God-level Base

Chapter 150: Dark Night Church (for my brothers who have always supported the addition)

Waharun chuckled softly: "Shu Feng, don't you want to know who sent you to Leiyin Republic as an exchange student?"

Shu Feng raised his brows and said solemnly: "Who is it?"

Waharun smiled slightly and said, "As long as you join our Dark Night Church, you can know who framed you. And as long as you can pay enough, other brothers and sisters in the church will help you get revenge."

Shu Feng resolutely refused: "Sorry, I have no interest in joining Dark Night Church either."

There are countless believers in the three major religions of the Primordial Church, the Holy Light Church, and Primordial Taoism.

However, among the records of Guardian Flame, there are many cult organizations in this world, and once they become infected, it is difficult to get out.

In addition, the six gods of Gulundo world also have huge potential power among the blue stars, wearing countless vests. This dark night church may not know which god's vest church is.

Since the God of Darkness among the six gods of the world of Gulundo was killed by the seven holy spears, the transcendent organizations of the Blue Star World have entered into a covenant to jointly resist the spread of belief in the gods of the world of Gulundo.

The strong guardian of the flames and the followers of the six gods have also fought countless times. If Shu Feng believed in the six great gods of the Gulundo world, once he was discovered, he would surely be eradicated by the Flame of Guardian.

Waharun smiled slightly: "What a pity!"

Liu Yang, Zhong Ming, and Qi Ning are all talents of Shuijing High School, and they all understand the harm of the cult, and they all decisively refuse to join the Dark Night Church.

Hanani quickly changed the topic, leading the topic to the scenic spots of Leiyin Republic, and the witty remarks made the slightly embarrassing atmosphere alive.

After the banquet, Shu Feng and his party returned to the dormitory.

Ding Dong! Ding Dong!

Early the next morning, the door bell rang in the Shufeng dormitory.

"It's you? What do you want me to do?"

As soon as Shu Feng opened the door, he saw a tall girl standing outside the door, her skin was crystal clear as snow, she had short silver hair with a straight neck, exquisite features, and was wearing a white sleeveless tight-fitting sportswear. She was a beautiful and innocent girl. Na quietly stood outside the dormitory.

A trace of scorching warfare flashed in Hasina's beautiful eyes and said: "Shu Feng, I'll come to you to compete."

Shu Feng categorically said: "I'm not interested, and you are not my opponent!"

Hasina was taken aback for a moment. She is beautiful and sexy, and noble princess, almost no man in the Thunder Republic will reject her. It is the first time that Shu Feng has been so decisively rejected.

Hasina frowned slightly and said, "Then how can you be willing to compete with me?"

As a martial idiot, Hasna is the first time he has encountered a well-rounded opponent like Shu Feng. In order to fight Shu Feng, she had been excited all night and stayed up all night.

Shu Feng looked at the beautiful and pure Hasna and smiled mischievously: "Let's do it! I will compete with you. If you lose, you have to kiss me. What do you think?"

Hasina's beautiful eyes lit up and decisively said: "Okay! I promised you!"

Shu Feng said: "You really agreed! Well, let's go to the big arena."

The two Shu Feng soon came outside the big arena.

"Iva, open the door!"

Hasna gave an order, and one of the guards of the big arena smiled bitterly and honestly opened the door of the big arena.

The big arena.

"Are you ready?"

After Hasuna moved her muscles and bones, a hot warfare flashed in her beautiful eyes and said.

Shu Feng said: "Can I use the water mirror spirit shield technique?"

Water Mirror Spirit Shield is one of the strongest Spirit Shield in Water Mirror High School, which contains infinite mysteries. Before Shu Feng had encountered terrible formidable enemies, he smashed the membrane of his spiritual power in one fell swoop, and did not show its power at all. He also wanted to see the power of this spiritual shield technique through actual combat.

A dazzling look flashed in Hasina's beautiful eyes: "Water mirror spirit shield technique, of course! No, it should be said to be impossible. I also want to see what is the secret of this top-notch spirit shield technique. .are you ready?"

Shu Feng smiled slightly and said, "Ready! Let's do it!"

A little bit at Hasina's feet, she used the Tyrannical Fist, a dragon-shaped phantom appeared behind her, and she blasted towards Shu Feng with an overbearing aura.

"Her boxing skills have improved again!! Worthy of being the first genius in the history of Leiyin Republic!! This kind of spiritual martial arts talent is simply terrifying!"

Shu Feng's eyes lit up slightly, frantically urging his spiritual power, and a mysterious spiritual mirror appeared out of his body.

Hasina blasted her fist on the spiritual mirror, and the sound of dragons rang, and that side shattered one by one, and bursts of weird and twisted force erupted, pulling her fist to one side.

Hasna's pretty face changed slightly: "This is the Water Mirror Spirit Shield Technique, and it is worthy of the top spirit shield technique."

At that moment, Shu Feng stretched out his hand slightly on Hasina's forehead, his figure retreated violently, and said with a chuckle: "Hasna, you have lost!"

"I really lost this battle!"

Hasna decisively admits defeat. If in actual combat, Shu Feng hits Hasina's face door with a punch, she would be seriously injured if she was not dead.

"Come again!"

Hasina agitated her aura, her beautiful eyes flashed with a hot warfare intent and exclaimed.

Shu Feng smiled lightly: "Wait a minute, where are my trophies? Are you going to cheat?"

"I'm not shameless!"

A trace of blush appeared on Hasina's pretty face, her small fist clenched, her silver teeth clenched, and hesitated again and again, before she came to Shu Feng with a scent of wind, and kissed Shu Feng fiercely A moment, then turned around and ran.

"Shu Feng, you are a bastard!!"

Hasna escaped from the big arena without looking back, leaving a shy voice above the big arena.

"Actually, I can accept it in person."

Shu Feng looked at Hasina's disappearing back, waited for her to disappear completely, and then murmured in a low voice, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, and he strode outside comfortably.

Shu Feng quickly integrated into the life of an exchange student, basically learning all kinds of cultural knowledge, then practicing spearmanship, various secret arts, and genetic knowledge.

Every morning, Hasna would come to challenge Shu Feng, and then was easily defeated by Shu Feng, had to give a sweet kiss and fled in embarrassment.

Hasina and Shu Feng learn from each other, and she is evolving rapidly every day. Shu Feng also made great progress in the application of spiritual martial arts in the discussion with Hasina.

The Blue Sea Club is one of the best clubs in Leyin Republic, and only the top nobles in Leyin Republic can enter this club.

That night, a black man entered the blue sea club silently.

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