God-level Base

Chapter 867: Kill the Red Flame Eagle King

"Storm Demon King? That lowly humanoid! How could it be possible? How could you cultivate so quickly?"

An incredible color flashed in the eyes of King Chiyan Eagle, and he let out a scream of incomparable sorrow. He entered this world two years earlier than Shu Feng. But he only cultivated to the realm of a demigod, and Shu Feng turned out to be a low-level magic soldier, this kind of cultivation speed is simply against the sky.

A terrifying flame blade light slashed on the Red Flame Eagle King's body, directly splitting him in two, and the extremely violent flames churned and swallowed him directly.

The vitality of the Chiyan Eagle King was extremely tenacious. Even though it had been divided into two, his body was still squirming and gluing together.

"Stop, Storm Demon! Don't kill me, I can tell you a big secret!"

In the burning of countless flames, the Chiyan Eagle King frantically struggled and shouted. His flame resistance is also extremely terrifying.

"Your secret, I don't need it!"

The cold light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and a series of terrifying blade lights slashed on the body of the Red Flame Eagle King like lightning.

"Do not!!"

After the Red Flame Eagle King's body was chopped into several segments in a row, he finally screamed, his soul collapsed and turned into a pile of corpses scattered on the ground.

"Source energy +17 billion, powerful divine power +20, divine soul +20."

Shu Feng looked at the corpse of the Red Flame Eagle King, and a light flashed in his eyes: "Yes, I finally killed the fellow Red Flame Eagle King!"

"You can go!"

Shu Feng's figure shook, turned into a stream of light and disappeared from the spot.

A few days later.

Within the base space.

"Good harvest! There are a lot of high-ranking magic gold, but unfortunately there are only two high-ranking magic golds with the flame attribute. However, it is enough to advance the middle-ranking magic soldier!"

"By the way, the central analyzer, if I incorporate the spirit and godhead of the Red Flame Eagle King into my Saint Flame Sword, can my Saint Flame Sword become more powerful?"

A scorching color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes and asked curiously.

The Chiyan Eagle King is a top-notch high-ranking demon king with incomparable strength. If it is a top-level crafting master, with his spirit and godhead, he can completely refine a top-level high-level magic weapon.

However, extracting the soul and godhead of a high-ranking demon king can only be done by the power of the demon **** level or using special artifacts. That's why the upper level magic weapon is so rare.

However, Shu Feng extracted the spirit and godhead of the Red Flame Eagle King. If he could blend into his Saint Flame Sword, he could definitely take his Sage Flame Sword to the next level.

A line of information emerged directly: "It can be integrated into it. However, if you integrate into the spirit and godhead of the Chiyan Eagle King, you may be rejected by the heart of the world. It is best to integrate into the spirit and godhead of the local world's indigenous strong!"

"If that's the case, then forget it! Now, let me advance to the middle rank magic soldier!"

Shu Feng shook his head slightly, and stepped into the source energy evolution tower.

Countless mucus churns over, enveloping Shu Feng in an instant, forming a large egg.

Shu Feng closed his eyes and urged the holy flame sword exercise method, and a holy flame sword appeared directly.

The flame magic gold and another piece of high-level magic metal, the fire unicorn magic gold, spewed out of the two pipes, and fell into the Saint Flame Sword.

Under the burning of the Saint Flame Tyrant Sword, the two high-ranking magic gold pieces of flame attribute began to slowly dissolve.

Countless impurities turned into bursts of black smoke, which was incredibly separated from the mucus of the transparent large egg, and finally submerged in the resource dissolving pool and turned into other resources.

Those impurities that are not beneficial to Shufeng practice can sometimes become materials for other synthetic beasts.

A steady stream of high-level energy poured into the Saint Flame Tyrant Sword, causing the Saint Flame Tyrant Blade to continuously transform, and the second flame curse seal slowly condensed.

When the second flame curse seal was completely condensed, the saint flame tyrant sword directly transformed into a middle-level magic weapon, madly absorbing high-level source energy from all directions.

A steady stream of high-level source energy submerged into the saint flame sword, and then transformed from the saint flame sword into a pure and incomparable magic weapon power that fed back to Shu Feng's body, causing his physical fitness to begin to transform again, the magic weapon of The force also surged.

Ten days passed in a flash.


A large egg cracked directly, and Shu Feng walked directly out of the large egg, surrounded by flames, and his eyes flashed with incomparable light. With a thought, a row of data appeared directly.

"Shu Feng."

"The Eleventh Stage of the Saint Yanba Sword Training Method!"

"Strength 690,000 (+100,000), Agility 690,000 (+100,000), Defense 690,000 (+100,000), Physical 690,000 (+100,000), Intelligence 690,000 (+100,000), Spirit 730,000 (+100,000)."

"The charm is 90,000 (+1 million), the power of the demon is 1 million (+900,000), the power of the demon is 300 million, and the soul is 60 units."

Shu Feng looked at his physical fitness and the corners of his mouth raised a slight smile: "Yes! The Saint Yanba knife exercise method is much more wonderful than I imagined. These powerful worlds have me in every world. Nourishment. Even if I don’t have those powerful, true magic-level secrets, I can continue to evolve and become stronger!"

Shu Feng's physical fitness at this time has far surpassed that of the God of Darkness and comparable to the Demon King of Scales! His physical fitness has also surpassed many high-ranking demon kings who are known for their tyrannical physical fitness.

In the world of magic soldiers, those magic soldiers possess extremely powerful magic soldiers one by one, and by virtue of those magic soldiers, they also possess terrifying combat power.

Several middle rank magic soldiers can use the power of upper rank magic soldiers to inflict severe damage, or even kill one upper rank magic soldier. This kind of combat power is simply against the sky.

Even in the imaginary world where the strong are like clouds and the secret treasures are like rain, it is extremely difficult for those middle-ranked demon kings to use the secret treasure to kill the upper demon king.

Of course, those magic soldiers also have weaknesses. Their weakness is that their physical strength is too weak, and the abilities they master are not as strange as the kings of virtual demons.

With Shu Feng's evolving strength at this time, he can even contend or defeat some weaker high-level magic soldiers.

"Let me take a look, why the Red Flame Eagle King should sneak into the world of magic soldiers!"

A look of curiosity flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and he came to the central analyzer and began to browse the memory of the Red Flame Eagle King.

"Devil-level weapons! The biggest secret of the Demon Soldiers world, the only Divine Demon Soldier Saint Blue Demon Sword turned out to be a Demon God level weapons!!! No wonder so many people sneak into the Demon Soldier world!! Even half-step Demon God level weapons The counted old monsters have also sneaked in a lot!!"

As soon as Shu Feng browsed the memory of the Red Flame Eagle King, a scorching color flashed in his eyes.

Demon-level secret treasures, and also weapons-like secret treasures, are extremely precious. The master of the Saint Source Demon Kingdom, the Saint Source Demon God, does not have demon-level weapons.

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