God-level Base

Chapter 802: Fight (for a large share of the secret agent alliance to add more)

Those war angels and sun angels flapped their wings and rushed directly towards the thirty-five Cthulhu Continent.

"Damn angels!! This time, you are all going to die!!"

An evil spirit flashed in the eyes of an old man, woman, and man with three heads, a crocodile tail, and roared.

From behind the evil god, countless strange monsters flew out, rushing towards the angels.

More than half of the thirty-five Cthulhu Continent's Evil Gods possessed controlled monsters in the Evil God Continent. Under their orders, countless monsters rushed towards the angels in the sky.

In addition, in the sea of ​​devil, one after another ferocious sea monsters launched an attack on the angels in the sky under the command of an oceanic evil god.

Boom! Boom! Boom! !

The terrifying sound of fighting vibrated in the void, and a famous angel fell, and all monsters were killed by those angels, and countless blood spattered everywhere.

"Angel!! A good combat weapon!! The evolutionary potential is also high!"

Shu Feng looked at the angel who was fighting, his eyes lit up slightly.

Although those war angels and sun angels were tyrannical, those thirty-five evil gods were equally fierce, slaughtering those angels wantonly.

Among those war angels and sun angels, the number of god-level angels was only fourteen, which was too rare, and was suppressed by those thirty-five evil gods and barely supported.

"It's time to do it! The six righteous gods of Gulunduo barely contend with the three high-ranking demon kings. If they fall!! The world of Gulunduo is too dangerous!!!"

With a move of Shu Feng's heart, he activated the summoning technique at once.

The beast of steel suddenly emerged from it, his body swayed, and appeared like a lightning behind a flame-controlling flame-powered evil spirit, and slashed madly on the body of the evil spirit.

The terrifying divine power instantly exploded, cutting the flame ghost evil **** into a terrifying wound, and fell to the surface of the sea fiercely.

Countless waves churned, the **** of the ocean emerged directly from the sea, burning divine power, and the spears of the ocean shot out directly, fiercely blasting on the body of the flame ghost evil god, piercing the flame ghost evil god’s body. body.

In the shadow behind the Yangui Cthulhu, Shu Feng jumped out directly, holding a [Mordan Spear] through the body of the Yangui Cthulhu, and directly penetrated his spirit.

"Source energy +60 million, weak and other supernatural power +7, divine soul +7."

"Paul, good job!!"

Thor Andino was fighting with an evil god, insisting on one scene, and laughing excitedly.

Originally, under the siege of many evil gods on the Heretic God Continent, the two gods of the **** of war and the **** of the sun were vaguely at a disadvantage. But the appearance of the beast of steel and the **** of the sea broke the deadlock at once.

"The Spear of the Dark Curse!"

A dark light appeared directly, and from that dark light, a dark cursing spear hit a ten-meter-high evil **** with a cow head in one shot.

The ten-meter-high Cthulhu with a cow-head human body trembled, his face twisted in pain, and fell directly from the sky.

Shu Feng jumped in a shadow, appeared from behind the evil **** with the bull's head, a shot pierced through the heart of the evil god, and the power of killing the **** broke out, killing the evil **** directly.

"Source energy +40 million, weak supernatural power +5, divine soul +5."

Countless lightning flashes, the **** of the ocean burns his divine power, and the tree-like lightning madly bombards the evil **** in the sky.

An evil **** with three tiger heads was slightly stiffened by the lightning.

A dark cursed spear appeared and appeared, and hit the evil **** with three tiger heads in one blow. The evil **** suddenly turned his face in pain, and his combat power plummeted.

Shu Feng jumped directly out of the shadow of the evil god, and pierced the body of the evil **** with a single shot. The terrifying power of killing the **** erupted and directly killed the evil **** again.

"Source energy +30 million, weak supernatural power +3, divine soul +3."

Shu Feng had just killed the evil god, and the attacks of several evil gods immediately blasted towards him.

The [Mordan Gun] in Shu Feng's hand is too terrifying, it can kill with one blow, and directly kill the evil gods in seconds, making their hearts full of fear.

You must know that even if it is a **** with a medium divine power level, if you want to kill a weak divine power level Cthulhu in a second, you must burn the divine power frantically and perform the most terrible attack and kill magic technique with all your strength.

Shu Feng just shot away a Cthulhu, this kind of destructive power was too terrifying.

An azure blue enchantment containing the power of the ocean suddenly appeared, blocking Shu Feng's body, and the attacks of the several evil gods were easily blocked.

A dark cursed spear blasted strangely on an evil **** with a crocodile head. The evil **** with the crocodile head suddenly trembled, his breath became chaotic, and various tumors appeared in his body.

Shu Feng a shadow jumped and appeared behind the evil god, and a shot penetrated the evil god, killing him directly.

"Source energy +40 million, weak supernatural power +3, divine soul +3."

"The God of Darkness, why do you want to help the God of the Sun? At first, the five of them joined forces to kill you!"

In the sky, there was a hoarse and weird voice of Scarlet Eyes.

When the **** of darkness fell on the blue star, there was the shadow of the other five righteous gods in the world of Gulundo. Otherwise, with the strength of the Dark God and the cautious character, it is absolutely impossible to be besieged by so many spiritual saints from Blue Star.

"The **** of the sun and the **** of war I hate these two guys very much. But I hate the Scarlet Eye even more, you evil gods who betray the world!!"

"Once the world of Gulunduo falls into the Netherworld, we will all fall sharply, our godhead will fall, and we will be seriously injured! With the cruelty of the Netherworld, we will only become the bait of the king of the Netherworld."

"I don't want my head to be their decoration, and my body to be their weapon!!"

The dark **** raised his head and said coldly.

This is also the main reason why the God of Darkness remembers that he is unwilling to surrender to the Void Demon Realm. After all, he is a **** of faith, and the root of his power comes from many creatures in the world of Gulundo.

The world of Gulunduo was annexed by the imaginary world, and the six gods who believed in gods, including the **** of darkness, would be hit hard. That world was annexed, and it had a little impact on the evil **** like Scarlet Eye, who did not rely on the power of faith, but it had little effect.

Scarlet Eye slowly said: "The Tyrannosaurus Demon King has already told me the secret of transforming into the Nether Demon King. And has prepared us to transform into the resources of the Nether Demon King. God of Darkness, as long as you join hands with us. In the future. After entering the Void Demon Realm, you can become the King of Void Demon!! Even further, it is not impossible to become the upper demon king!"

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