God-level Base

Chapter 143: Capture (to add more rewards for the broken heart and no longer loving brothers)

"He's okay? How is this possible? How could someone be able to resist my Qihua Absolute Poison Needle!"

Sha Li's heart suddenly set off a huge wave, the warning signs in her heart were great, and her spiritual power was madly urged. With a wave of her jade hand, three Qihua absolutely poisonous needles pierced towards Shu Feng at once.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The three Qihua Absolute Poison Needles shot Shu Feng's spiritual power membrane at once, penetrated his spiritual power membrane, pierced his body, and then flew away one by one.

"Kneel me down!!"

A fierce light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and instantly burst from the seat, like a terrifying beast, blasted out with a palm, like a big sun, patted towards Sha Li.

Sha Liqiao's face changed, she immediately activated her spiritual power, forming a spiritual film outside her body, and was hit by Shu Feng's palm.

The film of spiritual power on Sha Li's body shattered at once, and slammed into the wall of the machine like a flocculent. A **** arrow was ejected, and the internal organs were about to split, and she lost the ability to fight.

Cao Zhen, who was sitting on the seat, opened his eyes at once, like a terrifying angry lion, a terrifying spiritual pressure of the Spirit Sect series diffused out of his body.

"What happened?"

Cao Zhen's figure flickered before appearing beside Shu Feng in a deep voice.

Shu Feng pointed towards Sha Li, "This female assassin came to assassinate me and was taken by me."

"Assassin? I didn't even notice it. This assassin must be among the top. He didn't even die, and he deserves to be the head of the Tianjiao class!"

Cao Zhen glanced at Shu Feng, an unexpected color flashed in his eyes.

The powerhouses in the spirit sect realm are inhuman terrifying existences, and their spiritual senses are far more powerful than the great spiritual masters. If Sha Li had assassinated Cao Zhen, he would definitely find him at the moment he did it.

Shu Feng was not as good as Cao Zhen, and only then was Sha Li assassinated. It's just that the sun and moon sacred scripture is worthy of being one of the strongest sacred scriptures in the basalt world, and it dissolves the toxin of Sha Li, otherwise the synthetic beast that has concluded a blood contract with Shu Feng will be brutally killed.

Shu Feng said: "Teacher, what about ordinary people?"

At this time, in that first-class cabin, more than two dozen ordinary people who are rich or expensive are looking towards this side.

"Sleep all! Then forget everything you see."

Cao Zhen took out a pocket watch, surging in spirit, and flicked his fingers.

The aura of the pocket watch was shining, and illusory pointers suddenly appeared on the heads of ordinary people.

Those ordinary people trembled and fell into a deep sleep.

"This is the Secret Treasure [Sleeping Pocket Watch]! It is sold in the Chaofan Mall, and the price is about 100 million yuan! The two abilities of sleeping and forgetting are fixed in it, which is effective for ordinary people."

"All [Sleeping Pocket Watches] are the children of the sacred artifact [Sleeping Bell]. Once you use [Sleeping Pocket Watch], [Sleeping Pocket Watch] will respond. Therefore, every time you use [Sleeping Pocket Watch], you must Writing a report is very annoying! But when you go out, you have to bring such a secret treasure." Cao Zhen said meaningfully.

If there are no restrictions, you can use the [Sleeping Pocket Watch] to deal with ordinary people unscrupulously. Even if the [Sleeping Pocket Watch] is worth 100 million, there will be countless people snapping it up.

However, every time you use [Sleeping Pocket Watch], you must write a report, which can prevent some psionicists from using [Sleeping Pocket Watch] to do evil.

Shu Feng said: "This assassin is here to assassinate me, and it is also my trophy. I took her away."

Sha Li's Qihua Absolute Poison Needle can make the spiritual power exercised by Shu Feng's Sun and Moon Sacred Code become more refined, and at the same time increase his poison resistance. He naturally didn't want to let her go.

The stronger Shufeng's poison resistance is, he will also become more dominant when encountering various enemies with the ability to master poison in the future, and at the same time, his survivability will be greatly improved.

Cao Zhen said: "Okay!"

Shu Feng is the chief freshman of Shuijing High School, the arrogant among the arrogances. As long as it is not against the principle, Cao Zhen will not refute him.

Shu Feng stretched out his hand and pressed it directly into the space of the base, and fell into the soldier's composite nest.

As soon as Sha Li fell into the warrior's synthetic nest, countless tentacles stretched out from the warrior's synthetic nest, pierced her body, poured various tissue fluids, and genetically modified her body and soul.

A mysterious curse mark appeared on the central control tower, and the strange and incomparable control ripples immediately submerged into Sari's body, planting the control mark in her body.

Liu Yang saw that Sha Li disappeared, and a look of admiration flashed in his eyes: "Shu Feng is really gorgeous."

Although Sha Li's appearance and temperament are far inferior to Zhao Zixin, she is also a big beauty with a hot body and a gorgeous appearance. Such a big beauty is captured by Shu Feng alive, what will happen is naturally fascinating.

Qi Ning glared at Shu Feng fiercely, and muttered: "It's all perverts!"

Zhao Zixin took a deep look at Shu Feng, then closed her eyes, unable to see the happiness or anger.

Half an hour later, when Shu Feng waved his hand, the Sally dressed as a stewardess appeared in the first-class cabin and walked towards the flight attendant lounge with Shu Feng.

An air hostess stopped Shu Feng and said, "Hello, gentleman, this is the place where the flight attendants rest. Passengers cannot enter."

"Step aside!"

Shu Feng glanced at the flight attendant, urging the power of the badge, and a trace of magic ripples towards the flight attendant.

"Yes, leader!"

The flight attendant lost her eyes, stepped aside, and said respectfully.

"Illusions are really easy to use, and my choice is correct. With this illusion alone, I can make a huge amount of money from ordinary people."

With a thought, Shu Feng strode into the flight attendant's lounge.

Along the way, those flight attendants would be lost in their minds as long as they were caught by Shu Feng, and honestly retreated to the side.

Shu Feng glanced at Sha Li lightly and said, "Let's say, what is your background, why did you assassinate me?"

"Why should I tell you?"

Sha Li sneered coldly, trying to confuse Shu Feng with a fox charm, but the body couldn't help but honestly said: "My name is Sha Li, a member of the Black Cheetah Killer Organization. There are four Black Cheetahs, the boss of the Devil Leopard. , And then me, Janis, and Robin."

"The devil is a magician, he is a very strong spearman, his spiritual ability is unknown, and his cultivation base is unknown. Genis is a sniper with a spiritualist level cultivation base. Robin is a magician, proficient in all kinds of Black magic, especially proficient in cursing magic."

"We received the task of assassinating you from the Angel of Slaughter. Someone offered a reward of 1 billion yuan to take your life."

The cold light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "Sure enough, I was first transferred out of Shuijing High School. Then I hired someone to assassinate me. The wealth is moving! The benefits of a small world are so great that they can't help it."

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