God-level Base

Chapter 847: Void Mothership

Saint Source Demon Kingdom Starport is the only interstellar port that leads to other floating continents in the Nether Demon Realm and the Central Demon Realm.

In that Star Harbor, there are five 10,000-meter-long Void Motherships engraved with countless mysterious spells.

"This is the Void Mothership!!"

Shu Feng stepped into the Star Harbor and looked at the five Void Motherships, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Each of the five Void Motherships is a kilometer high. The reason why the Void Mothership is so huge is that there are countless races in the Void Realm, and there are many Void Kings over a hundred meters in size.

Generally speaking, the kings of virtual demons have the ability to grow bigger and smaller. Even if there is no secret method like cultivation, you can still change the size through the secret treasure.

However, many imaginary kings don't like to be smaller, but like to walk the world in their original form. Because they are stronger in their original form and can deal with all kinds of dangers. That's why the Void Mothership is so huge.

Each Void Mothership is divided into five layers, and the price of the ticket is also increasing sequentially.

With the Black Wing Bone Demon, Shu Feng naturally chose the fifth floor with the highest price and the best service.

"This lord, this is Sally, are you going to board the ship?"

A beautiful demigod woman from the fox demon race who was wearing a uniform and a foxtail around her waist took the initiative to come to Shu Feng's body.

A demigod who is extremely powerful in the mortal realm, in this Holy Source Demon Kingdom Starport, can only become an ordinary service staff, making Shu Feng's heart ripples.

It is precisely because the Void Demon Realm is so powerful that when those strong in the Void Realm descend on other small worlds, they will look down upon the natives of other worlds.

Shu Feng handed over a ticket that exudes the light of bright stars: "Yes! This is my ticket!"

"Please follow me!"

Sha Li took out a palm-sized magic box and swept it over the ticket. A burst of star magic light appeared on the magic box, and she immediately smiled and said actively.

Under the leadership of Sha Li, Shu Feng boarded the Void Mothership.

Along the way, Shu Feng saw many passengers boarding the Void Mothership under the leadership of a beautiful and handsome starship flight attendant. And every passenger is a powerhouse of the Ethereal Demon King series.

"I am your dedicated waiter. If you have any needs, you can call me through this token."

After Sha Li led Shu Feng around the fifth floor of the Void Mothership, she finally took him to a room and handed him a star token.


Shu Feng returned to his room after receiving the token.

That room was extremely spacious, with magic crystal lamps inlaid everywhere, and a magic screen inside, which could play various TV shows and movies.

The Void Demon Realm is a higher world that surpasses the Blue Star and gathers countless civilizations. Basically, the Void Demon Realm that the Blue Star has has. What Blue Star doesn't have, but Void Realm also has it and is more advanced.

The entire Void Mothership revealed a sense of science and technology that far surpassed the Blue Star civilization.

In the center of the room, there is a small cylindrical crystal magic tower. It can be transformed into various extraordinary powers such as spiritual power, profound energy, and magic power. Let the interior of the room become a cultivation environment suitable for all kinds of residents.

Shu Feng lay on the soft magic sofa, turned on the magic screen, and watched various TV series.

An hour later, the Void Mothership shook slightly and drove directly away from the Star Harbor. The speed turned from slow to fast, and finally turned into a light of stars and sank into the void.

"The Void Mothership is about to take a space jump, please be prepared."

An hour later, a sweet voice came from the room.

Each piece of the floating continent of the Void Demon Realm is separated by more than a million light years. In addition to being able to sail faster than the speed of light, those void motherships also mastered the ability to jump in space.

A quarter of an hour later, a trace of mysterious spatial fluctuations shrouded Shu Feng's body, making his perception of space disordered for a moment.

The TV series on the magic screen was also disturbed and turned into countless disordered lines.

After a dozen breaths, Shu Feng sensed that the spatial disorder disappeared, and the TV series on the magic screen returned to normal. This means that the space jump has ended, and the starship's voyage has entered a stable phase.

Shu Feng left his room and went to the bar on the Void Mothership.

In the bar of the Void Mothership, the upper part is transparent, and countless bright stars are dotted in the endless darkness, beautiful and full of mystery.

"What a beautiful view of the starry sky!!"

Shu Feng looked at the bright and mysterious starry sky and exclaimed sincerely.

The powerhouses of the Void Demon King series can actually leave the atmosphere and explore the vast starry sky. But the starry sky is so vast, the distance of the home of the stars is calculated in light years.

For the powerful of the Void Demon King series, exploring the starry sky takes too much time, and it may not be able to get any results. A little carelessness will even fall into the vast starry sky.

"The vast starry sky is not only beautiful, but also has countless abundant resources. It also hides terrible dangers."

A voice came from the side. A handsome young man with a height of about 1.8 meters, two horns on his forehead, short golden hair and a pair of short wings behind his back, smiled and walked over.

The young imaginary king with short golden hair smiled slightly and said, "Hello, I am the Demon Lord Mandolen! How do you call it?"

Shu Feng smiled slightly and said, "I am the Storm Demon!"

Demon King Mandolen invited: "It is a kind of fate to be able to meet on this Void Mothership. How about we go over for a drink together?"

Shu Feng said: "Okay!"

At the invitation of the Demon King Mandoron, Shu Feng came to a corner of the bar. In that corner, there were three other humanoid kings.

In the five-story bar of this Void Mothership, there are more than forty Void Kings, and there are only five Shufeng Kings in the form of humanoid Void Kings.

Almost each of the remaining Ethereal Kings is strange and hideous and ugly.

"This one is the Yeju Demon, this one is the Yangying Demon, and this one is the Amano Demon!"

Demon King Mandolen introduced Shu Feng one by one.

Yeju Demon King is a stunning beauty with a plump and **** figure wearing a robe tattooed with chrysanthemums and long golden hair.

The Demon King of the Eagle is a heroic man with a pair of eagle wings on the back, sharp eyes into the eagle, and short gray hair, exuding a frightening atmosphere.

The Demon King Amano is a **** figure with a ghost horn on his head. He has a **** body and a wheaten skin. He is wearing a leather jacket, and has a pair of slender legs, short hair, and a heroic beauty.

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