God-level Base

Chapter 852: Silver Frost Witch

Within the sphere of influence of the Golden Maw Divine Emperor, there are also many demon-level powerhouses of the human race. They are all real big shots. Demon King Bankar did not dare to provoke them.

However, those humanoid Demon-level powerhouses have their own purchase of Void Motherships, and it is basically impossible to ride on ordinary Void Motherships.

Chi Yan Ying King chuckled: "You are right. No matter how deep his background is, he can't compare to the Extreme Flame Demon Shrine! But what are you going to use to let me help you out?"

Banlieka Demon King gritted his teeth and said: "A secret method of the flame system that can be cultivated to the realm of the upper demon!"

Chiyan Eagle King's eyes lit up and said: "Deal!"

In the Void Demon Realm, most of the inheritance of those Demon God level can be encountered but not sought. In addition to gaining inheritance in the wild, there are also some peerless geniuses who browsed different upper Demon King-level secrets, and then with their own super understanding, deduced the demon-level cultivation secrets.

The Red Flame Eagle King also did not obtain the inheritance of the Demon God level in the Extreme Flame Demon Palace, and he could only collect the secret methods of the high flame demon king for insight.

"Storm Demon King, the Tenth God Commander of the Extreme Flame Demon Palace, Chiyan Eagle King is here! I haven't come to meet Chiyan Eagle King!!"

One was three meters tall, with a crow head, a fierce light flashed in the eyes of the middle Void King who was covered in a layer of flame, and shouted sharply to Shu Feng.

Seeing this scene, the Demon King of Yanyue City stepped aside and watched coldly. Naturally, it is impossible for him to offend such a big figure as the Tenth God General of the Extreme Flame Demon Palace for the sake of Shu Feng.

Shu Feng said lightly: "If you have anything, just say it! I can hear it here!"

The scaly violent ape demon shook his body and appeared next to Shu Feng, staring at the Chiyan Eagle King and his entourage.

Chiyan Eagle King said coldly: "Storm Demon King, I suspect you are a fugitive from Extreme Flame Demon Shrine! You follow me and go to Extreme Flame Demon Shrine for inspection! If you are not a fugitive from our Extreme Flame Demon Shrine, I will Let you go!"

King Chiyan Eagle is also very well-organized. Once Shu Feng agrees to go with him, he will definitely not do anything to Shu Feng in a short time.

If Shu Feng is really supported by a demon-level boss behind him, as long as the opponent says a word, the Scarlet Flame Eagle King will honestly hand Shu Feng out. But if Shu Feng didn't have the support of a demon-level boss, once he reached the Extreme Flame Demon Shrine, wouldn't it be the Red Flame Eagle King?

"Haha, Chiyan Eagle King, do you treat me as a fool?"

Shu Feng smiled coldly, took a deep look at the Banlieka Demon King standing beside the Chiyan Eagle King, and immediately jumped in a shadow, silently submerged in the shadow, and disappeared.

The **** of darkness burned his divine power frantically, and the dark curse appeared on his body, turning into darkness, covering the void directly.

"Storm Demon King, you have a guilty conscience! You must be a fugitive from my Extreme Flame Demon Shrine!!"

The Chiyan Eagle King's eyes lit up and he screamed, frantically mobilizing the power of the Demon King to resonate with his men.

The red flame phoenix with a wingspan of more than a hundred miles resurfaced again, opened its mouth and sprayed, and a terrifying flame column blasted into the darkness with one blow.

"Do not!!"

A scream of terrible screams came from the darkness, the black dark curtain covering thousands of miles was directly lit by the Phoenix flame column, and the **** of darkness screamed screamingly in the endless darkness.

"Extreme Flame Demon Palace, I remember you!! If I succeed in my cultivation in the future, I will surely uproot your Extreme Flame Demon Palace!!"

A cold light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, shuttled through the shadows, and fled towards the distance without looking back.

The dark **** screamed bitterly, burning his divine power madly, maintaining the curtain of darkness, and resisting the burning of the Phoenix Flame Pillar. He can only resist for another two seconds at most, before he will be burned to ashes by the Phoenix Flame Pillar, and he will be killed directly.

However, two seconds is enough for Shu Feng to escape thousands of kilometers.

"What a loyal servant!"

A sound of appreciation sounded, ripples in the starry sky gleamed, and a snow-white battleship emerged from the void. A stunning beauty with silver hair, a silver armor, and a silver trident stood on the battleship, with a silver halberd in his hand.

A white icy air ejected from the halberd and swept towards the Phoenix flame column.

Under the white icy air, the Phoenix flame column was immediately extinguished.

The flames above the darkness evolved by the Dark God began to slowly recover.

"Silver Frost Witch! That person is the most wanted criminal in my Extreme Flame Demon Shrine!! Do you really want to protect him?"

King Chiyan Eagle looked at the stunning beauty in silver armor with a cold voice.

"I need you to teach me to do things in the Ice Prison Demon Palace? Get out, otherwise, you will all die!"

A cold light flashed in the beautiful eyes of the Silver Frost Witch, and a half-step demon god's terrifying freezing aura slowly diffused from his body.

"This **** crazy woman is stronger again!!"

A look of jealousy flashed in the eyes of King Chiyan Eagle, and he shouted sharply: "Let's go!"

Under the cover of the half-step Demon God's Chi Yan Phoenix, the Chi Yan Eagle King and his party, driving the flame chariot, disappeared into the void.

Shu Feng came to the front of the Silver Frost Witch and said: "Under the Storm Demon Lord, thank you Silver Frost Witch for her help!"

"Isn't it a life-saving grace? It seems that you kid, you have other cards in your hand."

Silver Frost Witch was extremely intelligent, smiled, and immediately said coldly: "I will help you, just because the Chiyan Eagle King is my opponent of the Frozen Demon Palace. And the loyalty of your servant makes me a little bit emotional. You don't have to. Thank me, you can go now!"

The Silver Frost Witch is a terrifying powerhouse of the half-step Demon God level, and a great figure in the Ice Hell Demon Temple. I don’t know how many people want to befriend him. He is so indifferent to talents.

Shu Feng said: "Silver Frost Witch, I once met in the lower realm with an adult who claimed to be dark in the Frozen Demon Shrine. He asked me to go to the Frozen Demon Shrine after coming to the Void Demon Realm!"

A cold light flashed in the beautiful eyes of the Silver Frost Witch: "Have you ever met the young master? He asked you to go to the Demon Shrine of the Ice Hell? Do you have his token? If you dare to deceive me, I will freeze you. In the ice prison, with pain and despair for millions of years!"

"This should be his token!"

Shu Feng handed the token with the ice and snow halberd to the Silver Frost Witch.

The ice and snow halberd token is of amazing material. Although it does not have the power of Miss Dark, it is not damaged, with a trace of his breath.

The Silver Frost Witch took the token and glanced at her and her eyes softened: "It really is the Young Master's token! In that case, you are her own. Come back with me!"

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