God-level Base

Chapter 879: Kill the half-step Demon God Realm powerhouse

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Three-faced Demon King, the dragon head opened its mouth wide and spouted, and a terrifying black dragon's breath turned into a jet-black black beam of light and sprayed towards Shu Feng.

That black beam of light struck Shu Feng's body with one blow, and his body instantly collapsed, turning into a ball of flames and drifting away with the wind.

"Yan Clone!! Damn, my perception has dropped too badly!"

The face of the Three-faced Demon King suddenly changed. If he were in the Void Demon Realm, he would definitely not be fooled by such a simple Yan clone. But in this world, his perception was weakened to a terrifying level before being easily deceived by Shu Feng.

"The King of Void Demon, go to death!"

A terrifying flame sword light slashed across the air, and slashed on the back of the three-faced demon king. The terrifying power burst out instantly, splitting the three-faced devil directly into two.


The face of the three-faced devil that represents human beings burst open. He appeared very strangely thousands of meters away.

"Stop, Ye Xuankong! I have countless knowledge and clues to the holy blue demon soldiers. As long as you let me go, I can tell you all the knowledge and clues to the holy blue demon soldiers. With that knowledge, you can do it in the future Advanced Saint Demon Soldier!!"

"I am in the Void Demon Realm, and I am one of the veterans of the Extreme Flame Demon God's Palace. I hold great power! As long as you are willing to let me have a way of life, I can give you huge benefits when you go to the Void Realm in the future. What do you want? , I will give you something!!!"

The Three-faced Demon King's face was pale, and his aura had fallen from the initial stage of the upper Demon King to the peak of the Middle Demon King and shouted loudly.

The three-faced devil's death-replacement secret technique is extremely powerful, but it also has limitations. Every time he died, his strength would be greatly weakened, far inferior to Shu Feng's blood bond skills.

"No need! I am from the Holy Blue Continent! You demons who invade the world, I will kill them all!"

Shu Fengyi's righteous words, surrounded by the countless flames, turned into a scarlet flame, swept towards the Three-sided Demon King.

A mysterious curse imprint appeared in the dragon head of the three-sided demon king, and a six-pointed star enchantment emerged directly.

Shu Feng slashed on the six-pointed star formation, smashed the six-pointed star formation directly, and took advantage of the trend, slashing on the body of the three-faced demon king.

The terrifying flame erupted at once, swallowing the three-faced demon directly.

"Do not!!"

Under the terrifying flame burning, the three-faced demon screamed again and again, and the dragon face and grimace above his head collapsed, and the entire body was extinguished by the flame.

"not dead!!"

Shu Feng didn't wait for the prompt message, a trace of vigilance surged in his heart, using the secret technique, his pupils suddenly appeared in a vortex, and he looked around.

A small ant hidden under a rock is reflected in Shu Feng's pupils.

That little ant was transformed from a trace of the soul of the three-faced devil. His strength was really reduced to the level of an ant at this time. This escaped Shu Feng's perception.

This is also the strongest escape secret technique hidden by the Three-faced Devil, who has helped him escape several mortal calamities.

"Go to hell!"

Shu Feng's eyes were cold, and he held the Saint Flame Tyrannical Sword and severely slashed at the small ant transformed from the Three-faced Demon King.

"How is it possible? How could you find me!!"

The little ant transformed by the Three-faced Devil squirmed and showed its true body, full of despair, and roared bitterly. At this time, he has been weakened to the half-god state, and there is no secret method for death anymore, and Shu Feng can kill him with a single knife.

The one-eyed weird monster suddenly rolled its eyes and locked Shu Feng at once, and an inverted triangle curse appeared in his eyes.

A weird and twisted terrifying force suddenly appeared on Shu Feng's body, as if to twist his body into pieces, making his actions stop.

"good chance!"

A pair of magic wings suddenly appeared behind the three-faced demon king, madly, turning into a black light and fleeing towards the distance. As long as he escapes from here and returns to the Void Demon Realm, in tens of thousands of years, he will be able to regain the terrifying power of the half-step Demon God level.

call out!

A black arrow containing terrifying murderous intent descended from the sky, hitting the head of the three-faced demon king, and nailing his head directly to the ground. The power of the terrifying demon soldier erupted directly, destroying his body. soul.

The magic bow stood in the clouds fifteen kilometers away, staring coldly at the three-faced devil.

"No! How could I die here! Die in the hands of a low-level magic soldier! I am not reconciled!!"

The three-faced devil screamed, struggling to lose his breath.

"Source energy +50 billion, powerful divine power +22, divine soul +22."

A line of information appeared in Shu Feng's eyes.

The so-called Half-Step Demon God Realm, in fact, still belongs to the upper demon king. It's just that 20 points of the godhead is a huge hurdle in the upper demon king realm. Once a breakthrough, those high-ranking demon kings have a trace of the power of a demon god, and they can jump above other demon kings, and even be able to kill other high-level demon kings, before they are called half-step demon gods.

"Finally killed a half-step Demon God Realm powerhouse! It really made a lot of money!!"

A light of joy flashed in Shu Feng's eyes.

Those half-step Demon God Realm level powerhouses are already considered top powerhouses among floating continents. In the Extreme Flame Demon Temple and the Ice Prison Demon Temple, they are already among the top ranks.

After all, among those floating continents, those Demon God level powerhouses would easily not make a move. They spend more time practicing in retreat, or searching for various ruins in an attempt to go further.

In the floating continents, if there is a half-step Demon God realm strong back, basically they can walk sideways. As long as it's not unlucky to encounter the powerhouses of other demigods or the big bosses of the demon gods.

"Next, it's your turn! You dare to shoot at me, **** it!"

Shu Feng turned and looked at the four-armed weird monster with one eye, the fierce light flashed in his eyes, the flames boiled all over his body, the human knives merged into one, turning into a terrifying flame blade, towards the weird monster with one eye and four arms. Cut off frantically.

The one-eyed, four-armed monster suddenly opened its blood basin and let out a creepy scream.

The terrifying screaming sound condensed into one, and turned into a terrifying sound shock wave directly towards Shu Feng.

In an instant, Shu Feng suddenly felt as if countless sharp awls bombarded him from his ears and various parts of his body.

A series of small wounds burst open everywhere in Shu Feng's body, and then healed at the speed that the naked eye can see.

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