God-level Base

Chapter 866: Show up

"Who are you? I am Qu Han, the son of the one-eyed magic eagle! You dare to assassinate me, be careful that my father will kill you and all your family and friends!!"

Qu Han screamed, and the lone eagle spear in his hand was like an eagle falcon, driving the terrifying vitality of the world and piercing directly towards Shu Feng.

The one-eyed magic eagle is one of the top powerhouses among the twelve countries in the Western Regions. Although he only possesses the strength of the middle magic soldier, he is the strongest middle magic soldier.

Among the twelve countries of the Western Regions, some of the weaker nations are not the opponents of the One-eyed Magic Eagle. Of course, every country in the twelve countries of the Western Regions has inherited high-ranking magic soldiers, and the one-eyed magic eagle does not dare to despise it.

In the desert, many people will feel fear when they hear the name of the one-eyed magic eagle and dare not make enemies with it. After all, the one-eyed magic eagle is not only domineering, but also protects shortcomings, and there are countless strong people who died in his hands.


A sneer flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and he slashed it crazily.

Boom! !

Accompanied by a terrifying loud noise, the terrifying shadow of the gun collapsed directly, Qu Han fell heavily to the ground like a dreadful cat, and his body suffered from a bone-bearing knife wound, and blood was splashed.

A blade of light flashed, Qu Han's head flew high, his eyes flashed with incredible color.

"My lord, I am willing to surrender to you and work for you! Please give me a way out! I will make a poison to break the magic powder. It is a colorless and odorless poison that can poison the lower demon soldier! As long as you forgive me Immortal, I can prepare the Demon Scatter for you, for you to drive!"

A Leng knelt on the ground, bloody, begging loudly.

Shu Feng said indifferently: "Kill him!"

"Yes! Lord!"

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Flying Ape King, holding a flying magic spear, the magic light flashing, driving the terrifying wind, and piercing directly towards Aleng like lightning.

The chains of the five elements of the wind were tightly entwined with Aleng's body, making him unable to move, who only possessed the Ninth-Rank Demon Soldier.

"Damn!! You **** native ants!! You dare to destroy my plan!! You deserve to die!!"

Two clusters of red light suddenly appeared in A Leng's eyes, bursts of fierce aura surrounded his body, and a terrifying force of the Demon King spouted out of his body.

An eagle-headed human body, full of flames, like a small sun-like king of imaginary demon struggling hard, and then as if torn a piece of human skin, he walked out of A Leng's body.

"Go to hell! Ants!!!"

A hideous color flashed in the eyes of the Void Demon King, a sword cut out, and a terrifying demon flame sword aura penetrated through the sky, shattering everything directly.

Boom! !

Accompanied by a loud and earth-shattering sound, the flying magic spear in the hands of the Flying Ape King collapsed and shattered. The whole person's body was divided into two, shrouded in terrifying flames, swallowed directly, and fell to the ground.

"King Chiyan Eagle!! It's really nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes, it's all effortless to get it!"

When Shu Feng saw the eagle-headed Ethereal King, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes. That eagle-headed Ethereal King is the Scarlet Flame Eagle King!

"You dare to sabotage my plan, sordid native ants!! Give me death!!"

King Chiyan Eagle stared at Shu Feng, his eyes flashing with resentment. He had already condescended and was willing to pretend to be the servant of this native, but he was still forced to reveal his true body, and all the plans drifted away with the wind, naturally filling his heart with spite and murder.

The eagle wing behind the Chiyan Eagle King, a terrifying devilish qi tossed, tearing the air, appeared in front of Shu Feng in an instant, and it was cut down in an instant.

The fierce light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, urging the power of the magic soldier, and the Saint Flame Tyrant Sword in his hand greeted him like lightning.

Boom! !

Accompanied by a terrifying loud noise, the Red Flame Eagle King was directly shaken back 100 meters.

A group of terrifying red flames shrouded Shu Feng's body at once, burning his body frantically.

Shu Feng had to urge the Saint Flame Tyrant Sword, and a flame curse appeared on the Saint Flame Tyrant Sword, frantically absorbing the flame on his body.

"Who are you? How can you have such terrible strength?"

King Chiyanying's face changed drastically, and his eyes flashed with solemnity. Shu Feng's strength is far beyond his imagination.

"When you are killed by me, you will know who I am!"

A cold light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and his figure flickered. A terror and agility of up to 590,000 points erupted, as if appearing in front of the Chiyan Eagle King like a teleport, and slashed crazily.

"Want to kill me? Just relying on trash like you? I am the Chiyan Eagle King of the Extreme Flame Demon Shrine, far beyond the imagination of this world! The dead person is you!"

The fierce light flashed in the eyes of King Chiyan Eagle, and the eagle's wings behind it turned into lightning, with countless shadows, fighting with Shu Feng madly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of terrifying explosions is endless, and the extremely violent shock wave spreads in all directions.

In that desert, a fierce flame was also burning, as if it turned into a sea of ​​desert fire.

The World Heart of the Demon Soldier World is very powerful, and the top high-ranking demon king like the Red Flame Eagle King would also be restricted to the realm of the Spiritual Venerable. However, he absorbed himself in the world of magic soldiers, and a small part of his soul was integrated into the world of magic soldiers, so that he could mobilize the strength close to the middle demon king.

Although Shu Feng was only a lower demon soldier, his physical fitness had reached the realm of the upper demon king, and he could fully exert the advantages of his physical fitness, almost suppressing the Red Flame Eagle King.

The Red Flame Eagle King was struggling frantically, and his body continued to have more terrifying stab wounds, and his demon king's flames continued to erupt, all being absorbed by the Saint Flame Tyrant Sword in Shu Feng's hand, leaving him at a complete disadvantage.

After the two sides fought for thousands of moves, a flash of fire flashed, and the Red Flame Eagle King's right arm immediately got out of his body and fell to the ground.

"Damn it! If it weren't the limit of the heart of the world! How could an ant like you hurt me!!"

King Chiyan Eagle let out a roar of incomparable grief and anger, and his figure suddenly retreated. With the terrifying power of his top high-ranking demon king, it only takes one move to kill a lower-ranking demon king.

"Holy Flame Slash!"

The cold light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, the power of the magic soldier was boiling, and the human sword was unified, turning into a terrifying flame blade light, cutting through the void on the body of the Red Flame Eagle King, slicing an incomparable horror on his body. Wounds, large swaths of blood spattered on the ground.

"By the way! Let you be clear about your death! I am the Storm Demon! Okay, you can go to die!!"

Shu Feng smiled, his eyes flashing fiercely, and he swept the terrifying demon flame and slashed towards the Red Flame Eagle King.

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