God-level Base

Chapter 495: Big win

The one hundred thousand black wolf cavalry relied on this fierce and undaunted attack to consume a tyrannical martial sage on the prairie alive and then to kill.

Xuanwu smiled and waved the halberd, like a terrifying ancient demon sweeping everything. Wherever the halberd passed, a black wolf cavalry was easily cut apart without any effort.

Every move of a warrior in the celestial image realm can communicate the vitality of the heaven and the earth, and draw on the power of the heaven and the earth. One point of profound energy can display the power of tenths or even hundreds of points of profound energy in the heavenly state of mind. It is extremely difficult to kill them.

The twenty thousand invincible black wolf cavalry slammed into the five thousand Xuanwu spirit pawns, and countless pieces of flesh and blood were torn apart along with the steel armor.

Those five thousand Xuanwu spirit pawns were equally fierce, and everyone easily slashed those black wolf cavalry directly.

In a collision, nearly 10,000 black wolf knights were directly beheaded, and countless pieces of flesh and blood mixed with pieces of steel spattered around.

"Those Gale Demon Cavaliers have no casualties, it's terrible!"

Wanyan Youshu's gaze shrank mightily, and waves of turbulent waves rose in his heart.

In this kind of large-scale cavalry battle, it is very common for even a master of the Wuzun level to die in battle. But there were no casualties among the five thousand basalt soldiers, which was simply terrifying.

Outside the Golden Account King's Court, one after another, the elite cavalry of the Komir department galloped towards the five-thousand basaltic spirit soldiers.

The five thousand basaltic spirit soldiers slaughtered the elite cavalry madly, covered in blood, and the aura became more and more terrifying.

Wanyan Youshu looked at the Xuanwu spirit soldier who looked like a killing machine, and his eyelids jumped: "They seem to be stronger as they fight! How can there be such a terrifying warrior in the world?"

With the passing of physical strength, ordinary soldiers will become weaker and weaker on the battlefield. But those five thousand basaltic spirit soldiers were different. On the contrary, they became stronger as they fought and rushed in the direction of the king's banner of Comir's profuse sweat.

The elite cavalry of the Komir department were pierced by the five thousand profound spirit soldiers, and they collapsed and fled all around.

"Black wolf cavalry, the world is invincible!!"

The black wolf cavalry leader Boergua flashed a fierce light in his eyes and roared sharply.

"Black wolf cavalry, the world is invincible!!"


The eighty thousand black wolf cavalry roared, and their morale was greatly boosted, and they rushed towards the five thousand black wolf spirit soldiers.

A sneer flashed in Xuanwu's eyes, and the commander of the five thousand Xuanwu spirit soldiers rushed directly towards the 80,000 black wolf cavalry.

"Go to hell!"

Xuanwu suddenly smiled, urged profound energy, and hurled hard. A short spear beside him penetrated the void like a black lightning, and shot towards the leader of the black wolf cavalry, Polgua.

The great leader of the Black Iron Wolf Cavalry, Borgua, is also a powerful martial artist. He urged his profound energy frantically and picked up his spear in an attempt to block the short black spear.

I saw that black lightning flashed slightly and accelerated suddenly. Before the spear pierced, it instantly penetrated the head of the black wolf cavalry leader Polgua, shattering his head directly, and splashed red and white. One place.

The black wolf cavalry leader of the Zhenbei Desert Prairie was easily killed by Xuanwu in this way.

"The leader is dead!!"

"Vengeance for the commander!!"


If the general leader of the cavalry squad died, its morale would collapse and it would be defeated. But the black wolf cavalry is the most elite cavalry in the basalt world, everyone is not afraid of death, and still madly charged towards the five thousand basaltic spirit soldiers.

The five thousand Xuanwu spirit soldiers were silent one by one, their profound energy was tossing, and they swung their halberds in succession, igniting the vitality of the world, and a series of terrifying halberd lights slashed towards the black wolf iron cavalry.

Under the sharp halberd slashes, the black wolf cavalry was directly cut into two pieces.

In front of the five thousand Xuanwu spirit pawns, the black wolf cavalry that moved the world could not withstand a single blow, and was easily slaughtered like an ordinary cavalry.

The eyes of Zuo Xian King Dan Duo of the Komil tribe flashed with shock and whispered: "Monsters!! These monsters!! Where did Gu Emperor Han Feng find these monsters?"

"Black wolf cavalry!! Our black wolf cavalry is vulnerable! How is this possible?"

"Come here! Kill those monsters! What should I do with sweating?"


The nobles of the Komir tribe looked at the five thousand basalt soldiers that galloped forward, a flash of fear flashed in everyone's eyes, and their eyes fell on Komil's profuse sweat.

Komir flashed a shadow in his eyes, gritted his teeth and sternly shouted: "Retreat! Break into pieces and scattered into the northern desert prairie. These monsters are invincible! However, they are too few in number. This northern desert prairie After all, it is the grassland of our grassland people!!"

Once the Komil Golden Accountant Court is abandoned and broken into pieces, the entire Komil tribe will decline in power and become the prey of other tribes on the grassland.

The ordinary herdsmen of the Komir tribe will become slaves of the Shufeng Gale Empire.

But the strength of those five thousand basaltic spirit pawns was too terrifying, killing Wu Sheng like a dog. The one hundred thousand black wolf cavalry that can kill Wu Sheng is completely vulnerable to a blow in front of the five thousand Xuanwu spirit soldiers.

The nobles of the Komir tribe can only escape, and only then will they have a chance to make a comeback.

Komil profusely gave an order, and a loud horn sounded on the battlefield.

On the battlefield, the elite Komil cavalry who had been smashed and dashed finally collapsed one by one and fled in all directions.

Those black wolf riders who have been fighting hard to retreat have finally begun to rout all around.

"Everyone can go! Comyer sweats profusely, you must die!"

A cold voice erupted from the basaltic spirit pawn, and a short black spear was like lightning, and it shot directly at Comier, who was a few kilometers away, sweating profusely.

"Protect profuse sweat!!"

A burly lion-like martial sage uttered an angry roar, flew to stand in front of Comier Khan, and cut it down with a single knife.

The short black spear pierced the body of the burly lion-like martial sage in an instant, and easily pierced the head of Comyer sweating.

"No!! Damn it! Damn it, humiliating humans, you dare to destroy my flesh! You all deserve to die!!"

Among the corpse of Komil’s profuse sweat, bursts of terrifying cold air spread out in all directions. The body is up to five meters long, the whole body is white, the head is triangular, three eyes, and sharp teeth. , The Void Demon exuding a strange and dangerous aura suddenly appeared.

Shu Feng frowned slightly, and a dignified color flashed in his eyes: "The King of Void Demon? No, he is weaker than King Galli!! Far stronger than the ordinary Grand Duke of Void Demon! He has a **** level Bloodline, the Great Duke of Void Demon who is on the path of transformation!!"

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