God-level Base

Chapter 824: Cut the Void Demon Sky Pillar again

"Wei Tuxian, kneel down!! Surrender to me!!! Otherwise, today will be your death day!!!"

The rhino-horned Demon King looked down at Wei Tuxian, and a terrifying Demon King's coercion burst out all over his body.

The other two imaginary demon kings also burst out terrifying demon king coercion, swept towards Wei Tuxian.

Wei Tuxian stubbornly resisted the coercion of the three imaginary kings, silently said in his heart: "The Gu Emperor, why hasn't he appeared yet?"

"Just relying on the three of you, do you want us to surrender? You can't help yourself!"

A cold voice suddenly came from behind the Rhinoceros Demon King, Shu Feng emerged from the shadow behind the Rhinoceros Demon, holding a [Mordan Spear] and pierced into his heart.

A terrifying force of killing gods broke out directly, blasting into the body of the rhino-horned demon king.

"Do not!!!"

The rhino-horned demon screamed, his soul collapsed, his breath disappeared, and he turned into a corpse, falling to the ground.

"Source power +20 million, weak divine power +2, divine soul +2."

"Spike! How is this possible?"

When Qianming Demon King and Gushuang Demon King saw this scene, there was a flash of shock in their eyes.

The vast majority of the Void Demon King possessed the immortal body of the Demon King, possessing terrifying vitality and extremely difficult to kill. The rhino-horned devil was killed by Shu Feng with a single move, which was simply terrifying.

"Sword of a Thousand!"

Thousand Ming Demon King retreated violently, frantically urging the power of the Demon King, and a thousand demon swords emerged directly, containing all kinds of terrifying powers such as frost, poison, sharpness, etc., stab toward Shu Feng.

"The Frost Gun!"

The ancient frost demon also mobilized the power of the demon, condensing a fifty-meter-long frost spear, carrying a terrifying frost and freezing air, and stabbing frantically towards Shu Feng.

"You are too weak!!"

Shu Feng smiled indifferently, and a shadow jumped, appearing behind the Qianming Demon King like a ghost, a shot directly pierced into his heart, and a terrifying force erupted, directly destroying his soul.

"Source energy +30 million, weak divine power +2, divine soul +2."

Seeing this scene, the Frost Demon felt a trace of chill in his heart, and a pair of frost wings appeared behind him, driving a gust of cold wind, turning into an ice light and fleeing madly into the distance.

"Shadow manipulation!"

Strips of weird and incomparable shadows emerged from behind the Frost Demon, like a chain of terrible shackles, entwined around the Frost Demon's body, making him immobile.

Shu Feng shot like lightning, piercing the heart of the Frost Demon, and a terrifying god-killing force broke out again, directly smashing the Frost Demon's soul.

"Source energy +40 million, weak divine power +3, spirit +3."

In just a dozen breaths, the three kings of Ethereal Demon who were overwhelmed by the pressure of the Xuanwu Realm died in Shu Feng's hands.

"All killed!! The three kings of virtual demons died in his hands without resistance. Emperor Gu is actually so strong!!"

Wei Tuxian looked at Shu Feng from a distance, a complex color flashed in his eyes. When he met Shu Feng for the first time, he still had some confidence in defeating Shu Feng. But now, in front of Shu Feng, he was already vulnerable.

Even though Wei Tuxian had an open-minded nature, after all, he was the number one person in the basalt world for many years, and he felt arrogant in his heart. He was actually vulnerable in Shu Feng's hands, which naturally made him a little complicated.

A huge summoning magic circle appeared directly.

The commander-in-chief of Xuanwu rushed out frantically with five thousand Xuanwu spirit soldiers, and rushed towards the army of virtual demons.

Xuanwu was supported by Shu Feng's resources and had advanced to become the King of Void Demon. Those five thousand basaltic spirit pawns have been fighting for many years and Shu Feng's resources have supported them. One thousand have advanced to become demigods, and the remaining four thousand have all advanced to martial sages.

As soon as this terrifying army smashed into the imaginary army, it swiftly broke through, cutting the imaginary army in the way into countless pieces.

"Dead!! The three kings of Ethereal Demon are dead!!"

"It's over! We are dead!!"


As soon as the three kings of false demons died, the army of false demons immediately collapsed, and countless virtual demons fled in all directions.

How tyrannical the king of imaginary demon is, those ordinary imaginary demon are very clear. Since the King of Void Demon was killed by Shu Feng, it meant that Shu Feng was also a strong man of the King of Void Demon series.

There is no other King of Void Demon to contend with Shu Feng, so the army of Void Demon will continue to resist, only to be killed by Shu Feng.

The human sea tactics can besieged and killed a demigod powerhouse, but it is difficult to besieged and killed a phantom king. Unless a small soldier has the cultivation base of the Duke of Ethereal Demon to form a battle, it is possible to besieged and killed a King of Ethereal Demon.

However, the army of Ethereal Demons only had more than a hundred princes of Ethereal Demons, and it was completely vulnerable to a single King of Ethereal Demons. There is only a dead end to resist nature.

Shu Feng and Wei Tuxian came to the Xu Mo Tianzhu.

Numerous transparent tentacles stretched out from Shu Feng's hand and pierced into the Void Sky Pillar.

"The Origin of the Netherworld +1!"


The sound of line-by-line prompts continued to emerge.

Click! !

Accompanied by a loud noise, the Xuande Tianzhu split numerous cracks.

"Do it!!"

Shu Feng jumped in a shadow and fled dozens of miles away.

"This guy!!"

Wei Tuxian was a little speechless. He took a step forward, a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes, profound energy boiled, and his sword severely slashed on the Void Demon Sky Pillar.

Boom! !

Accompanied by a loud and terrifying sound, the Void Demon Sky Pillar was directly cut off.

The Void Demon Qi that spewed down from the Void Demon Pillar suddenly disappeared.

"The Void Demon Pillar was cut off!! Damn it!! However, this world will eventually be in the bag of our Void Demon Clan!!"

A King of Void Demon with a scorpion tail and weak aura glanced at Shu Feng, a touch of jealousy flashed in his eyes, and he immediately burrowed into the ground and disappeared.

The imaginary king who invaded the basalt world only had three on the surface, and in fact, there are several that are extremely hidden. It's just that Shu Feng's killing of the rhino-horned demon king and the other three imaginary kings is as simple as slaughtering chickens and dogs. Those imaginary kings are not stupid, how could they come out to die?

"Xu Mo Tianzhu is broken!! Your wish, I finally come true!!"

Wei Tuxian stared at the smashed Nether Demon Sky Pillar, and was slightly taken aback, tears involuntarily flowed from his eyes.

When the Void Demon Realm invaded, countless strong people in the Xuanwu Realm resisted.

Wei Tuxian also participated in that great battle with countless like-minded partners at the beginning, and the result was a miserable defeat. Numerous partners died on the battlefield of False Demon. Only he survived, fled in embarrassment, and came to Zhanxian City.

Now that the imaginary pillar was cut off, Wei Tuxian finally got some comfort in his heart!

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