God-level Base

Chapter 142: Assassinate

These three men and women were members of the famous black cheetah killer in the world, and countless prey died in their hands.

"You are alive! This time our prey is him! The bounty offered by the employer is 1 billion."

A middle-aged man with blond hair, blue eyes, tall body, full of muscles and a whitish beard pushed a monitor over, and Shu Feng's photo was displayed on the monitor.

A middle-aged man with long brown hair and a trace of exhaustion blew a whistle, his eyes flashing with perverted murderous intent: "Little handsome guy from the Shuijing High School Tianjiao Class! He has a spirit at only sixteen. The cultivation base of the scholar level has awakened the earth-level spirit ability, and can summon many spiritualists, spiritualist-level phantoms, and a spiritualist-level marksman. This kind of genius is really jealous, and it is really stifling the feeling of this kind of genius. Fantastic."

"Jennis, this handsome boy is my prey. Don't **** him! Kill him, the boss will look at me differently and go to bed with me!"

A blonde, blue-eyed, wearing a bikini, a hot and **** body, and a very glamorous appearance. A beautiful girl who looks like a 27-year-old licked her lips, and a flash of excitement flashed in her beautiful eyes.

A lustful light flashed in his eyes, and he smiled slightly and said, "Sally, I have always looked at you spiritually. How about we spend a wonderful night together tonight?"

Sha Li smiled, as beautiful and dangerous as a blooming poppy: "Of course, if you are not afraid of being poisoned to death by me!"

Genesis gave a dry laugh, not daring to answer. Sha Li's ability to awaken is to manipulate poison. Except for some special characters, even if a strong person in the Spirit Sect realm is poisoned by her, there is a possibility of her fall.

Sally's frontal combat power is weak, but she is one of the most dangerous members of the black cheetahs, the dangerous level second only to the boss of the black cheetahs.

Robin, the middle-aged blond man, said lightly: "Sha Li, your ability is most suitable for assassinating Shu Feng. He will leave it to you. The old rules, if you complete the task, you have to kill 70%, and the boss gets 20%. We share ten percent."

Sha Li smiled and said, "No problem!"

Ten days later, Shuijing Airport.

Shu Feng looked at Zhao Zixin coming oncoming, his eyes lit up, and he was slightly taken aback: "Zhao Zixin, why are you here too?"

"I am also an exchange student!"

Zhao Zixin's gaze fell on Shu Feng's side. A middle-aged man who looked ordinary but saluted Shu Feng said: "Who is he?"

Shu Feng said: "He is my servant Shu Yi!"

Shu Yi was the master of the great spiritualist level that Shu Feng captured alive. The master of the great spiritualist level had been completely plasticized. His height was also raised by ten centimeters, and he gained twenty kilograms. He was completely unrecognizable. , Only the closest person can tell his identity.

Qi Ning muttered a little bit angrily: "It's such a big show, a horrible boy even brought the servants. We didn't bring any servants!"

Zhao Zixin and Li Xuanyi are both extraordinary generations. If they are willing, they can definitely embrace them, and there are countless servants to serve them. Although Qi Ning's family background is not as good as the two of them, he is also in the ranks of the rich. He wants as many servants as he wants.

However, in order to cultivate their own descendants, those wealthy families generally do not provide servants for their descendants during the school stage.

"Shu Feng, hello, I am Liu Yang, one of the exchange students."

An inch tall, tall, and extraordinary young man walked over, with a sunny smile on his face, and took the initiative to reach out to Shu Feng.

Shu Feng reached out and shook Liu Yang, "Hello."

"Hello, I am Zhong Ming and an exchange student!"

A young man with glasses who looked gentle and gentle came over, his eyes fell on Zhao Zixin's body, and a look of admiration flashed in his eyes.

A burly, handsome middle-aged man walked over and said lightly: "I am Cao Zhen, your teacher leading the team. This time you are going to Leiyin Republic, you must remember not to fall into the prestige of my Shuijing High School."

Everyone responded: "Yes! Teacher!"

"Let's go!"

Under the leadership of Cao Zhen, everyone directly boarded the first class cabin of the plane.

Three hours after the plane took off.

A blond, blue-eyed, **** stewardess pushed a dining car into the first class cabin.

"Sir, do you need a drink?"

The **** stewardess walked to Shu Feng's side and asked politely.

Shu Feng said: "Don't!"

The stewardess smiled slightly and flicked her fingers very secretly. A poisonous needle as small as a cow's hair was shot at Shu Feng's neck like a meteor.

It became abrupt, and Shu Feng didn't have time to react, so he was shot in the neck by that tiny poisonous needle. His defensive power is as high as 225 points. Once the spiritual power is activated, even a large-caliber bullet cannot pierce his skin. But when he couldn't reach the defense, he was pierced by the poisonous needle.

"What a terrible defense! It's a pity, you are dead if you are hit by my Qihua Absolute Poison Shot!"

The corner of the air hostess disguised by Sha Li raised her mouth slightly, revealing a triumphant smile. The only spiritual power she awakened was Qihua Juedu Needle.

If talking about frontal combat, Sha Li is definitely the bottom existence of the spiritual master, but her Qihua Absolute Poison Needle is weird. It is a fusion of the poison of the seven kinds of poisonous flowers and her spiritual ability, weird. I don't know how many psionicists who were stronger than her were assassinated.

Shu Feng is just a mere spiritual warrior, it is impossible to stop Sari's Qihua Juejue Needle. Even the powerhouse of the Great Spiritist rank was assassinated by Sha Li too successfully.

Shu Feng only felt a numbness in his neck, a numbness, and quickly spread to all directions with his neck as the core.

Shu Feng's face changed slightly: "Oops, it was calculated! This is very poisonous, **** it, you must use the power of the blood contract to transfer it to the bodies of those contracted creatures."

At this moment, the spiritual power cultivated by the Sun Moon Sacred Code in Shu Feng's body was tossed, and a round of phantoms of the big sun suddenly appeared, swept toward those poisonous.

Wherever the Great Sun passed, all those poisonous poisons were burned one by one. After the poisons were burned out, they turned into nutrients for the Great Sun’s spiritual power, making the Great Sun’s spiritual power more refined. It's a bit pure.

"Poison resistance +1!"

A line of reminders sounded in Shu Feng's mind.

"This poison has such an effect, it seems that there is no need to kill the assassin immediately!"

Shu Feng caught the murderous in his eyes, turned around to look at Sha Li, smiled slightly: "I have changed my mind. Bring me a glass of pure water!"

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