought Ye Xuankong was his difficult brother, but did not expect that this was also a hidden terrifying giant crocodile, whose strength was beyond strength.

"Go away!!"

A fierce light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, he screamed, and slashed it down, slashing on the burly man's magic soldier.

Boom! !

With a loud sound of earth-shaking noise, the burly man was stunned by Shu Feng and flew out a hundred meters away. The corner of his mouth was bleeding, and the demon soldier in his right hand almost got out of his hand. A shocked color flashed in his eyes: "Ye Xuankong! How did the Earth Rock Blade family give birth to such a monster?"

call out! !

Almost at the same time, a jet black arrow shot from a distance like a shooting star, and hit the left arm of the burly man with incomparable precision.

In this magic soldier world, the lower magic soldier also has the power to threaten the upper magic soldier.

"Damn trash!"

The burly man frowned slightly, grabbed the arrow, and threw it aside. The wound on his left shoulder healed quickly at a speed that the naked eye could see.

The demon envoys in the demon world are far less resilient than the king of the false demon, but as long as they are not poisoned or seriously injured, such small injuries can quickly heal themselves.

The one-eyed and four-armed weird monster had four arms at once, and the body squirmed, opening countless eyes at once, locked Shu Feng firmly, and an inverted triangle curse mark appeared in each eye.

Under the curse of the countless eyes, Shu Feng's body finally took a break and began to crack, and countless blood sputtered in all directions.

"It's a pity, you want to kill me, it's a little too close!"

The fierce light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and he gripped the Saint Flame Tyrant Sword tightly, and began to resonate with the Saint Flame Tyrant Blade. The three flame curse imprints bloomed with incomparable divine light, and the sword was slashed at the one-eyed strange monster.

"Stop! I'm the Grand Marshal of the Heavenly Sword Empire! Ye Xuankong, I order you, stop!"

The fierce light flashed in the eyes of the burly swordsman, and he roared sharply, and the swordsman unified towards Shu Feng.

Boom! ! !

A terrifying loud noise rang out, and the area where the one-eyed weird monster was located was split apart by a terrifying blade, and his corpse was split into two and was swallowed by flames.

"Source energy +15 billion, powerful divine power +16, spirit +16."

"He's dead, it's up to you next!"

A fierce light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and he began to resonate with the Saint Flame Tyrant Sword. The terrifying flames swirled around the Saint Flame Tyrant Sword, and the sword slashed directly towards Marshal Zhongye.

"Damn it!"

Marshal Zhongye's complexion changed drastically, and he began to resonate with the Heavy Night Demon Sword in his hand, and lines of power appeared on the Heavy Night Demon Sword, severely cut towards Shu Feng.

Boom! !

The two strong forces collided together, and the terrifying shock wave spread in all directions.

Marshal Zhongye fell directly onto the ground like a fragrant catkin, spouting a mouthful of blood, and countless terrifying flames spurted out from the pores of his body.

The flames that permeated the saint flame tyrant sword ignited the power and vitality of Marshal Zhongye's demon soldiers, causing his breath to continue to plummet.

A horror flashed in Marshal Zhongye's eyes: "How could Ye Xuankong be so strong? How long did he cultivate? How could his strength be so terrifying?"

Marshal Zhongye screamed: "Stop it!! Ye Xuankong, you won't stop it. We will die together!!"

Shu Feng's eyes were cold, and the power of the demon in his body surged, driving the terrifying demon flame from the sky, and severely slashed towards Marshal Zhong Ye.

Boom! !

Marshal Zhongye desperately blocked him, bursting into countless wounds all over his body, cracking the ground under his feet, bleeding from seven holes, miserable.

"Ye Xuankong! You lunatic, let us die together!!"

Marshal Zhongye's eyes also flashed with a crazy, incomparable light, he smiled grimly, burned his vitality, sacrificed everything he had, and poured it into the Zhongye Demon Sword.


The Heavy Night Demon Sword trembled slightly, the three power curse marks appeared directly, and a series of terrible cracks appeared on the blade.

A terrifying aura, comparable to the half-step Demon God's series, permeated from Marshal Zhongye's body.

"Go to hell!"

Marshal Zhongye's gaze was savage, madly urging all his power, and slashed it down.

A black blade of light pierced through the sky, like the incarnation of power, containing the terrifying power of opening the mountains and cracking the sea, slashing towards Shu Feng frantically.

"This is the heaven-defying blow that the upper demon envoy burns everything and destroys the demon soldier! It's terrifying!"

Shu Feng's heart was full of warning signs, and he understood that blow, as tyrannical as he was, and it was impossible to block it without injury. The fierce light flickered in his eyes, and he slashed madly under the control of the terrifying flame blade.


The invincible flame blade light that could burn everything fell apart directly under the impact of the black blade light.

The black blade of light only dimmed a little, and immediately slashed towards Shu Feng frantically.

"Blood Deed!"

With a move of Shu Feng's heart, the blood bond curse imprinted in his body blooming with incomparable light.

That black blade of light slashed on Shu Feng's body, slicing through the barrier of his body guard, and penetrated into his body.

boom! !

In that base space, the body of a demi-god-level giant monster burst open and turned into countless pieces.

Shu Feng directly sprayed out a mouthful of blood, and his body burst into countless cracks, and fell directly from the sky to the earth, his breath became extremely weak.

"Asshole!! You are the one who died!"

Marshal Zhongye's hair was gray, countless wrinkles appeared on his face, his breath became very weak, and most of his teeth fell out. The High Night Demon Sword in his hand also collapsed directly, turning into countless pieces and scattered around.

This is the fate of the upper demon envoy burning everything and smashing everything.

call out!

An arrow shot out from the darkness, and blasted into the head of Marshal Chongye in an instant, smashing his head directly.

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