God-level Base

Chapter 809: Fierce Skeleton Monkey King (additional changes for a large share of the spy alliance)


The scaly violent ape demon king is very decisive, his figure retreats violently, and he retreats violently in the direction of the Heretic God Continent.

Even though the colorful seal cursed beast's seal did not directly curse the scale-clad violent ape demon king to death, it also made him suffer from pain and his combat power plummeted.

After all, that is the curse of the Demon God level powerhouse, even if it is only a small part, it is still enough to make the upper Demon Lord level powerhouse painful and unbearable.

"It's not that simple to escape! The scaly violent ape demon king, here is your burial place!!"

The giant smiled grimly, waved his big axe, stepped forward, and slashed at the scale-armored violent ape demon king with one axe.

"Scaly shield!"

The scaly violent ape demon no longer dared to use his fists to resist the giant's axe, burning his divine power frantically, and condensing to form a shield constructed of scaly armor.

Boom! !

The scaly shield barely blocked the giant's blow, but the scaly violent ape demon flew backwards hundreds of meters like a defeat.

A beam of moonlight blasted directly into the body of the scaly violent ape demon king like lightning, and directly exploded.

The scaly violent ape demon screamed, and a terrifying hole appeared in his body. He was not only cursed by the colorful seal cursed beast, but also the golden dragon spear of the Dragon God was inserted on his body, and his strength was weakened to the extreme.

"The light of darkness and destruction!!"

The dark **** who has always hidden his strength, his eyes flashed fiercely, he burned his divine power frantically, and opened his mouth.

A black beam of light tore through the sky, and blasted on the body of the scaly violent ape demon with a single blow, exploding a terrifying blood hole.

The light of darkness and destruction is the most powerful attack and killing magic technique controlled by the God of Darkness. Once activated, it will consume more than 90% of his divine power.

It consumes 90% of the divine power at once, and the dark **** wants to recover. Just absorbing the divine power gem is not so fast. Losing so much divine power on the battlefield, his various life-saving magic skills will be greatly reduced.

Unless the dark **** desperately, he would not use this terrifying magic to attack and kill at all.

The scaly violent ape demon is under the horrific curse of the colorful curse and sealed beast, and has been attacked by the background of the great righteous gods of the Gulunduo world. He is at the most weak time. If he does not kill him at this time, there is no chance to kill him.

"Go and save the scale-armed violent ape demon! If he dies, I will not let you go!!"

In the sky, the wingspan was as high as 10,000 meters, spraying out countless imaginary energy, and the black winged demon dragon, which directly transformed the rules of this area, issued an extremely angry roar.

The face of that evil **** changed drastically, and he used various secret methods to attack here.

At this moment, the **** of the ocean appeared directly, burning his divine power madly, and tree-like lightning madly slashed directly at the evil gods.

The evil gods were carrying ghosts one by one, opening various defensive barriers to resist the attack of the **** of the sea.

The steel beast appeared in front of the scaly violent ape demon like lightning, swinging a white sickle and slashing wildly.

The scaly violent ape demon just wanted to throw his fist to block, and suddenly he was dizzy and painful, and he barely twisted his body.

The white sickle slashed fiercely on the body of the scaly violent ape demon king, slicing his body directly into a wound with deep bones.

Countless demon blood spewed from the body of the scaly violent ape demon king, turning into many cursed maggots and fleeing around.

A [Moon God's Arrow] slammed on the eyebrows of the scaly violent ape demon king, pierced his head, and countless moonlight sprayed out, causing him to let out a miserable scream.

"Come out!! Fierce Skull Monkey King!!!"

The scaly violent ape demon roared, put his hand in his heart, and directly dug out a heart intertwined with countless seals, and threw it directly.

The seal split at once, and countless black breaths gushed out from the heart.

The whole body is made of skeletons, and a trace of dark flame emerges from the eyes, and the ten-meter-tall monkey directly emerges, exuding an incomparable breath of horror.

This monkey is the killer of the Scaly Ape Demon King! A middle-ranked demon king peak, only one step can be advanced to the high-ranking demon king's fierce skeleton monkey king.

As soon as the fierce skeleton monkey king appeared, his eyes flashed with fierce aura, holding a withered bone sickle, and slashing towards the giant behind him.

Boom! !

The endless divine light shone, and the giant **** who burned divine power was directly shaken back for a few steps.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Fierce Skull Monkey King waved the withered bone sickle, with a trace of decay and withered aura, slashed on the [Moon God's Arrow] and the Dark Curse Spear, blocking all those attacks, and a ferocious light appeared in his eyes.

"Take me away!!"

The scaly violent ape demon gritted his teeth and suddenly felt pain all over his body, and a dizziness rushed to his heart.

The fierce skeleton monkey king stretched out his hand and grabbed the body of the scaly violent monkey king, trying to escape from here. With his terrifying strength at the peak of his medium divine power, it is indeed not difficult to escape from this place.

At the moment when the Fierce Skeleton Monkey King touched the Scaly Ape Demon King, a burst of gray light flooded from the scaly Ape Demon's body and sank into his body.

The Fierce Skeleton Monkey suddenly became dizzy, his body became extremely weak, and he went into a stiff.

A dark cursed spear blasted on the Fierce Skeleton Monkey King like a ghost, making his body entangled with dark curses again and becoming weaker.

A [Moon God's Arrow] turned into a moon flower and shot directly on the head of the Fierce Skeleton Monkey King. The terrifying Yuehua exploded frantically and blasted into the head of the Fierce Skull Monkey King.

Under the bombardment of the [Moon God's Arrow], the Fierce Skeleton Monkey King's body began to be fragmented inch by inch. After all, he is not the scaly violent ape demon. He has no terrifying body of the upper demon king's rank. Under the double attack of the curse and the [Moon God's Arrow], he finally fell.

"The fierce skull is extinct!!"

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the scaly violent monkey king, frantically stimulating the back hand in the violent skeleton monkey king.

Numerous mysterious and unpredictable curses appeared in the body of the fierce skeleton monkey king.

The fierce skeleton monkey king turned into a terrifying skeleton spear, containing endless murderous intent, piercing through the sky, and blasted at the giant with a single shot.

Among the six righteous gods, only the giant **** stood in front of the scaly violent ape demon king. It was also that He blocked the way for the scaly violent ape demon king to escape.

The giant god's face suddenly changed, he burned his divine power frantically, surrounded by layers of defensive enchantments around his body, holding a huge axe and slashing towards the skeleton spear frantically.

Taking offense as defense, this is the fighting style of the giant!

Boom! !

The skeletal spear blasted the giant axe with a single blow, smashing his giant axe into pieces, and blasted into the giant's body, bursts of terrifying magic light that could kill everything sprayed out, piercing the giant's soul.

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