God-level Base

Chapter 846: Fen You Mo Yan

"The powers of the Void Demon Realm are generally active in the Central Demon Realm! If it is not necessary, before the advanced Demon God. I'd better not be active in the Central Demon Realm."

"But apart from the Central Demon Realm, where is there such a treasure as the Demon God Fruit?"

Shu Feng weighed quietly, a headache for a while.

Those half-step Demon God level powerhouses who want to evolve into Demon God level powerhouses need Demon God fruit to transform. Except for the Central Demon Realm, Shu Feng didn't know where he possessed such a treasure as the Demon Fruit.

Outside the Central Demon Realm of the Void Demon Realm, there are countless floating continents like the Holy Source Demon Kingdom, and every floating continent has a powerful Demon God class.

More than 90% of the demon god-level powerhouses on the floating continent are the demon gods who have emerged from the central demon domain, and only less than 10% are the demon gods born on the floating continents themselves.

The strengths of the floating continents are different, and some extremely powerful and resource-rich floating continents can also breed demon fruit trees.

But the Void Demon World was so vast, Shu Feng didn't know where other places possessed the Demon Fruit. And he also has ambitions, wanting to compete for the top Demon God Fruit, so that he can make a perfect transformation when he advances to the Demon God Realm.

Shu Feng said silently: "In any case, the most urgent thing is to improve one's own strength."

In front of the veteran residence of the Black Wing Bone Demon King in the capital of the Holy Source Demon Kingdom.

A black light flashed slightly, and the Black Wing Bone Demon immediately emerged.

"I have seen the Lord!"

The two demigod powerhouse guards in front of the veteran's mansion knelt down on one knee and respectfully said.

A demigod-level powerhouse can become a great duke in a country established by the king of illusions, with a very high status and countless slaves. But in the kingdom of demon gods like the holy source demon kingdom, they are only among the elite soldiers.

The Black Wing Bone Demon nodded slightly and strode into the mansion.

In the mansion of the Black Wing Bone Demon King, powerful detection enchantments are open everywhere, and many masters of the Demon King level are hiding in the dark to detect.

The Black Wing Bone Demon came to his study and sat down and said lightly: "Ghost Thirteen!"


From the darkness, a middle-ranked demon king of the ghost race appeared respectfully and respectfully, with a height of two meters and ghost horns on his head.

Ghost Thirteen is the steward of the Black Wing Bone Demon King, and in this Holy Source Demon Kingdom, it represents the will of the Black Wing Bone Demon King.

The Black Wing Bone Demon said indifferently: "To buy the World Stone, I want to buy a large amount of the World Stone!"

"Yes! Lord!"

Ghost Thirteen respectfully retired without asking any questions.

Not long after, the power of the Black Wing Bone Demon King as the veteran of the Holy Source Demon Kingdom was immediately revealed.

Those world stones and source energy treasures that Shu Feng could hardly find were easily bought by the Black Wing Bone Demon King. Of course, the Black Wing Bone Demon King also paid a lot of Void Demon Element Crystals and Supreme Demon Stone.

A few months later.

In a large egg in the base space source energy evolution tower, Shu Feng enveloped a group of [Fenkong Demon Fire] in his left hand, and a group of [Nether Cold Fire] in his right hand, urging the fire control technique to slow down the two groups of magic fire. Touch together.

As soon as the two groups of terrifying demonic fires touched, a terrifying reaction began to take place, almost exploding. Those two groups of demon fires are both powerful demon fires in the Void Demon Realm Wanhuolu. They are cultivated to the peak and can burn the overbearing demon fires of half-step demon gods, so they are naturally incompatible.

At this moment, from the source energy evolution tower, a steady stream of high source energy gushed out, submerged in the two groups of magic fire.

Under the strengthening of that high-level source energy, the two groups of magic fire finally barely began to merge with a trace of transformation, and finally changed into a group of terrifying magic fire exuding blue and red.

"Finally succeeded!! After the fusion of the two groups of magic fires, the number one hundred and nineteenth magic fire [Fenyou Demon Flame] in the Void Realm Wanhuo Lu was finally born!!!"

"This [Fen You Demon Flame] can be said to be my strongest attack method at the moment, and even a top high-ranking demon like the Black Wing Bone Demon can be injured! After I advance to the high-ranking demon, this [Fen You Demon Flame] ] It can even severely injure the powerhouse of the Half-Step Demon God Realm!"

Shu Feng looked at the group of [Fen You Demon Flame] that was shrouded in the blue and red, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile.

In the virtual world, the strong are like clouds. In addition to their own cultivation base, the combat power of those imaginary kings, all kinds of powerful secret methods for attacking and killing, and powerful secret treasures are part of those imaginary kings.

The reason why the Black Wing Bone Demon King was able to become one of the veterans of the Holy Source Demon Kingdom was because he mastered the Bone Emperor's Grip, a top-notch attack and killing secret method that perfectly suited him. Among the top phantom kings, he is also the top powerhouse in the forefront.

With a thought of Shu Feng, a line of information emerged at once.

"Shu Feng!"

"The flame reinforcement has been increased by 8000%!"

"Strength 580,000 (+40,000), Agility 580,000 (+40,000), Defense 580,000 (+40,000), Physical 580,000 (+40,000), Intelligence 580,000 (+40,000), and mental power 620,000 (+40,000)."

"The charm is 70,000 (+1 million), the power of the devil is 300 million (+200 million), and the soul is 55 units."

Several months of retreat practice has made Shu Feng's strength soar again.

The corner of Shu Feng's mouth raised a slight smile: "With my current strength, I should be able to contend with the powerhouse of the scale-armored violent ape demon king. Together with my [Fen You Demon Flame], he should be able to defeat him! "

"However, with my current strength, there is still a huge gap between Blue Star's three upper dragon gods! After all, they are believed to be gods, and they are born stronger than the upper demon kings. Their strength should be stronger than the black wing bone demon king. A big chunk!"

Shu Feng quietly calculated the difference in strength between himself and the three high-ranking dragon gods of Blue Star.

Once the three dragon gods of the Blue Star Underground World were born, they would definitely compete with Shu Feng for Blue Star's authority. This is a battle between the dinosaurs and the humans for the supremacy of the Blue Star, and it cannot be avoided at all.

Once Shu Feng is defeated, he can only flee Blue Star with his relatives and friends in embarrassment.

Blue Star is Shu Feng's home planet. He is still unwilling to escape from his home planet if he is not a last resort. Moreover, Blue Star is recovering, and many source energy treasures are discovered every day.

Once Shu Feng wins the war with the dinosaurs, he will also obtain all the energy treasures in the Blue Star.

"The analysis progress of the Supreme Demon has reached 75%. It has increased by 5% in a few months, but this is also the limit of the Black Wing Bone Demon's ability!"

Shu Feng watched the analysis progress of the Supreme Demon, a look of regret flashed in his eyes.

As one of the elders of the Holy Origin Demon Kingdom, the Black Wing Bone Demon King can use his immense power to purchase many ancient magic cultivation secrets of the middle demon king grade, and even the ancient magic cultivation secrets of the upper demon king grade. The two parts increased the evolution of Shufeng Supreme Demon by 5%.

However, this is also the limit of the Black Wing Bone Demon King's ability, and whether he can continue to collect those top ancient magic cultivation methods can only depend on luck.

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