God-level Base

Chapter 803: Mutation

The Dark God said: "I ransacked the treasure house of the Tyrannosaurus!"

Scarlet Eye was speechless for a while, and could no longer persuade.

The treasure house of the Tyrannosaurus is destined to have countless resources. Moreover, his treasure house was looted, which is equivalent to a severe slap in the face of the God of Darkness. With the ferocious and violent character of the Tyrannosaurus Devil, it is rare not to smash the dark **** into thousands of pieces.

"As long as you take refuge in our virtual demons, everything in the past can be forgotten!!"

Countless demonic energy condensed in the void, forming the face of the Tyrannosaurus Demon King, indifferently overlooking the God of Darkness.

It’s not that simple for the many demon kings in the imaginary world to raid a world. Although the world stared at by the Void Demon King will be killed in all likelihood, the fruits of victory may not be enjoyed by the Tyrannosaurus Demon Kings in their turn.

If all the five righteous gods in the world of Gulundu have advanced and powerful divine powers. In theory, it is still possible to sever the False Demon Pillar and win the second battle between Gods and Demons.

At that time, if you want to invade the world of Gullundo, it must be a combination of a dozen high-ranking demon kings, or even a terrifying powerhouse who has dispatched a half-step demon god.

Once the powerhouses of the half-step Demon God Realm are alarmed, the tyrannosaurus demon kings can get the blessings of the Void Demon Realm's origin will be pitiful.

It is precisely because of this that the Tyrannosaurus Demon will abandon the hatred with the Dark God and compromise.

Moreover, once the world of Gulundo fell, even if a **** of faith such as the God of Darkness was transformed into the King of Void Demon, it would be more difficult to make progress.

Believing in gods is generally much more powerful than the Void King of the same rank, and masters many powerful and incomparable magic arts. When a **** of mid-level divine power like the sun **** burns divine power, it can even barely compete with a weaker high-ranking demon.

However, after believing in the gods to transform into the Queen of Void Demon, the strength will definitely plummet. At that time, the God of Darkness will only let the Tyrannosaurus Demon hold his hand.

After hearing the promise of the Tyrannosaurus Demon King, the two great gods, the **** of war and the sun, flashed a vigilance in their eyes, burning divine power frantically, and focused three points on the **** of darkness.

The **** of darkness controls the power of darkness and is also a selfish existence. If it comes to the moment of crisis, it is not unusual for him to abandon the world of Grundor and join the imaginary world.

"I reject!!"

The Dark God pondered for a while, and suddenly, a dark cursed spear blasted directly on an eagle-headed evil god.

The eagle-headed Cthulhu's body trembled, screamed, and a dizzy sensation swept him directly.

Shu Feng jumped directly from the shadow of the evil god, pierced the back of the evil god, and penetrated the heart of the evil god. The terrifying power of killing the gods directly erupted, killing the evil **** directly.

"Source energy +30 million, weak supernatural power +4, divine soul +4!"

The tree-shaped lightning flashed crazily, smashing a dragon head and body full of tentacles on the body of the evil god, and the body of the evil **** was stiffened by electricity.

The beast of steel shook its body and flew out like lightning, slashing at the evil god, slashing the body of the evil god.

Shu Feng jumped in a shadow again, appeared behind the evil god, and shot through the heart of the evil god, directly assassinating the evil god.

In just a dozen breaths, the two evil gods with weak divine power series died tragically under the siege of the four powerhouses including Shu Feng, causing a touch of jealousy flashed in the eyes of those evil gods, and they quickly gathered together in a group. Together.

The two gods of war and the sun in the sky also broke out in an instant, fighting with the two evil gods of Scarlet Eye and the poisonous Scorpio.

There are three middle-level gods such as the God of Darkness, and with the help of countless angels, it is not a problem to kill the remaining evil gods.

Once the remaining Cthulhus are completely eliminated, the five middle-level divine spirits here will join forces, and it may even be possible to directly kill the two ancient Cthulhus, the signal scarlet eye and the poisonous Scorpio.

Shu Feng was hidden in the shadows, hunting down the evil gods under the cover of the three gods including the Dark God.

Inside the study room of the Lieyang Imperial Palace.

"Your Majesty, Prince Kalie, please see you!"

A waiter came to the respectful report in front of Konya XV.

"Let him in!"

Conia XV brows slightly raised and said lightly.

"I have seen my father!"

Prince Carly walked into the room, politely.

Conia XV said indifferently, "Kalie, what's the matter?"

Conia XV was in his prime of life, and he was very wary of the prince Kare, and at the same time, because of his mother, there was a vague disgust.

"Father, I am here this time to kill you! So, please go and die!"

Kare smiled slightly, and an extremely sharp magical stabbing appeared in his hand, piercing directly towards Conia XV like lightning.

Conia's face changed drastically, and the teleport spell attached to the magic robe he wore was activated instantly, and a trace of spatial fluctuations instantly filled his body.

"Father, I have waited for this day for more than ten years. To kill you, but my greatest wish!! All your reactions are in my expectation!!"

Caled smiled indifferently, stretched out his hand, and a gray wave shrouded Conia XV's body.

The spatial fluctuation of Conia XV's body disappeared instantly.

That magic sword pierced the protective barrier of Konya XV like lightning, pierced his abdomen, and nailed him directly to the chair.

In the shadow of the study, a strong man shrouded in a layer of shadow suddenly appeared, holding a long sword and piercing directly behind Kalie.

"Shadow Mage!! Just ants!"

Cale smiled indifferently and cut out with a backhand.

A terrifying sword light flashed slightly, and the body of the legendary shadow mage split into two immediately, turning into a corpse and falling to the ground.

"Kalie, why? I'm your father. If you want the throne, I will let you go. Why do you need to get to this point!"

Conia XV gritted his teeth while coughing up blood.

"Father, when you killed my mother, I was hiding and watching. She clearly didn't make any mistakes, but because of her humble background, I distinguished a few words in order to protect the bullied. I was killed directly by you! !"

"I have always hated you to the bone!! I have to carefully hide my murderous intent to you. Finally, today I don't have to endure anymore!!"

"go to hell!!"

Kalie's eyes were indifferent, and a sword slashed on the head of Konya XV like lightning, directly beheading Konya XV, the brilliant and powerful Emperor of the Sun Empire.

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