God-level Base

Chapter 714: Apprentice of Magic

Among the three pieces of brown bread, the brown bread belonging to Shu Feng was the largest, followed by Mina, and Buffy’s own piece of brown bread was the smallest.

With a cheer, Mina got up from the bed and went to the table, looking at her piece of brown bread with eyesight. She didn't eat at all yesterday.

In fact, Buffy's family is hungry all year round, and none of them can eat to their fill.

"I was taken by a magician. She said that she would accept me as a magic apprentice. Starting today, we won't have to eat brown bread anymore."

As soon as Shu Feng came to the table, he smelled a bad smell coming from the black bread and frowned slightly.

"Magic apprentice, great! My son, really is the best!!"

Buffy's eyes lit up, and a flash of excitement and excitement flashed.

The magician is the highest-ranking existence in the world of Gulundo. Even a magical apprentice is already a great figure for Buffy in the slum.

"Does it cost a lot of money to learn magic?"

Suddenly, a hint of anxiety flashed in Buffy's eyes.

In the world of Gulundo, knowledge is extremely expensive. Knowledge that contains power is even more expensive. Those magic apprentices from the poor, unless they are funded or have other adventures, it is difficult to learn magic knowledge and become a magician.

Shu Feng said: "Don't worry, my tuition fees are comprehensive. That adult will also support me in my studies. Of course, in exchange, I have succeeded in learning, and I must also serve that adult."

Buffy breathed a sigh of relief: "Great! Paul, after you become a magician in the future, you must not be able to forget the kindness of that adult. You must repay them well."

Shu Feng said: "Yes!"

Buffy said: "Eat breakfast! Only when you are full can you have the strength to learn magic!"

"I won't eat it! You and Mina eat more!"

Shu Feng saw the piece of black bread in his bowl with a saw, and put them in the bowls of Buffy and Mina respectively.

"Thank you brother!!"

Mina cheered, soaked the brown bread directly in her soup, and ate it in small bites.

The brown bread is too hard, even if the soaking is soft, you can't eat it with big mouthfuls.

A touch of relief flashed in Buffy's eyes, and he began to eat black bread.

"I'm out to wash clothes!"

After breakfast, Buffy tidied up and said.

"Buffy, what else do you wash? Let's go and do it with me! With your looks, you can definitely earn ten copper coins a day. That's ten copper coins, enough for you to buy ten black bread. If you encounter it A generous guest, you can even earn one or two silver coins a day."

"Jina, should you remember? She picked up a generous customer a few days ago and got two silver coins in one go. You are much more beautiful than her. If you are lucky, you can earn three silver coins a day."

An ordinary-looking middle-aged woman with cheap cosmetics on her face walked in at once, speaking silently.

"Marty, no, I won't do that kind of thing!"

Buffy gritted his teeth and refused. She knew very well that once she fell to do that kind of thing, she was afraid that her daughter Mina would also sink. Her son will also become despised of her.

"Buffy, you have to think clearly. You still have these two little things to raise. You can still wash your clothes now. But in winter, what do you do? Once you fall sick, these two little things, only A dead end."

Marty snorted coldly, pointed towards Shu Feng and Mina, and a sneer flashed in his eyes.

In this slum, Marty does not know how many women have been dragged into the water. Even if some slum women are ashamed, they will eventually compromise for their children and sink into depravity.

"Paul may need a lot of money to learn magic."

A struggling color flashed in Buffy's eyes. If she was the only one, she would not do that kind of thing even if she died. But if it is for the two children, she is also struggling.

Shu Feng said coldly: "Enough, Marty, get out of here! Our house does not welcome you!"

"You young wild species, dare to talk to me like this! The boss of Keelung is the boss of my nephew!! Do you young wild species want to die? Believe it or not, I will keep you from seeing the sun tomorrow?"

With hands on hips, Marty stared at Shu Feng fiercely, putting on a posture of a shrew cursing the street.

"What are you going to do to my apprentice?"

At this moment, a cold voice sounded from the side, and a beautiful lady with noble temperament in a black magician robe walked in and said coldly.

A middle-aged man in a housekeeper's uniform stood respectfully beside the beautiful magician.

"Magic, demon, demon, magician!"

When Marty saw the beautiful woman in the black magician robe, her face changed drastically, her legs softened in fright, she knelt on the ground, her eyes flashed with fear.

In the world of Gulundo, any official magician status is equivalent to a nobleman.

As long as those magicians do not carry out massacres in the slums, and kill one or two slums at random, no one will pursue them.

The power of the magician is also engraved in the hearts of everyone in the world of Gulundo. In the world of Grundor, there is also the heritage of knights. But the most powerful way is the magician, there is no one.

"I have seen Master Magic!!"

Buffy's face changed, she pulled Mina to kneel on the ground, and said respectfully.

Once a noble young master came to play in the slums curiously, and the poor who did not kneel to him were interrupted by his legs.

From that day on, Buffy knew that nobles and magicians could not provoke them.

The ultimate dream of many slum girls is to marry a nobleman and fly to a branch to become a phoenix. Unfortunately, this dream is almost impossible to realize.

"Meet Teacher Jessica!"

Shu Feng bowed to Jessica, neither humble nor arrogant.

The god-level boss is saluting to me! !

Jessica panicked and almost drew away, but barely maintained her expressionless face and nodded slightly.

Jessica said lightly: "Paul, you have no way to learn in a place like this. Go to my villa! Only there can you learn all kinds of magic knowledge."

Marty's face was pale, and his eyes flashed with despair: "It's over! This little **** has received such attention from this magician. I'm done!!"

Shu Feng said: "Yes! Teacher! But, teacher, I hope I can take my mother and sister to the villa. This way I can study at ease."

Buffy interrupted quickly: "Master Jessica, please don't listen to him. Our mother and daughter will stay here. Paul is a good boy, please don't blame him. He will definitely serve you in the future.

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