God-level Base

Chapter 589: Shock

Countless mucus spewed out from the lair of evolutionary mutation of the source energy, enveloping all the goblins, forming twenty-four large eggs.

The immense source energy and the holy souls were submerged into the big eggs where the goblin Gundam was located.

In the cockpit of the Goblin Gundam, a group of weird flesh was born at once, and countless tentacles gushed out of that group of flesh, submerged into various parts of the Goblin Gundam body, forming the central nerve of the Goblin Gundam.

All kinds of weird flesh and blood tissues spread within the body of the Goblin Gundam, quickly controlling the body of those Goblin Gundam.

A day later, the twenty-four large eggs split open, and the twenty-four heads were entangled in muscle armor, exuding a ferocious aura, and a terrifying cannon, the goblin Gundam went straight out.

"With these twenty-four Goblin Gundams, my future country will have a strong enough foundation."

Shu Feng looked at the twenty-four goblins Gao Gao, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile.

The Kurros Mountain Range is already Shufeng's territory, but it is impossible for him to stay in the Kurros Mountain Range. If you want to take root in the Kurros Mountains, where there are many legendary monsters, you must have enough force to guard it.

Those Goblin Gundam monsters with legendary combat power are the guardians of this city.

"Do you want to synthesize more heads?"

Shu Feng changed his mind and immediately gave up: "These Legendary Goblin Gundams are vulnerable to a god-level powerhouse. Unless the number of these Goblin Gundams can exceed 100,000 heads, it is possible to kill a god-level goddess. The powerhouses. But those god-level powerhouses are not stupid. How can they be besieged by those goblin Gundam alive?"

Shu Feng himself can use the shadow jumping skills to get under the eyes of the 100,000 Legendary Goblin Gundam.

Each of those god-level powerhouses is terrifying, and their strength is far above Shu Feng. Even if they don't have the skills of shadow jumping, they can use kite-flying tactics to eat away 100,000 Legendary Goblin Gundam.

Moreover, the resources of 100,000 Legendary Goblin Gundams were all enough for Shufeng to upgrade Gal to a god-level monster, and the price-performance ratio was not on the same level.

Shu Feng quietly evaluated his combat power: "My current deity's combat power should be comparable to an intermediate demigod!"

Those strong men who ignite the divine fire and condense the demigod are called demigods. However, the powerhouses of the demi-god level are also divided into three, six or nine levels. According to the information Blue Star obtained from the Void Demon and the records of the legendary masters who traveled in the Void Demon World, demigods can be divided into primary demigods, intermediate demigods, advanced demigods, peak demigods, and invincibles. Five realms of demigods.

Most princes of Ethereal Demon are elementary demigods, and they are only elementary demigods throughout their lives, and it is difficult to advance to intermediate demigods. Because their evolutionary potential has been exhausted.

Many of the Great Duke of Void Demon who had invaded the Xuanwu Realm and beheaded by Wei Tuxian were powerful in the primary demigod series. The strength of the intermediate demigod is far superior to that of the primary demigod, and can kill the primary demigod.

If you follow the path of belief in the gods, the elementary demigods have enough power of faith, and they can also use the power of faith and the power of world laws to become gods in a certain world in one fell swoop and become a god-level powerhouse.

If you don't follow the path of belief in the gods, then those demigod-level powerhouses must evolve to the peak demigod, so that they can use their own power to transform and evolve into god-level powerhouses.

As for the invincible demigods, they are those terrifying monsters that can slaughter the gods with artifacts in their hands. Those invincible demigods are the seeds of the devil gods and have the potential to impact the devil **** realm.

It is so difficult for ordinary things to confine their bodies to gods. In the Void Demon Realm, there are countless strong people trapped in the semi-god state, unable to advance to the **** level, and eventually die of old age.

With a thought, Shu Feng left the base space, followed by twenty-four goblin Gundams, walking in the goblin palace.

On a vast martial arts field in the Goblin Palace.

Arthur is practicing swordsmanship.

Dark elf powerhouses such as Amanda, Camilla, and Sari also practice swordsmanship on the sidelines. Alyssa is casting various spells on the side to restore their physical strength.

In the world of Andosas, the fastest way to evolve is to hunt monsters, absorb their life energy, transform them into magic power, and use free points to improve physical fitness and various skills.

However, in addition to using free points and skill stones, those vocational skill envoys can also improve their skill strength through practice.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of faint earthquakes came from the side, attracting the eyes of everyone present. At a glance, they saw Shu Feng approaching here and the twenty-four goblin Gundam behind him.

"The magic machine steel puppet, Kahn, how did you do it?"

As soon as Arthur saw the twenty-four Goblin Gundam, his eyes flashed with shock.

Those twenty-four goblins are as high as twenty-four legendary powerhouses, and there are not so many legendary powerhouses in the kingdom of St. Arman.

Sari could not help but set off waves of stormy waves in her heart: "Isn't he a thief? How can he control these magic machine steel puppets?"

Saree was still a little uneasy in her heart when she led people to seek refuge in Shufeng. After all, she also knew that a top powerhouse like Shu Feng would never be able to nest in the Kurros Mountain Range.

Now that the twenty-four Goblin Gundam appeared, it meant that Shu Feng's reign in the Kurros Mountain Range was as stable as Mount Tai.

The other monsters in the Kurross Mountains could not compete with the twenty-four goblins.

"So amazing! Lord Kahn, he is really mysterious and powerful!! He deserves to be Lord Camilla's man!"

Amanda stared at Shu Feng, a flash of brilliance flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Among the dark elves, there are more women than men, and the strong respect and worship the strong. Amanda dismissed the feminine men in the clan, but admired the powerful men like Shu Feng very much.

Shu Feng felt the admiring and awe-inspiring gazes around him, his face was plain, but his heart blossomed with joy. This was the effect he wanted.

"Kahn, I have good news for you! No, you come with me, I want to surprise you."

Camilla walked out of the crowd, smiled slightly, pulled Shu Feng, and walked in the other direction of the Goblin Palace.

Passing through the corridors, Shu Feng entered a huge underground laboratory in the Goblin Palace.

In that underground laboratory, there is a goblin instrument that is tens of meters high and is inscribed with countless mysterious spells, like an enlarged version of a snail.

Around the laboratory, there are piles of crystals that are neatly cut, only the size of a finger.

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