God-level Base

Chapter 713: Kill

Above the ocean, there is another big country called the Kingdom of Dragons. In the Kingdom of Dragons, there are many powerful dragons. The gods believed by the dragons are one of the five righteous gods in the world of Gulundo, the dragon god.

In the Caucasus Mountains, there are countless powerful giants living in them. Those giants exist in the form of tribes, and they believe in the giant gods, one of the five righteous gods in the world of Gurendo.

The world of Gulundo is vast. In addition to the three empires and the two superpowers, there are many small and medium-sized countries. Behind those small and medium-sized countries, there is the support of legendary masters.

In addition, there are many dead but not stiff gods and evil gods hidden in the world of Gulundo.

In fact, the world of Gulunduo originally had a lot of gods, but after two battles with the demon king of the Netherworld, many gods fell.

As a result, there are only six righteous gods left in the entire Gulundo world. The Dark God rushed into the Blue Star, and after being killed, there were only five righteous gods left in the world of Gulundo.

Blue Star’s spiritual sages have a limited level, and they have only five righteous gods in the world of Gulunduo. As for the other gods, they have limited knowledge.

"Whether it is the **** of the sun or the **** of war, they are terrifying powerhouses with medium divine power and above. The division of the two empires has been fixed, and it is too difficult to establish a third empire.

"As for the other two wishes, they are very simple."

Shu Feng urged the secret method to blend with Paul's body.

"This body is too weak!! You must make this body stronger quickly. Hmm! Just use the Sun Knight training method!"

As soon as Shu Feng merged with Paul's body, his brows wrinkled slightly.


"Strength 7, Agility 6, Defense 4, Constitution 5, Intelligence 6, Spirit 4."

"Charm 3."

With Paul's weak physical quality, low intelligence and mental power, it is impossible to become a magic apprentice. However, Shu Feng was prepared long ago and naturally knew how to improve the strength of this body.

Shu Feng performed the first step of the Sun Knight Exercise Method, and began to practice through a set of special movements and a unique breathing rhythm.


The Lieyang Knight exercise method had just been halfway through, and bursts of soreness spread from all parts of Shu Feng's body, followed by bursts of warmth spreading in his body.

"I need a lot of food, nutritious food, to make my body stronger. Otherwise, practicing the Sunknight exercise method will ruin my body."

Shu Feng felt the changes in his body, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

The Lieyang Knight exercise method is the top exercise method, which can improve the physical fitness of the practitioner in an all-round way. However, this knight exercise method also requires a lot of nutritional support, otherwise it will damage the body.

"Keelung, the boss of this slum!! Kill him and seize his wealth. Well, my current strength is still a little weaker!! Karon!"

"I have seen the master!"

Karon gushed out from the side like a ghost, respecting Shu Feng respectfully.

Shu Feng said lightly: "Kill Keelung, the boss of this slum. Take control of this slum."

Karon said: "Yes! Your lord!"

Kalong is a strong man of the Spiritual Venerable series, and has traveled between the world of Gulunduo and Blue Star many times. In addition to being the Spirit Venerable, he is also a very tyrannical warrior in the world of Gulundo, and he is more than enough to control a slum.

Shu Feng nodded slightly, turned and strode away.

A spacious room in a slum.

A burly man with a fierce face hugs a beautiful woman, sipping fine wine, and tasting food, with a pleasant face. This man is Keelung, the slum boss.

In that big room, there were eight fierce-looking subordinates gathered together to gamble for fun.

"Beauty, wine, food, this kind of life is really great!"

Keelung drank a fine wine, exhaled a long breath, a trace of drunkenness flashed in his eyes.

In this slum, the vast majority of people are like Buffy, eating black bread as their food. On the other hand, Keelung can eat white bread and vomit like the first class people, and can taste wine and beauties at will. His life is more comfortable than many of the run-down nobles in Cedar City.

"Dahl, are the goods ready?"

Keelung drank a glass of fine wine and said lightly.

A brawny man with a full face grinned and said, "Boss, they are all ready. There are two beautiful girls. Can you stay here and let everyone have a good time?"

Keelung can live so well in this slum because he is a human trafficker. He quietly looted many people in the slums and sold them to the nobles in Cedar City, as well as all kinds of people and monsters in need.

"No! This time, the above specifies a few beautiful virgins. You are not allowed to move those goods!!"

Keelung's face sank and said coldly.

"Yes! Boss!!"

Dahl and the other men were shocked.

Keelung can become the boss of the slums, of course it is not a good kind. There were no fewer than 30 people killed by him, and more than a hundred people died under his orders.

"You are Keelung?"

A cold voice sounded, Ka Long walked into the room, his eyes fell on Keelung.

"This friend, who are you?"

When Keelung saw Ka Long, a vigilant voice flashed in his eyes.

"I am Caron, and from today onwards, I will be the boss of this slum."

Karon grinned, stepped out, appeared directly in front of Keelung, and slashed at Keelung's neck.

Keelung's head flew up in an instant, and countless blood spattered out and splashed on the ground, his expression unbelievable and unbelievable. Behind him was the support of the great nobles, but before he showed the background, he was killed by Caron, which naturally made him a little bit stubborn.

"Keelung boss!!"

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the three Keelung's confidants, took out the dagger, and rushed towards Kalong.

Ka Long swung his knife, and a horrible light flashed by. The three Keelung's henchmen were immediately cut in the waist and fell to the ground, screaming bitterly.

Kalong's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he looked at the other five brawny men.

"I have seen the boss of Caron!!"

Dahl paled and shouted.

"I have seen the boss of Caron!!"

The other brawny men also paled and said respectfully. They are all bullies who are afraid of hardship, and naturally they dare not be enemies with such a terrifying powerhouse as Caron.

Early the next morning.

"Children, have breakfast!"

A voice sounded, and as soon as Shu Feng opened his eyes, he saw three pieces of brown bread harder than wood and three bowls of clear soup on the small wooden table.

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