God-level Base

Chapter 494: The terrifying basalt soldier

"Gu Emperor Han Feng accepted the legacy of the Great Zhou Demon Kingdom and the Northern Desert Royal Court, and naturally there are many elite soldiers in his hands. However, we have a hundred thousand black wolf cavalry in our hands."

"Gu Emperor Han Feng dared to send five thousand iron knights to attack our Komil Golden Account King Court. It was a dead end! Go, let's wipe out this iron knight and cut off Han Feng's arm!"

Komil was sweating profusely, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, he laughed boldly, got up proudly, and walked outside with strides.

The senior members of the Komir tribe in the Golden Account King's court also got up one after another and followed Komil profusely.

The Komir tribe can ignore the Northern Desert Royal Court, so naturally it also has its own capital.

It didn't take long for the cavalry squadrons to line up outside the Golden Account King's Court like a tide.

The one million Komir cavalry emerged on the prairie, stretched for dozens of miles, exuding a sturdy smell of iron and blood.

On the grassland, the strong is respected. The one million Komil cavalry is the elite of the Komil tribe, and everyone has experienced cruel battles. They are also the capital of the Komir tribe against the royal court of Beimo.

Among the countless Komil cavalry, there are 100,000 celebrity horses wearing heavy black armor, holding halberds, with cold faces, exuding a sturdy atmosphere.

Those 100,000 black armored cavalry are the world-famous black wolf cavalry. The one hundred thousand black wolf cavalry teamed up, and even the Sun Sword Sage, who was the second largest in the world, had to avoid his edge.

Among the guards of the countless cavalrymen, the Komir man and the masters of the Komil tribe looked far away.


A cloud of smoke appeared in the distance, and the basaltic commander in charge of five thousand basaltic spirit soldiers was galloping toward this side, which immediately attracted the attention of the Komir Khan and other experts in the Komir tribe.

A loud offensive horn sounded, and 20,000 Komir's elite cavalry were like lightning, and they walked directly toward the five thousand basalt soldiers commanded by the basalt.

"Let me see what you can do!!"

Shu Feng stood a few miles behind the five thousand Xuanwu spirit pawns, surrounded by a circle of invisibility gu that completely covered him and the aura of Wanxuan Demon Sect Master and Arrow God Wanyan Youshu beside him, watching quietly. Those five thousand Xuanwu spirit soldiers.

Those five thousand basaltic spirit soldiers are special arms that Shu Feng has consumed 62 million source energy, a godhead, and a world heart fragment, which can evolve to the point of slaughter of gods. Shu Feng also had to see the strength of these five thousand Xuanwu spirit soldiers.

The 20,000 Kamil elite cavalry was not afraid of death, and slammed into the five thousand Xuanwu spirit soldiers.

Countless flesh and blood and fragments spattered around.

The five thousand basaltic spirit pawns are like the most terrifying killing weapon, wielding a heavy and sharp halberd. With each halberd they swing, they carry the terrifying power of the unity of men and horses, and smash the 20,000 Komil elite cavalry, men and horses. crack.

One rushed down, and the 20,000 Komir elite cavalry were immediately beheaded by five to six thousand people, and they were easily directly beheaded by the five thousand Xuanwu spirit soldiers.

Wanyan Youshu's gaze narrowed slightly: "What a strong cavalry! These cavalry have a martial arts level. Where did Han Feng get so many terrifying cavalry?"

The powerhouses of the Wuzun series are also masters who dominate one side in the Northern Desert Royal Court. In the most powerful Golden Wolf King Cavalry of the Northern Desert King Court, those martial arts masters are also commander-level big shots.

The sudden appearance of a master of five thousand spirits is willing to serve as an ordinary cavalry, which is simply appalling.

"What a strong cavalry! Go on!!"

Komir shrank his eyes slightly and ordered coldly.

One hundred thousand Komir's elite cavalry launched at once, and directly charged towards the five thousand basaltic spirit soldiers.

Comier's elite cavalry, who failed the first charge, turned back and charged towards the five thousand basaltic spirit soldiers.

"Go to hell!"

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of a chief Komir, holding a long spear, a spear stabbed like a poisonous dragon, and pierced directly towards the basalt.

With the volume of the basalt spear, a horrible whirlpool of profound energy emerged, and the spear in the hands of the chief Komir was swept away, and a shot pierced the chest of the chief Komir.

A master of the Komir tribe with famous martial skills rushed towards Xuanwu, each of them just approached Xuanwu, he shot through them, turned into a corpse, and fell from the horse.

Comier's eyes shrank slightly and slowly said: "That Xiao will be a martial sage!! Gu Emperor Han Feng's subordinate is as strong as a cloud!! Who wants to take him the first level for me?"

"Khan, I would like to take him the first level for you!!"

A man with braids on his head, two meters tall, long hands and feet, and a fierce face shouted out loudly.

Comier sweated profusely: "Very good! Black bones, as long as you kill him! I will reward you 100,000 households!"

"Thanks Dahan!"

The black bones' eyes lit up, and he rode a group of black steeds, commanding the 20,000 black wolf cavalry to rush towards Xuanwu.

The black wolf cavalry, with 20,000 horses in heavy armor, moved, as if 20,000 small steel fortresses crisscrossed the prairie, and the earth shook, causing countless smoke and dust.

Those Komir cavalry evaded one after another, stepped aside, and made way for the 20,000 black wolf cavalry.

In these decades, as soon as the black wolf cavalry appeared on the battlefield, it was a nightmare for all enemies. I don't know how many powerful enemies have been destroyed by those black wolf cavalry. Many small and medium-sized tribes have also given birth to martial sages. Those martial sages were besieged by the terrifying black wolf cavalry, their families were destroyed and the tribes were also annexed by the Komir tribe.

"Xuanwu died!"

Fierce light flashed in the black bones' eyes, a sharp shout, profound energy boiling, and a terrifying dragon elephant appeared behind him, holding a long spear, with the sound of a sonic boom, directly stabbing towards the Xuanwu.

Wugutu is the top martial sage of the Komil tribe. The Komil tribe’s Zhenjia magical skill, the dragon elephant magical skill, possesses the terrifying power of the nine elephants of the Nine Dragons in every move. Few people in the army can stop it. Got a shot from him.

A sneer flashed in Xuanwu's eyes, profound energy boiled, and a five-meter tall, full of sharp barbs appeared behind him, dragging a long tail of the terrifying ancient demon, and directly cut it down with a halberd.

Boom! ! !

A terrifying explosion of air exploded, and the black bones and horses were chopped into two pieces by a Xuanwu halberd. The terrifying halberd light extended down, and took advantage of the trend to chop dozens of black wolf iron knights into pieces. .

The main commander was killed instantly, but the black wolf cavalry was still extremely fierce, one after another, holding a stainless steel spear, stabbing towards Xuanwu with a look of indifference.

Those black wolves and iron horses were united, and under the full blow, the power was already comparable to Wu Sheng's blow. The heavy armor on them is amazing, even Wu Sheng must spend terrible power to kill them.

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