God-level Base

Chapter 823: Pass through

Next to the imaginary sky pillar, there are also defensive buildings built one after another, and the imaginary sky pillar is firmly guarded.

Team after team of imaginary elites patrolled around the imaginary pillar, day and night, with no dead ends.

All kinds of detective monsters are hidden in secret places, monitoring everything around the Void Demon Tianzhu.

"That's the Void Sky Pillar! The defenses are extremely strict. There are a total of 72 lines of defense and countless secret whistles. It is impossible to sneak past it!!"

On a hillside three hundred kilometers away from the Xu Devil Tianzhu, Wei Tuxian looked at the Xu Devil Tianzhu, and a complex color flashed slowly in his eyes.

When the Void Demon World invaded the Xuanwu World, countless arrogances in the Xuanwu World had also resisted. They used countless tactics in an attempt to infiltrate and destroy that imaginary pillar.

However, countless Tianjiao from the Xuanwu world eventually fell hundreds of miles away from the Void Demon Pillar, and were torn to pieces by those Void Demon Grand Dukes.

The three kings of imaginary demons are aloof. Those geniuses of the Xuanwu realm did not even see the face of the three imaginary kings, but they knew from some imaginary demon that it was the three big imaginary kings who presided over the invasion of the Xuanwu realm.

Wei Tuxian glanced at Shu Feng and said, "What should I do now? With my strength, I can sneak for another twenty miles at most, and I will be discovered."

"You rush over! This is the artifact [Wind Sword]. With your strength, you have this artifact again. If the King of Void Demon is not out, everyone else is the soul of your sword!"

Shu Feng handed a long sword engraved with countless cyan runes to Wei Tuxian.

Invading the treasure house of the three high-ranking demon kings in the world of Gulundo, Shu Feng has already obtained two. From their treasury, Shu Feng obtained many artifacts, most of which were ordinary artifacts and low-level artifacts, and none of the middle-level artifacts and high-level artifacts.


Wei Tuxian watched Shu Feng handing him the sacred artifact [Wind Sword] like a Chinese cabbage. He was speechless and stretched out his hand to grab it.

"Good sword!! Peerless good sword!! Worthy of being an artifact!!"

As soon as Wei Tuxian held [Wind Sword], his eyes lit up and he exclaimed in admiration. He can clearly perceive the terrifying power contained in the [Wind Sword].

"This guy looks stronger than I thought! Even the artifact can be taken out at will. It seems that he has gained a lot in the Void Realm."

A gleam of light flashed in Wei Tuxian's eyes: "Emperor Gu, do you want to fish out the three imaginary kings?"

Shu Feng said: "That's right! It is not difficult to destroy the Ethereal Demon Pillar! I will draw out all those Ethereal Demon Kings and kill them all. In this way, the Xuanwu Realm will be able to get more breathing time. !"

"Okay! I deserve to be a good man in the Xuanwu world!"

Wei Tuxian smiled boldly, holding the [Wind Sword], and shook his figure, flew away in the direction of the Void Sky Pillar.

"Enemy attack!!"

"Wei Tuxian!! Wei Tuxian came to break through!!"


In the camp of the Void Demon, there were waves of sirens all at once.

Over the years, Wei Tuxian has been sitting in the battle of Xiancheng, resisting the attack of the False Demon Army. Those strong False Demon all clearly know his appearance, and he has been pierced and stabbed in the flesh.

"Wei Tuxian, if you dare to come and die, I will give you one level!!"

A human body with a bull head, three meters tall, and a muscularly knotted bull demon tribe, the Great Duke of Void Demon flashed a fierce light in his eyes. He jumped directly from a fifty-meter-high city wall and slashed down with a battle axe.

A terrifying axe light that seemed to be able to cut rivers and rivers directly slashed towards Wei Tuxian.

Wei Tuxian's martial arts is so exquisite, his figure is slightly on his side, and he avoids that terrifying axe light so cleverly that he slashes it down with a sword.

A silent wave of wind swept over the Great Duke of the Bull Demon Race Void Demon in an instant.

"Do not!!"

The Great Duke of the Bull Demon Race and the Void Demon screamed, and his body instantly fell apart, turning into countless pieces and scattered on the ground.

Wei Tuxian silently praised in his heart: "It's so powerful, it's a divine weapon!"

The Great Duke of the Bull Demon Race Void Demon is actually amazing in combat power, and its defense is even more terrifying. If there is no magical tool, Wei Tuxian will fight him, at least a hundred moves can be distinguished between victory and defeat, and more than a thousand moves can kill him.

But when the two sides fought against each other, Wei Tuxian would behead the Great Duke of the Niu Demon Race with a single sword. This is the power of the artifact!

With a powerful artifact, you can greatly enhance your combat power.

The reason why the Tyrannosaurus Demon King and the Scaly Ape Demon King did not use the artifacts was because they did not have the upper-level artifacts, and the power of the middle-level artifacts was not as powerful as their own power.

As for the treasures of the high-ranking artifacts, they are also extremely precious treasures in the Netherworld Kingdom ruled by the Demon God in this region of Netherworld. They can't afford the Tyrannosaurus.

"Damn!! Kill him!!"

The breath of the six great dukes of illusion came from the castle in front.

One hundred Void Duke, more than 1,000 Void Marquis, 10,000 Void Earl, and hundreds of thousands of Void Viscount rush toward Wei Tuxian like a tide.

"Wind Dance!"

Wei Tuxian urged profound energy, using the realm of celestial phenomena to arouse the vitality of heaven and earth in a radius of twenty miles, like the wind is dancing.

The mysterious and unpredictable sword aura surged in all directions like the wind.

In an instant, countless blood blossoms floated, and the duke of Void Demon was easily chopped into pieces and scattered on the ground.

A blood-colored road stretched towards the location of the six Void Lords.

"So strong!! This is Wei Tuxian, the one-man town demon! Too strong!! He has advanced to a demigod!!"

Looking at Wei Tuxian, the six princes of the virtual demons flashed a look of jealousy.

Before Wei Tuxian advanced into the demigod, he could already kill the Grand Duke of Void Demon. After he advanced to the demigod, his combat power exploded more than tenfold.

"That's it, Wei Tuxian!!"

Three terrifying auras of the Void Demon King series suddenly rose from the Void Demon Camp.

A human body with a rhinoceros head and a human body, fifty meters in height, holding a pair of golden hammers, the king of imaginary demons, coldly overlooking Wei Tuxian.

A two-meter tall, with a layer of black skin, is like a human-like imaginary king, and a fifty-meter tall imaginary king with dragon heads engraved with frost patterns on his body exudes a terrifying atmosphere of a demon king. Looking at Wei Tuxian jokingly.

"It's so strong!! This is the king of imaginary demons in the heyday, too strong!! I am not their opponent at all!!"

Wei Tuxian held the artifact [Wind Sword] tightly and looked at the three Void Kings in the sky, shaking involuntarily with fear. Although he is already the first person in the Xuanwu world, a peerless powerhouse with advanced demigods, he is still as weak as a baby in front of the three imaginary kings.

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