God-level Base

Chapter 853: Behead the Demon King of Banleyka

A murderous intent flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "Please wait! Banleyka Demon King just tried to kill me. My men almost fell because of him. I want to kill him!"

Silver Frost Witch Liu's eyebrows wrinkled slightly: "Devil Banleyka? He is a person from the kingdom of true demons! If there is no suitable excuse, I can't deal with him!"

The Kingdom of the Golden Throat True Demon is a kingdom ruled by the Golden Throat Divine Emperor, one of the Seven True Demons in the Netherworld Realm. The Kings of False Demons who came out of the realm of real demons are somewhat superior.

The Silver Frost Witch has always been domineering, but she is unwilling to hunt and kill a high-ranking demon king who walked out of the real demon kingdom for no reason.

In the kingdom of true demons, the strong are like clouds, and there are many demon-level bosses. Offending a demon-level boss for no reason, the Ice Hell Demon Shrine could not protect the Silver Frost Witch.

Shu Feng said: "There is a high-ranking demon king of the wild thunder demon clan among my subordinates! Can the Ice Prison Demon Shrine protect me?"

"Wild Thunder Demon Race? Black Resent Heaven Demon God! His strength is inferior to that of Young Master. As long as you and your subordinates don't leave the sphere of influence of the Ice Prison Demon Temple, there is no problem."

"However, after all, he is a demon-level powerhouse. If he insists on killing you. Unless you have been hiding in the Demon Shrine of the Frozen Hell, you are still very dangerous." The Silver Frost Witch said through the voice.

The Ice Prison Demon Temple is naturally not afraid of the Black Resentment Demon God, but it is impossible to turn a face for a small person like Shu Feng and a Demon God level powerhouse.

The black resentment demon **** forcibly rushed into the ice prison demon palace to dignitaries. But he wants to be so boring to assassinate Shu Feng, as long as he is outside the headquarters of the Frozen Hell Demon Temple, no one will come forward for Shu Feng.

"Do it!"

A cold light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and he shouted sharply.

The **** of darkness burns his divine power frantically, and endless darkness emerges directly, forming a dark sky, directly covering this void.

The scaly violent ape demon was full of devilish energy, like lightning, and directly rushed towards the Banlieka demon.

Shu Feng activated the shadow manipulation skills at once, and a strip of shadow tentacles emerged from behind the Demon King Banleyka, entwining him directly.

"Damn little ant! Your strongest servant was hit hard!! Only you and this stupid gorilla are left to fight with me?"

The Demon King Banlieka had killed a hideous look in his eyes, roared, and the devilish energy was tumbling, and the nine-headed Sky-Swallowing Dog phantom appeared directly behind him, biting around, directly smashing countless shadow tentacles, and then violent with the scales. The Ape Demon King fought wildly together.

Yanyue City Demon King looked at the endless darkness, frowned slightly, and took a step forward.

"What do you want to do? That's a fair duel! Do you want to sabotage?"

A dangerous light flashed in the eyes of the Silver Frost Witch coldly.

The Demon King of Yanyue City smiled bitterly: "Don't dare! The Silver Frost Witch, after all, the Demon Lord Banlieka is a member of the Kingdom of True Demon! If you kill him, I am afraid that the Storm Demon will have big trouble!"

The Silver Frost Witch said lightly: "That's his choice!"

The Demon King of Yanyue City no longer said: "Yes!"

Boom! Boom! !

In the endless darkness, the Banleyka Demon King fought crazy, and the nine-headed Sky-Swallowing Dog phantom bit crazily on the scaly violent ape demon, biting out countless wounds.

Suddenly, a summoning magic circle appeared directly, countless thunder shining, Huang Lei Wuhen directly emerged from that summoning magic circle.

"Shadow manipulation!"

At the same time, Shu Feng frantically urged the power of the Demon King, and a chain of weird shadows emerged from behind the Demon King Banlieka.

The nine-headed Sky-Swallowing Dog phantom behind Banlieka devil opened his mouth and bit, and smashed the shadow chains one by one.

"Ye Lei Devil!!"

Huang Lei Wuhen's whole body of thunder shining crazily, using the demon-level attack and killing secret method, the whole person directly turned into a terrifying thunder light, taking advantage of the moment when the Banleyka Demon King smashed the shadow chain, a blow hit the train. Above the body of the card devil.

"Wild Thunder Demon Race!! Storm Demon Lord, you dare to collude, Wild Thunder Demon Race, you are dead!! Lord Black Resent Heaven Demon God will not let you go!"

The Demon King Banleyka screamed, his body shone with thunder, screamed bitterly, and struggled wildly.

"Unfortunately, you don't have a chance to inform!"

Like a ghost, Shu Feng jumped directly out of the shadow behind Banleyka Demon King, and a ball of [Nether Cold Fire] appeared directly on his right hand, hitting Banleyka Demon Lord's back with one blow.

That group of [Nether Cold Fire] broke out in an instant, and enveloped the body of the Demon King Banleyka.

The Banleyka Demon King was frozen into ice in an instant, and then burned by that terrifying flame. The Soul was attacked by the two heavens of ice and fire, and the Soul was hit hard again.

Shu Feng urged the supreme demon body, and a huge magic horn engraved with countless mysterious curses appeared on his right hand. A blow hit the body of Banleyka Demon Lord, and penetrated his body and soul.

"Source energy +8 billion, powerful divine power +17, divine soul +17."

A refreshing color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "Finally got rid of this bastard!"

A flash of lightning flashed, Huang Lei Wuhen disappeared directly.

The dark sky that shrouded thousands of miles, covering all vision and perception, shrank instantly and turned into the **** of darkness. Lights of darkness enveloped him and healed his injuries.

"Cruel, this Storm Demon is so cruel, even Banlieka Demon was killed!!"

"The upper demon, he actually killed an upper demon!!! Too cruel!!"


In the Void Mothership, those passengers looked at Shu Feng, and there was a shock in their eyes.

High-ranking demon kings are no longer considered weak in the imaginary world. In some kingdoms of demon gods, those high-ranking demon kings can become generals and high-level generals.

On the Void Mothership, most of the passengers were just the lower demon king and the middle demon king. Seeing that a high-ranking demon king fell in that way now naturally shocked them.

If you want to evolve from the middle demon to the upper demon, it is also a huge level in the imaginary world. Among the 10,000 middle-ranked demon kings, not necessarily one can advance to become a high-ranked demon king. Countless middle-ranked demon kings remain middle-ranked demon kings throughout their lives until death.

There was a flash of brilliance in Yeju Devil’s beautiful eyes, and he smiled slightly: "Storm Demon, this time I've traveled, I have met interesting people!"

A scorching color flashed in the beautiful eyes of the Demon Lord Amano: "Able to kill the high-ranking Demon Lord!! The Demon Lord of Stormwind, really amazing!"

"Storm Demon Lord! Banleyka Demon Lord is the strong under the Golden Throat True Demon Kingdom Shengyuan Throne. Shengyuan Wang is a half-step Demon God level powerhouse, he works for the Dark Abyss Demon Lord! I'm leaving now!"

The Demon God of Yanyue City left a sentence, which turned into a blue smoke and sank into the Void Mothership.

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