God-level Base

Chapter 830: Cut the Void Demon Sky Pillar again

King Moen quickly calmed down and said, "So, Shu Feng, you have taken refuge in this man!! This man, I am the King Moen of the Werewolf and Demon Clan! My clan's Tyrant Wolf and Demon King is also a King. The upper demon! I wonder if you know it?"

The scaly violent ape demon grinned and said: "Tyrant Wolf Demon! One of the top high-ranking demon kings of the werewolf demon clan! I have indeed heard of his name. His strength is indeed better than me!"

The upper demon king already belongs to the top master in this area corresponding to the Void Demon Realm. Even if I have never met, I have basically heard of the other party's name.

King Moen respectfully said: "In that case, please give me a face and let me go. I promise I will never reveal the coordinates of this world!"

The other four phantom kings all glared at the traitor, King Moen. It was obvious that King Moen wanted to escape alone, regardless of their life or death.


The scaly violent ape demon slammed on King Moen with a punch, blasting King Moen directly, his eyes flashed fiercely, and sneered, "Face? Why should I give him face? If I have the ability, he will kill him. me!!"

At the moment when King Moen was blown up, the Ghost King of Xieshan retreated violently and flew away towards the distance.

"too slow!!"

A terrifying fist containing a magical vortex seemed to emerge from the void, hitting the evil mountain ghost king with one blow, exploding him directly.

"My lord, I am the king of strange evil! I am willing to take refuge in you, be your servant, be a cow and a horse for you! Please give me a way out!! I will definitely be your running dog!!"

The Evil King had no integrity, and he knelt on the ground with a puff, kowtow to the scaly violent ape demon king, begging loudly.

Different phantom kings have different personalities, and bullying and fearing hardship are the characteristics of the strange and evil king.

"King of strange evil!! Other people may be able to live, only you, there is only a dead end!"

A cold voice sounded, and countless shadow chains emerged from the shadow behind the Evil King, pierced into his body at once, entangled him to death.

Shu Feng took a step forward and blasted a punch, and a magic horn intertwined with countless mysterious magic patterns shrouded the terrifying magic light, and instantly blasted the king of strange evil.

"Do not!!"

The Evil King’s body guard, the Demon King’s membrane instantly collapsed, and the terrifying magic horn penetrated his body, making a terrible scream.

The terrifying power of the Demon King burst out from the magic horns instantly, destroying the Divine Soul of the Evil King in an instant.

"The Evil King is finally dead!"

Shu Feng sighed faintly as he looked at the corpse of the Evil King. The source of this infamous strange demon teaching among the blue stars finally fell into his hands.

boom! boom!

The scaly violent ape demon king shook his body slightly, and blasted out with two fists, directly exploding the two virtual demon kings, the Crazy Blade Life Eater and the Spider King.

Ordinary demon kings are simply vulnerable to a high-ranking demon king like the scaled violent ape king!

Unless there are thousands of ordinary demon kings forming a special battle, it is possible to unite everyone's strength to kill a high-ranking demon king.

Shu Feng walked out of the magic palace and activated the summoning technique to summon the two gods, the **** of light flame and the **** of poison.

The poisonous **** burned his supernatural power frantically, opened his mouth and sprayed, and the poisonous mist drifted away in all directions.

"Do not!!"



Where the poisonous fog passed, all the Void Demon screamed, and they were all poisoned to death, revealing a passage leading to the Void Demon Sky Pillar.

Before Shu Feng came to the Nether Demon Pillar, one by one transparent tentacles pierced into the Nether Demon Pillar, frantically absorbing the Nether Demon origin of the Nether Demon Pillar.

"Netherworld Origin +1!"


Lines of information emerge directly.


The Void Demon Sky Pillar, which was extremely hard and could resist the attack of the god-level powerhouse, also appeared cracks and stretched out in all directions.

Shu Feng jumped directly in a shadow and appeared hundreds of kilometers away.

Boom! !

The rattans containing the power of light and flame fiercely blasted on the imaginary sky pillar, and the imaginary sky pillar immediately collapsed.

The entire Blue Star was shocked.

"Xu Mo Tianzhu, broken!!!"

"Someone cut off the Ethereal Demon Pillar! We are victorious!!"

"Xu Mo Tianzhu is broken!! It is broken!!!"


As soon as the Void Demon Sky Pillar was cut off, the strong men among the Blue Stars who had advanced to the semi-gods felt it, and everyone was full of excitement.

The news that the Void Sky Pillar was cut quickly spread among the Blue Stars.

"The God of Light Flame severed the Void Demon Pillar!!"

"so amazing!!"

"Great!! The imaginary pillar is broken!! We don't need to face the imaginary demon for hundreds of years!!"

"We have won! This is a great victory! We defeated the invasion of the Netherworld!"

"Long live the God of Light Flame!! Long live Shu Feng!!"


The entire Blue Star was boiling over, and all the countries were cheering and full of excitement.

The invasion of Void Demon caused the tragic deaths of countless people in Blue Star. There were many psionics, and more were ordinary people. Countless ordinary people have become sacrifices and materials for those who believe in the cult of the King of Void Demon.

Among the blue stars, the doomsday churches are popular.

Now that the Void Demon Pillar is cut off, Lan Xing can take a breath for a moment and fully surrender the traitors who have taken refuge in the Void Demon Clan and destroy the cults.

"First cut the twenty-six gods, and then cut the Void Sky Pillar!! That guy Shu Feng is really strong!!"

Above a lake, a daze flashed in Wu Zhongchao's eyes. At the beginning, he was very optimistic about Shu Feng, and wanted to cultivate this younger generation, so that Qianyuan Republic would have an extra general who resisted the virtual demons.

But Wu Zhongchao didn't expect to see him in just a few years. The seven kings of the seven imaginary demons, whom they regarded as the biggest BOSS, were so easily killed by Shu Feng.

The entire three Blue Star empires spent the lives of millions of warriors trying to destroy the Void Sky Pillar, but they did not even see the Seven Void Kings. And now, that Xufeng Tianzhu was cut off by Shu Feng, which is incredible.

"The Void Sky Pillar is broken! Great! The grudges of grandfather and father are finally reported!!"

Inside the Zhu valve, Zhu Yan muttered with tears in his eyes.

"Slay the gods and destroy the imaginary pillars!! This guy Shu Feng is against the sky!"

Inside the Zuolong collar, Jiang Chao scanned the piece of information and murmured.

Li Xuanyi chuckled and said: "Normal! He can kill 26 gods in the underground world, and naturally has the power to destroy the Void Sky Pillar. It's just that he didn't expect his actions to be so fast! He turned out to be now. A hero who has moved the world."

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