God-level Base

Chapter 157: Arm of god

A simple elevator constructed of steel plates stretched down, and Shu Feng and his entourage appeared in the wide square in the simple elevator.

The steel beast that had returned to its first form knelt on one knee, as if worshipping his own king.

"It's all dead!! What a cruel summoned beast!!"

Zhao Zixin's gaze swept around, and then she shrank slightly.

Scattered around there are the bodies of the strong men of the Dark Night Church, one by one, all torn apart, obviously all killed by that steel beast.

Hasina looked at the steel beast that was covered with flesh and blood and internal organs, and a look of jealousy flashed in her beautiful eyes: "This summoned beast is really terrible!!"

"Hasna, have you seen it? This blood pool was built by the Dark Night Church to offer sacrifices to the evil **** Dark Night Lord. To build this blood pool, at least more than 10,000 people need to be slaughtered. This is Dark Night. The truth about the church."

Shu Feng walked to the blood pool and pointed towards the blood pool where blood bubbles appeared.

Hasna murmured in disbelief, "No, it's impossible, how could this be? How could Dark Night Church be like this?"

Shu Feng walked into the pool of blood, stretched out his hand and pressed it, a terrifying suction came from his right hand, sucking up the blood in the pool of blood, and submerged it in the furnace of flesh and blood.

A line of information emerged at once: "The blood containing the power of the evil spirit +3000 units."

Shu Feng glanced at the idol of the Lord of the Night and said, "Cut this statue down for me!"

The right hand of the steel beast trembled slightly, and it transformed into a steel sickle with a diameter of five meters.


Suddenly, the idol of the Lord of the Night burst out with strange waves. The steel beast slashed on it, and was immediately blocked by a layer of ripples. There was a terrible loud noise, and the steel sickle was also directly shattered. .

The steel beast was also shaken by the terrifying counter-shock force, and his body trembled slightly.

"This idol still hides such a terrifying extraordinary power!"

Shu Feng's face changed slightly, and he took a few steps back.

The idol of the Lord of the Night didn't change anything, as if the strange ripple just now was just an illusion.

"Found absorbable source force, coordinates 34 East and 45 North!"

A reminder sounded continuously in Shu Feng's mind.

"This location is the location of the Lord of Dark Night's idol, and there is a source of power here!"

Shu Feng's eyes lit up, and he strode forward to the idol of the Lord of the Night, and stretched out his hand to press on the idol.

A mysterious, weird and extraordinary power gushes out from the idol of the Lord of the Night and poured it into Shu Feng's body.

"Surrender me! Work for me! I will give you strength! Power! Life span! Beauty!!!"

"Surrender me!..."

A burst of strange and unpredictable whispers sounded in Shu Feng's ear, bewildering his mind.

Once those who are not determined to hear the weird whisper, they will fall directly and become believers in the Lord of the Night.

A trace of confusion flashed in Shu Feng's eyes. At this moment, the divine light in his body flashed slightly, which made him regain consciousness.

A mysterious passage opened directly, guiding that extraordinary force into the mysterious base space.

The needle-like transparent tentacles invisible to the naked eye stretched out from Shu Feng's hand and pierced into the idol of the Lord of the Dark Night, frantically extracting the source power contained in the idol.

"Divine power +7854, source power +6674 points!"

After a few breaths, a reminder sounded in Shu Feng's mind.


There was a crisp sound, and the idol of the Lord of the Night split open, leaving more cracks.

"Stop him for me!"

Shu Feng gave an order, and the steel beast's right hand once again transformed into a steel sickle, slashing fiercely on the idol of the Lord of the Night.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the idol of the Lord of the Night collapsed, torn apart, and fell to the ground.

A white as jade, like a beautiful jade, as if the palm with a strange charm also fell from the idol of the Lord of the Night.

"This is the arm of a god!"

Shu Feng looked at that white jade, exuding strange charm, as if it could completely attract people, his breathing suddenly stagnated, and he instinctively made a judgment.

Only the arms of the gods have such terrifying power, and the extraordinary power that escapes can withstand the attack of the steel beast.

Shu Feng's figure shook, appeared in front of his arm, and stretched out his hand to touch it.

"Surrender me!!"

"Be my servant, swear allegiance to me. I will give you power, life, and strength!!"


A wave of weird and incomparable whispers sounded in Shu Feng's ears, and a trace of weird and incomparable black lines permeated his body, eroding his body and soul.

Mortals must not touch the gods!

Even if the supernatural power remaining on the right arm of a dead **** is still terrifying, it can easily erode a mortal and turn a mortal into the most pious believer of that god.

At this moment, the divinity in Shu Feng's body trembled slightly, and his body's spiritual power surged, waking up from the erosion of that divine power.

"Take it in!"

With a move of Shu Feng's heart, the perfect arm exuding endless charm was immediately put into the melting pot.

The melting pot of flesh and blood flashed, and the arm of the **** was immediately decomposed and turned into a resource.

"God's blood +7 units, god's flesh and blood organization +10 units, dark divine nature +2, source power +15000, divine power +120984."

A flash of excitement flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "I have obtained so many precious resources! This time I really made a lot of money! It's not in vain that I took such a big risk to storm this place."

In the Dark Night Church, there are similarly strong people, and Afefu is a great spiritual master peak, and even a powerful spiritual master.

Although the Beast of Steel is tyrannical, the victory or defeat against Afefu is unknown. After all, this world is not a world of badges. The Beast of Steel can only play around 50% of the battle power of the badges at Blue Star.

This is because most of Blue Star's world rules have been resolved by the base space, and the Beast of Steel has been fine-tuned.

If the beast of steel was solved by the Dark Night Church, Shu Feng would lose a killer's skill, and his strength would be greatly reduced.

Shu Feng slightly moved in his heart and asked, "Can you consume resources so that the Beast of Steel can exert its full combat power in Blue Star?"

At present, the strongest killer in Shu Feng's hands is the Beast of Steel, he himself is not the opponent of the strong in the spirit sect at all. Camilla has the power to threaten the power of the Spirit Sect, but she may not be able to single out a power of the Spirit Sect.

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