God-level Base

Chapter 158: Steel Beast Evolution

Only the Steel Beast, which has overdrawn its life span and evolutionary potential, has a terrifying combat power that can rival the powerhouse of the Spirit Sect. Naturally, Shu Feng was the first to think about improving its strength.

Whether it is the blood of the gods, or the source power, or the divine nature, it is impossible to greatly enhance Shu Feng's combat effectiveness in a short time. Unless he is willing to overdraw his lifespan and evolutionary potential.

As for the synthesis of other powerful monsters, time is too late, and there is no mature gene template.

"The calculation begins!"

The central analyzer flashed, and countless data streams appeared on the screen. After a dozen breaths, a line of information appeared directly: "Consumption of 4 units of the blood of the gods, 10 units of the blood and flesh tissue of the gods, 100,000 divine power, 10,000 Origin power, 1 point of dark divinity. It can make the steel beast complete the evolutionary transformation, have a strong combat power, and regain the evolutionary potential."

Shu Feng frowned slightly and said: "If the blood of the gods and the dark divinity are not consumed, can the beast of steel evolve?"

The blood of the gods and the divine nature of darkness are treasures that can be met but not sought, which can greatly increase Shu Feng's cultivation speed. If possible, he is more willing to use it on himself.

"Without consuming these two resources, the Beast of Steel can exert 90% of its combat power in this world, with the same life span, and double the life span of the second stage transformation. This is the limit of its evolution! It consumes 300,000 source power, It can be allowed to evolve, and it can exert a ten percent combat power in this world."

The Beast of Steel is a monster synthesized by Shufeng's overdraft [Steel Badge] power, its lifespan, and evolutionary potential. That kind of monster's evolutionary potential has been exhausted, and if you want to make it stronger, you need to pay a greater price.

Shu Feng frowned slightly, "How long does it take to evolve?"

If it takes too long for the beast of steel to evolve, Shu Feng might as well use those resources to find a way to synthesize a spirit sect-level synthetic beast.

"One hour!"

"Then let it evolve!!"

With a thought to Shu Feng, he took the steel beast into the base space and fell into the source energy evolution tower.

Countless slime sprayed from the source energy evolution tower, shrouded the body of the steel beast, and wrapped it to form a transparent egg.

The immense source force was poured into the body of the steel beast through the pipes, repairing its gene that was close to collapse.

Originally, the steel beast was on the verge of death, and could only fight for another year at most. Even if the source power was injected, it would only delay its death time.

A little golden divinity followed a pipe and sank into the body of the steel beast.

As soon as the golden divinity sank into the body of the steel beast, a trace of mysterious power surged, and its genes that were on the brink of collapse stabilized.

A drop of precious blood of the gods submerged into the body of the beast of steel, and the blood in the beast of steel began to boil. Under the strengthening of the source force, it merged into the drop of the blood of the gods, and then transformed into a drop of blood of the gods. This kind of extraordinary blood runs through the whole body.

A terrifying breath slowly diffused from the body of the steel beast.

"Master, found the treasure of the Dark Night Church!"

A lifestealer came to Shu Feng with a huge safe that had been opened.

"Lingshi!! A lot of middle-grade Lingshi, this one has been issued!!! It's a big profit!!!"

When Shu Feng saw the hundreds of middle-grade spirit stones in that huge safe, his eyes lighted slightly, and a flash of excitement flashed through them, all of which were collected in the base space.

The price of a medium-grade spirit stone in Chaofan Mall is as high as 100 million yuan, and 10,000 contribution points, and it is also limited to purchase.

The middle-grade spirit stone can become the power source of the spiritual power armored vehicle, and the resource needed by the psionicists for cultivation. It is needed for array formation, alchemy, drawing extraordinary runes, and refining extraordinary artifacts.

Hundreds of middle-grade spirit stones are worth no less than 100 billion, which is also a huge fortune for Shu Feng.

"let's go!"

As soon as the hundreds of middle-grade spirit stones were in hand, Shu Feng immediately ordered decisively.

There are many secrets and wealth hidden in the old nest of the church in the dark night. But Shu Feng's strongest killer, the Beast of Steel has gone to evolve.

If Afefu led the strong of Dark Night Church to come back suddenly, Shu Feng would not be sure of victory.

As soon as he escaped from the lair of the dark night church, Shu Feng pressed Hasina's body, and the spiritual power surged and lifted the seal of illusion power in her body.

As soon as Hasina was unlocked, she jumped aside and stared at Shu Feng fiercely, a complicated and difficult light flashing in her beautiful eyes.

"Hasna, you have seen everything today. I hope we meet next time as friends, not enemies."

Shu Feng took a deep look at Hasina, sighed slightly, and disappeared into a street with a sway.

Zhao Zixin's figure shook slightly and followed.

Hasina took a look at the back of Shu Feng and Zhao Zixin's departure. She bit her silver teeth and took out her mobile phone to make a call directly: "Father, it's me! I'm Hasina!"

In the presidential suite of Beihao Six-star Hotel.

Cao Zhen was naked, with layers of black air on his face, and a silver box on his head, which opened with a powerful silver barrier.

A black demon snake madly bit the silver enchantment, making a sloshing sound.

"Grandmaster Cao is indeed well-deserved, and he deserves to be the grandmaster of Shuijing High School! After being hit by the Yinyue Devil's snake venom, he was able to resist it for so long. It's amazing!"

Afefu stood in front of Cao Zhen, manipulating the black demon snake, frantically biting the silver enchantment, and smiling slightly: "Master Cao, if you join our Dark Night Church, our Dark Night Church will never treat you badly. Yours, the beauty of money, is for you to enjoy. If you don't join our Dark Night Church, you will die here today."

"Bah! You used this method to count me, what kind of a hero? Yes, you let me out, let me recover, and fight me life and death! If you win me, I will join the dark night church."

Cao Zhen glanced aside and fell to the ground, the plump body, naked body, and the beautiful corpse of a beautiful woman, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he shouted sharply. If he had not been conspired by that beauty and had been very poisonous, Afefu would definitely not be his opponent.

A sneer flashed in Afefu's eyes: "Master Cao, are you underestimating my IQ? If you are detoxified, how could I be your opponent? If you don't surrender, then go to death. "

Cao Zhen's eyes darkened, but he gritted his teeth, urging his spiritual power, resisting the poisonous erosion and maintaining the silver enchantment.

Suddenly, Afefu's cell phone rang, and he directly picked up the phone and said, "What's the matter?"

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