God-level Base

Chapter 149: Defeat Hasna (add more for 400 monthly pass)


Hasna smashed the spiritual mask of Shu Feng's body with a punch, and hit his chest, making a sound of gold and iron fighting, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of Shu Feng's mouth.

"Good defense, no, this flaw is a trap!"

A strange light flashed in Hasina's beautiful eyes, and her figure retreated violently.


Shu Feng took the opportunity to print a palm on Hasina's chest, and the extremely violent day spiritual power exploded, sending her directly more than ten meters away.

Hager sighed slightly and announced, "Shu Feng wins this battle!"

Shu Feng cultivated the extremely powerful and hard skill of Hundred Steel Body, and his defensive power was astonishing. Hasina was hit hard by Shu Feng's palm, and she has already lost a move.

"What a strong and hard work! I really lost this battle. However, Shu Feng, I will definitely beat you in the future. My old enemy is you, you wait for me!"

Hasuna rubbed her chest, wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth, shook her figure, flew up to the high platform, returned to her seat and sat down, staring at Shu Feng firmly.

"The chief freshman of Shuijing High School is really extraordinary!"

"After all, he is the chief freshman of Shuijing High School, and he is really strong enough!"


Thousands of spectators above the big arena looked at Shu Feng, their eyes flashed with incomparable emotions, none of them applauded and cheered, but they were constantly talking.

Shu Feng jumped, like a cannonball, fell on the high platform, sat down in his position, and calmly faced the gazes below.

Suhamu III smiled slightly and said: "The discussion is over, Master Cao, we have prepared a grand banquet for you, how about taking a good rest and coming to the banquet in the evening?"

Cao Zhen smiled slightly: "Okay, Your Majesty!"

The big figures of Leiyin Republic left with Suhamu III.

Su Kesa personally took Shu Feng and his party to the exchange dormitory.

The Exchange Dormitory of the Royal College of Leiyin Republic is an independent dormitory building, similar to a hotel apartment, each exchange student has a single room.

Shu Feng and his group of five occupied the five dormitories on the top tenth floor of the exchange dormitory.

In the evening, Shu Feng and his entourage came to a luxuriously decorated banquet hall in the palace.

In that banquet hall, the political and business celebrities of the Leiyin Republic gathered.

As soon as Cao Zhen entered the banquet hall, he was called by Suhamu III to talk with the great figures of the Leiyin Republic.

"Hello, Shu Feng, I am Hasuna's sister Hanani."

Hanani, who was wearing a black half-breasted evening gown with large white skin exposed, looked elegant, sexy, and beautiful, and walked towards this side with a smile.

"What a nice view!"

Liu Yang and Zhong Ming couldn't look away from Hanani, who was radiant and fame and fortune.

Although Zhao Zixin is a bit more beautiful than Hanani, she is not as good as Hanani, nor does she have the **** imperial aura of Hanani.

Hanani's side is followed by Hasna and three outstanding young men and women.

Shu Feng smiled slightly and said, "Hello, Ms. Hanani."

"Let me introduce to you, this one is Waharun, the son of the Prime Minister of the Leyin Republic."

A young man with brown hair and gray eyes, of medium build, handsome appearance and calm temperament, nodded slightly towards Shu Feng.

"This one is Minari, the daughter of the Minister of Finance of the Leiyin Republic."

A girl of about 17 or 18 years old smiled shyly at Shu Feng, wearing a red evening dress, with waist-length brown hair, white skin and beautiful appearance.

"This one is Sarin, the son of the Minister of Agriculture of the Leyin Republic."

A young man with short hair, thin body and clear eyes, who was about 234 years old, also slightly nodded towards Shu Feng, and then his gaze fell on Hanani, full of admiration.

Shu Feng smiled slightly and said, "Hello, I am Shu Feng!"

Zhao Zixin and others also briefly introduced themselves.

After making some kindness to each other, the group found a small bar in the corner of the banquet hall to sit down and chat.

Hanani is a world-class top model, a bigwig in the fashion circle, has her own fashion brand, and has personal assets of more than 1 billion yuan. She is well-informed and exquisite, and she can talk in depth no matter who she talks to, and is never cold.

When Liu Yang and Zhong Ming talked with Hanani, they were quickly overwhelmed with admiration in their eyes.

Waharun was obviously very interested in Zhao Zixin and took the initiative to talk to her. It's just that Zhao Zixin is very cold, and there is a trace of estrangement in the politeness of her speech.

Hasna glared at Shu Feng in anger, obviously not relieved of being defeated by Shu Feng during the day.

Waharun suddenly said: "Have you ever heard of Dark Night Church?"

Qi Ning said: "No! Dark Night Church? Never heard of it."

Among the Blue Stars, there are three major religions, namely the Primordial Church which believes in the Lord of the Beginning, the Holy Light Church which believes in the Lord of Light, and the primitive Taoism which believes in the primitive Taoist monarch.

Most of the citizens of the Republic of Brentania believe in the original Lord, the Republic of Garsen believes in the Lord of Light, and most citizens of the Qianyuan Republic believe in the original Lord.

These three major churches are the huge churches with more than one billion believers among the Blue Stars, and they are also orthodox churches recognized by the state. In addition to these three major churches, Blue Star has countless large and small churches. Qi Ning had never heard of Dark Night Church and it was quite normal.

"The Lord of the Dark Night of the Church of Dark Night is a great, benevolent, and powerful being with boundless divine power. As long as you believe in Him piously, you can gain powerful power, long lifespan, and magical and extraordinary items."

"The people who join the Dark Night Church are all brothers and sisters, and they will help each other and expand their connections. The Dark Night Church has tentacles all over the world. We have many brothers and sisters in the Republic of Brentania, the Republic of Garsen, and the Republic of Qianyuan. Join us and you can get huge benefits."

"Shu Feng, Zhao Zixin, Liu Yang, Zhong Ming, and Qi Ning, do you want to join our Dark Night Church? I can be your recommender!"

Waharun looked at Shu Feng and his party expectantly.

Zhao Zixin categorically refused: "Sorry, I'm not interested."

Shu Feng said: "Hanani, are you all believers of Dark Night Church?"

Hanani smiled gracefully and shook the glass in her hand: "I am not!"

Hasna said: "My father asked me to join Dark Night Church and become the saint of Dark Night Church."

Melina smiled slightly and said, "I am a believer in Dark Night Church."

Sarin's eyes flickered and said, "I don't have faith yet."

Shu Feng said: "Sorry, I am not interested in joining Dark Night Church either."

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