God-level Base

Chapter 810: Fall of the Titan

"Do not!!"

The giant screamed, and one after another skeletal spears emerged from his body, madly crushing his body and soul.

The Fierce Skeleton Monkey King is the killer of the scaly violent ape demon king. It took him more than one hundred thousand years to refine it. Originally, the scaly violent ape demon was prepared to use this assassin mace against other high-ranking demon kings, but now it has to be used in advance.

A strange and unpredictable black magic light shot from the eyes of a six-eyed evil god, and blasted on the giant god.

The huge body of the giant **** suddenly fell apart, turning into countless pieces and scattered on the ground.

"Source energy +2 billion, medium divine power +15, divine soul +15."

A line of information emerges directly.

"Dead! One of the six righteous gods in the world of Gulunduo, the giant is dead!"

Shu Feng looked at the line of prompts with a trace of shock in his heart.

The giant **** is one of the six righteous gods in the world of Gulundo. After hundreds of battles, the two gods and demons have not fallen in the ruthless role. It is simply terrifying to fall into the hands of the scaly violent ape demon so quickly now.

The scaly violent ape demon once again took out a black ball and tossed it.

There are countless black magic lights shining. One head is ten meters long and covered with scales. The two-headed winged devil dragon with two heads directly emerges, exuding a terrifying aura of medium divine power. Fleeing madly in the direction of Heretic God Continent.

The Moon God’s pretty face changed in front of the scaly violent ape demon, and his figure shook slightly, allowing him to open the way. A [Moon God’s Arrow] turned into a moon flower and directed towards the double-headed Winged Demon Dragon. Boom away.

The body of the double-headed winged devil dragon moved quickly, abruptly avoiding [Moon God's Arrow].

The [Moon God's Arrow] suddenly twisted and turned and blasted directly towards the double-headed winged devil dragon.

track! This is another feature of [Moon God's Arrow], once the enemy is locked, it will never die.

The two-headed Winged Demon Dragon opened its mouth, and a terrifying magic light blasted on the [Moon God's Arrow], and the [Moon God's Arrow] immediately collapsed and turned into a bit of Yuehua and disappeared.

The two-headed winged devil dragon flapped its wings and attempted to flee outside with the scaled violent monkey king.

But at this moment, a gray cursed light enveloped the body of the double-headed winged devil dragon, causing his body to tremble, and his flight speed plummeted.

The beast of steel flew out like lightning, with a brutal and violent aura, the snow-white sickle tore through the void, and slashed like lightning on the body of the double-headed winged dragon.

Must be here to kill the Demon Scaly Ape. After all, Shu Feng used the card of the Colorful Seal Cursed Beast on the Demon Scaly Ape.

As long as he slayed the Demon King of Scale Armored Ape, Shu Feng would be able to make a lot of money.

There is absolutely no room to lose in this battle! !

A horrible wound with deep bones appeared on the body of the double-headed winged devil dragon, a large swath of blood sputtered out, and one of its wings was directly cut off by the steel beast.

"Damn bastard!! Go to hell!!"

The scaly violent ape demon roared and waved his hand, and a magic orb engraved with a mysterious lightning pattern appeared directly.

Boom! !

A purple demon thunder burst out, piercing through the sky, and madly blasted on the body of the steel beast.

The barrier of the steel beast's body protection and divine power was instantly broken, and was swallowed by the purple demon thunder in an instant, madly injuring his body and soul.


Shu Feng's summoning technique instantly summoned the beast of steel to his side, and threw him directly into the source energy evolution tower.

Countless mucus was sprayed out from the source energy evolution tower towards the steel beast.

Countless purple magic thunders surrounded the body of the steel beast, turning all the slime into a gray mist.

The breath of the steel beast is getting weaker and weaker, and the soul is in danger of collapsing.

That purple lightning demon thunder orb was a horrific attack and killing secret treasure purchased by the scaly violent ape demon in the Void Demon Realm at a huge price, and even the upper demon could be injured.

The defensive power of the Beast of Steel is terrifying, and at most it can only struggle for a while, or die.

A series of high-level sources can be mixed in the slime, and burst onto the body of the steel beast.


A burst of smoke rose up, and the terrifying purple electric demon thunder was abruptly wiped out.

Endless mucus enveloped the body of the steel beast, wrapping it directly, forming a large egg, which was being treated.

"Fenkong Dragon God!!"

Shu Feng walked out of the shadows, chanted the incantation, surrounded by countless flame elements, and a Fenkong Dragon God directly emerged, roaring and blasting directly towards the scale-armed violent ape demon king.

The scale-armored violent ape demon in his heyday could even easily block this move as long as he activated his own Demon King's membrane. But now, as soon as he mobilized the power of the Demon King, he immediately felt Dao dizzy, hit by the terrifying Burning Kong Dragon God, and fell towards the ocean.

Shu Feng succeeded in hitting his hand and dived directly into the shadows, hiding his figure and disappearing.

The scaly violent ape demon is extremely fierce, and I don't know how many horrible methods are hidden. Shu Feng didn't want to be killed by him desperately.

The blood contract skills of the middle **** level can withstand the killer attacks of the middle gods, but it may not be able to block the killer attacks of the high-ranking demon king, such as the scaly violent ape demon.

"Damn!! This **** human ant!!"

The scaly violent ape demon king glanced towards the direction Shu Feng was, only to see a shadow, a trace of anger surged in his heart. Not long ago, it was Shu Feng, a little ant who was not worth mentioning in his eyes, who cast a terrifying curse spell, which made him cursed so painful that he would not want to live. Now Shu Feng is also Shu Feng, interrupting his escape route.

A beam of moonlight shone, and a [Moon God's Arrow] shot out like lightning, violently penetrated the body of the double-headed Winged Demon Dragon, and sank into the body of the scaly Ape Demon King.

The incomparably bright moonlight burst out in an instant, like a series of terrifying cutting rays, cutting the body of the scaly violent ape demon to pieces, leaving only a skeleton and countless flesh and blood.

In the void, countless demon qi churned, and a large hand that was a hundred meters long and contained the terrifying demon power of the upper demon king directly emerged, and directly grabbed it at the scaled violent ape demon king.

A high-ranking demon king is definitely among the top ranks among the forces that invade the world of Grundor. Once it falls, it will definitely be a master creation for the Nether Demons in the world of Gulundo.

The three high-ranking demon kings who invaded the world of Gullundo had contradictions and even hatred. However, they were still able to cooperate sincerely during the invasion of Grundor's world.

Once the scaly violent ape demon fell, one of the three high-ranking demon kings was destined to guard the Void Demon Tianzhu. In that way, the power that can be maneuvered is only a high-ranking demon.

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