God-level Base

Chapter 590: Seven gods

Camilla smiled and said: "These are skill stones, skill stones that can improve skills!"

"Skill stones? It turns out that the skill stones are treasures made by the ancient goblin empire! Great! With these skill stones, I can improve my skills to the level of magical skills!"

Shu Feng looked at the skill stones piled up like a mountain in the laboratory, and a scorching color flashed in his eyes.

In the outside world, those skill stones are all in demand, and any skill stone will cause countless forces to compete. If the skill stone in this lab meeting is known, even the seven god-level skill holders will be crazy about it and come to fight for it.

The most important reason why there are countless skill stones in this goblin kingdom is that the potential of those goblins is too weak. Most goblins are not even first-level professional skill envoys, and skill stones are useless.

The evolution of creatures has its limits. Even if you have enough skill stones and your physical fitness is not strong enough, you can't give birth to legendary powerhouses and those with magical skills just by using skill stones.

Shu Feng looked at that instrument, and a strange light flashed in his eyes: "This instrument is the alchemy secret treasure for refining skill stones. The ancient goblin in the world of Andosas is really extraordinary!"

"These skill stones are all treasures refined from complete monsters. With this machine, I can buy monster corpses and sell skill stones. In this way, I can get more skill stones."

"But before that, I must first upgrade my six basic physical fitness enhancement skills to the point of magical skills!"

After Shu Feng collected the piles of skill stones in the laboratory into the base space, he also entered the base space alone.

This city needs someone to host, and Camilla, a legendary powerhouse, is the best candidate to host this city.

Inside the source energy evolution tower.

"let's start!"

When Shu Feng was in a big egg, with a thought, those skill stones spewed out from the pipes, submerged in the big egg where he was, and was directly absorbed by him and turned into a mysterious force.

"Give me the evolution of the upper legendary supernatural physique!"

As soon as Shu Feng's thoughts moved, the progress of the upper Legendary supernatural physique immediately began to continuously climb.

In Shu Feng's body, the curse that represented the legendary extraordinary physique shone brightly, absorbing the power of the mysterious skill stone crazily.

After countless skill stones disappeared, a curse mark of the line of strength slowly appeared, engraved in Shu Feng's soul, and the upper legendary supernatural physique finally evolved to the point of magical skills.

As soon as the line of power curse imprint became a magical skill, it immediately began to frantically absorb the magic power in Shu Feng's body, transforming it into a mysterious power, and improving his physical fitness.

Originally, every time a magical skill was upgraded, there were requirements for the physical quality of those professional skills. However, Shu Feng's physical quality was too terrifying, and his background was extremely profound. There was no limit to the improvement of his magical skills, and he was madly improving, one skill after another, he was promoted to the point of a magical skill.

The formation of every magical skill will absorb the magic power in Shufeng's body or input the source power in Shufeng's body from the outside, and transform it into a mysterious power, which improves Shufeng's physical quality and soul power.

One month later.


Shu Feng walked out of the big egg, his eyes flashed, his thoughts moved, and rows of data appeared.

"Shu Feng."

"The lower god-level shadow jump, the lower god-level extraordinary physique, the lower-level god-level extraordinary recovery, the lower-level god-level extraordinary defense, the lower-level god-level extraordinary power, the lower-level god-level extraordinary agility, the lower-level god-level extraordinary wisdom, and the lower-level god-level extraordinary spirit."

"Strength 26100 (+6000), Agility 25900 (+6000), Defense 25800 (+6000), Constitution 25900 (+6000), Intelligence 24200 (+6000), Spirit Power 27200 (+6000), Magic Power 80 billion (+400) Billion), 50 billion profound energy, and the power of the badge 1.32 million."

"Charm 8700 (+1000), spiritual power 64 billion, holy soul 1000 (+100) units."

"The lower god-level supernatural power: can increase 3000+0.3 times the power of the deity."


"Lower God-level Shadow Jump: It can resist the interference of the power of the lower Demon King and perform shadow jumping."

The corner of Shu Feng's mouth raised slightly, and a scorching color flashed in his eyes: "The eight advanced magic skills are really great! Now my strength, I'm afraid it can be comparable to the advanced demigod!"

"Unfortunately, the source energy has also been exhausted, and only less than ten million is left. With the remaining source energy, let Camilla evolve! This time she has done a lot!"

If it hadn't consumed a huge amount of source energy, Shu Feng would not have made that much progress.

With a thought, Shu Feng summoned Camilla directly into the base space, allowing her to enter the source energy evolution tower and consume source energy and skill stones to evolve.

The deity of Shu Feng returned to the Goblin Palace, as the king, dealing with all kinds of things.

In the depths of the Curross Mountains, within the walls of a valley, there is an exquisite and luxurious palace hidden.

"The Goblin Kingdom was destroyed by the adventurer Kahn? Interesting, that Kahn should be the possessor of magic skills in this world."

A man with long blue hair, a vertical eye between his brows, and an extremely handsome appearance, dressed in black, sat on a throne, and smiled quietly while holding a document.

Beside the black-clothed man, sitting on his knees were a stunning beauty of the dark elf with a hot and **** figure and a stunning beauty of the elf tribe with blond hair and blue eyes and a skin like white milk.

The two stunning beauties were carefully serving the black man.

"The Goblin Kingdom has been destroyed! But the heart of the gods created by the Goblin Kingdom using the remains of the ancient gods is not that easy to destroy. Moreover, if the false **** Garr is used well, it is also an extremely powerful combat power."

"The false **** Gal cannot be activated, and the entire goblin kingdom will no longer be able to stop my existence."

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the man in black and said, "Shinevra!"

A legendary minotaur with a minotaur figure walked out from the side and said respectfully: "Master!"

The three-eyed black-clothed man coldly ordered: "Unify the monsters and attack the Goblin Kingdom for me!"

Hinefra respectfully said: "Yes! Master!"

On the walls of the Goblin Kingdom, a group of dark elf warriors are patrolling.

A long-legged dark elf beauty complained: "Your Majesty Kahn is so handsome, but he didn't ask anyone to sleep. What's the matter? I heard that the humans outside are very lustful. Every king has several wives. , Hundreds of concubines, what happened to your majesty?"

Another beautiful dark elf warrior with twin peaks chuckles and said, "Emma, ​​you want to be your majesty's concubine!"

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