God-level Base

Chapter 829: Desperate Ethereal Kings (add more for a large share of the agent alliance)

A terrifying divine light flew directly from the kingdom of the Slaughter Dragon God, turning into a terrifying sword light, and slashed towards the sky of the underground world madly, trying to split the sky.

Boom! !

Accompanied by a loud sound of earth-shaking sound, the sky seemed to be cut open, with countless cracks open.

Countless mysterious curses appeared in the crack, and a terrifying backlash spread out at once, and fell on the ground below.

Boom! Boom! ! Boom! !

The entire underground world suddenly shakes mountains, landslides and cracks, and magma bursts out, creating an apocalyptic scene.

"Stop, kill the Dragon God, do you want to kill everyone?"

A cold and tyrannical voice came from a distance, and from the sun, a sun dragon **** who was engraved with the sun curse imprinted all over his body flew out of the sun, and was seven-point similar to the pterosaur.

"Slaying Dragon God, if you want to die! We will give you a ride!!"

A statue with all kinds of sharp spikes, like a war dragon **** with countless sharp swords on his body, stepped out of the void, overlooking the slaughter dragon **** kingdom in the distance and roared sharply.

"You fools! Why did you seal our dinosaurs in the underground world?"

From the Kingdom of the Slaughter Dragon God, the tyrannical voice of the Slaughter Dragon God came out.

The sun dragon **** said with cold eyes: "In ancient times, the spiritual tide faded! If we hadn't sealed ourselves in the underground world, we would no longer be prosperous in ancient times, and it would be impossible to give birth to three gods with powerful divine power series. It was us back then. All the races agreed to put together the seal! You are asking us now, what a foolish fool!"

Among the three major dragon gods in the underground world, the Slaughter Dragon God has the strongest ability to attack and kill. But he is also the least knowledgeable, he has no interest in all kinds of classics, only interested in becoming stronger.

The Slaughter Dragon God continued to ask: "Since it is our seal, why can't it be opened now?"

Sun Dragon God said: "The surface world has gone through countless years, and many powerful gods have also been born. After they discovered our existence, they have strengthened the seal we arranged. It is not that simple to open the seal! "

"How many years will it take? How many years will the seal be able to open? I can't wait to break Shu Feng's body into pieces!!"

From within the Kingdom of the Slaughter Dragon God, the tyrannical and cruel voice of the Slaughter Dragon God came out, and he hated Shu Feng to the extreme.

Sun Dragon God said: "It may take hundreds of years or even thousands of years to remove the seal naturally. But if you are willing to use the power to remove the seal if you kill the Dragon God, it may only take a few decades."

The Slaughter Dragon God was silent for a while before gritting his teeth and said: "Okay! I will use my divine power to lift the seal!"

Originally, the work of consuming divine power to lift the seal was entrusted to the gods of [Slaying God Seven Tooth] [Slaying God 36 Claws]. The Slaughter Dragon God also hated Shufeng, so he took the initiative to do these tasks.

"Shu Feng, fifty years from now, I will definitely break your body into pieces!!"

The Slaughter Dragon God flew out of the Slaughter God Kingdom, and came to a place of unsealing that was full of gods. According to the instructions of the Sun Dragon God, he burned his divine power and began to lift the seal.

Near the Blue Star Nether Demon Pillar, there are seven great demon kingdoms, which are the kingdoms established by the seven great demon kings who invaded the Blue Star.

In a luxurious palace, there is a crystal table, and around the crystal table are the seven phantom kings.

The Evil King slowly said: "Presumably everyone has heard about it! Shu Feng, the son of Blue Star's destiny, has already killed 26 gods in the underground world in one go. If nothing happens, he will definitely come and cut it off. Void Demon Tianzhu. We have no strength to stop him!"

As soon as these words came out, the six imaginary kings were silent, and a complex color flashed in their eyes.

Not long ago, the name Blue Star Shufeng was just a little ant on the False Demon Hunting List. The seven imaginary kings didn't put ants like Shu Feng in their eyes at all.

Even if the Tianjiao of the False Demon Hunting List grows up, it is at most a spiritual saint. In the eyes of those imaginary kings, it was just a fatter ant. The Duke of Void Demon under their command can easily solve each other.

However, contrary to the expectations of the King of Void Demon, Shu Feng, the ant's evolutionary speed, could be called against the sky, and in such a short time it had evolved to a point beyond what they had imagined.

After being silent for a while, Youwang said coldly: "Seek help from above!!"

Once you ask for help from other more powerful Void Kings, the credit of the Seven Void Kings will be diminished, and you will even lose the dominant power to attack the Blue Star.

It is precisely because of this that after the emergence of the underground world, the seven imaginary kings fell into hesitation, did not report to them, and wanted to delay for a while and strive for more achievements.


The other great imaginary kings were silent for a while and then said.

"Report up? I'm sorry, you don't have that chance!!"

A voice came from a shadow, and Shu Feng appeared in the palace, his eyes flashed across the face of the seven imaginary kings, and a complex color flashed in his eyes.

The seven phantom kings were the culprit who presided over the invasion of Blue Star phantom demons! ! Countless geniuses of Blue Star died tragically in the war of invading demons.

Shu Feng was also the first person to see the true face of the seven imaginary kings who invaded the Blue Star!

"Shu Feng!!"

As soon as the seven kings of virtual demons saw Shu Feng, his face changed drastically.

The You King of the You Demon Clan shook slightly, turning into a shadow and sneaking into the shadow.

"You want to compare the shadow manipulation ability with me? I really want to kill myself!"

Shu Feng smiled contemptuously, urging the power of the Demon King, bursting out a series of terrifying shadow spears in the shadow, piercing through You Wang's body, and directly blasting the terrifying power into You Wang's body.

The King You screamed, and his original form suddenly appeared, struggling crazily in the shadow.

Prince Kahn shot out a burst of blood all over his body, which turned into a **** light and flew outside.

A terrifying wave of the upper demon king's rank came directly, and the figure of the scaly violent ape demon directly emerged, with a grinning smile, and a punch on the **** light of Prince Kahn.

boom! !

The **** light of Prince Kahn split up in an instant, the soul collapsed, and it directly turned into a mass of meat sauce, scattered on the ground.

Killing an ordinary Demon King in one hit is the horror of the high-ranking Demon King, the Scaly Ape Demon King.

"Higher Demon King!!"

Upon seeing this scene, the King of Odd and Evil and the other five kings of virtual demons, a look of despair flashed in their eyes. The five imaginary kings of them are already top-notch existences among ordinary demon kings, but they are simply vulnerable to a blow in front of the upper demon kings, and they are just a flash of mercy.

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