God-level Base

Chapter 139: Spiritist limit (additional changes for the 1300 first order)

Those electrical energy are the most basic energy, which cannot be compared with high-level energy such as source energy and divine power. However, the electric energy is also necessary for refining various synthetic fighters, and the operation of the entire base also consumes a huge amount of electric energy.

"In the world of badges, there is also electricity. Then we can find a way to build a few power stations there."

Shu Feng thoughtfully, that badge made the world a large logistics base for him. With that world as a backing, he can synthesize more powerful synthetic warriors.

"After returning to Blue Star, I can finally improve the cultivation of my psionicist!"

A strange light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, sitting in the Yuanneng Evolution Tower, taking out the Wood Heart he obtained from the Human Face Demon Tree King and swallowing it in one bite.

The wood heart melted at the entrance, turned into a luscious spiritual liquid that plunged into Shu Feng's body, and then quickly spread, turning into bursts of violent spiritual power rushing right and left in his body.

Shu Feng ran the "Sacred Code of the Sun and Moon", and within the pubic area, a phantom of the Great Sun emerged one after another. The 36 meridians in the body crazily absorbed the spiritual power transformed from the Heart of Wood, and poured it into that round Within the phantom, there is a steady stream of transformation into the spiritual power of the sun.

The spiritual power of the Sunshine Sun was tossing in Shu Feng's body, causing his body to be red and hot, and the fire from behind appeared, like the same Sun, the whole person seemed to be burned.

"Da Nishi Jing" to the Sun, if you cultivate to the peak, the whole person will be like the same round of blazing sun, burning oneself, burning the enemy, basically it is difficult to live long.

Shu Feng urged the "Yin Yang Yin", the spiritual power of the day in the body changed from yang to yin.

A round of Lingyue phantom suddenly appeared in Shu Feng's Dantian, and a steady stream of spiritual power submerged into that Lingyue phantom, transforming into Lingyue spiritual power.

A trace of cold Lingyue spiritual power echoed in Shu Feng's body, nourishing his body and soul.

The spiritual power of the Great Sun and the spiritual power of Lingyue continuously transformed into each other, and then began to compress, a trace of spiritual power began to diffuse in Shu Feng's body.

Ten days later, Shu Feng opened his eyes at once, the light in his eyes flashed, and his thoughts moved, and a line of data immediately appeared: "The fifth chapter of the sun and moon sacred book."

"Strength 128 (+5), Dexterity 111 (+5), Defense 215 (+5), Constitution 160 (+10), Intelligence 175 (+5), Spirit 190 (+10), Magic 100,000 (+63543) , Vindictiveness 0, badge power 1320000."

"Charm 105 (+5), spiritual power 100,000 (+63543), soul power 547 (+1)."

"With 100,000 spiritual power, I broke the limit again. The World Advanced Grandmaster-level badge that I used in the badge makes it look good and improves my evolutionary potential. And my spiritual power has been atomized, which means that I have already There are some characteristics of spiritual masters. You can advance to spiritual masters."

"The best place for advanced spiritual masters is the Hualong Lingchi!"

The deepest part of Shuijing High School is under a mountain peak that is hundreds of meters high, densely forested, and full of spiritual energy.

As soon as Shu Feng came to the foot of the mountain, he saw an ancient tree 100 meters high with lush foliage at the foot of the mountain.

"This is the forbidden area of ​​Shuijing High School. You can't enter casually. Little student, go back!"

The one hundred-meter-high ancient tree suddenly showed a human face, revealing an extremely hideous, creepy smile, gloomy.

If students in ordinary classes see the hideous face on the old tree, they will be scared to collapse.

Shu Feng took out a pass and held it in both hands: "Grandpa Honglongshu, I am the head of this year's freshman of Shuijing High School. This is my pass. I want to enter the Hualong Lingchi to practice."

The ancient tree with a height of one hundred meters is a very rare treant, possessing terrifying strength, and it is also one of the foundations of Shuijing High School.

A tree vine emerged from the body of the Rainbow Dragon Tree, and rolled that pass at once. The pass flashed with a hint of green light, and it changed into a leaf and flew onto it.

"Well, it is indeed the pass to the Dragon Soul Pond! Boy, I'll give you a ride!"

A green tree vine stretched out from the Honglong tree, rolled up Shu Feng, and with a random shake, he threw Shu Feng into a cliff cave halfway up the mountain.

Shu Feng strode into the cliff cave.

There were many ventilation holes in the cave, which were ventilated, spacious and bright. After walking hundreds of meters in Shufeng, I saw a dragon spirit with a diameter of only 30 meters, carved from white jade and engraved with countless mysterious spells. Pool.

In that dragon spirit pool, there are countless milky white dragon spirit liquids. Above the spirit pool, there is a hint of spiritual mist, exuding bursts of fragrance.

There is a bathroom next to the Dragon Soul Pond, and you must go through the bath before you can enter the Dragon Soul Pond to practice.

"Hualong Lingchi is the best place in the advanced realm, and only the new chief can have the benefits. In addition, only the prostitutes and prostitutes of the upper third grade family can use the treasures of cultivation at a huge price."

Shu Feng looked at the Hualong Lingchi, a scorching color flashed in his eyes.

There are countless people who want to use the Dragon Soul Pond to evolve. In Shui Jing High School, if you want to enter the Dragon Soul Pond, you can only practice after becoming the new chief or paying a terrifying price.

After taking a shower in the bathroom beside him, Shu Feng stepped naked into the Dragon Spirit Pool.

As soon as he entered the Hualong Lingchi, Shu Feng felt a steady flow of spiritual power submerged in his body, and then was rejected by his body.

Shu Feng has 100,000 spiritual power in his body, which has exceeded the limit of the spiritualist by many times. If it is not advanced, his body will not be able to absorb spiritual power again.

Shu Feng closed his eyes and ran the "Sacred Code of the Sun and Moon", and the spiritual power in his body was tumbling, and a round of phantoms of the big sun and a round of phantoms of the spiritual moon appeared directly.

The spiritual power in Shu Feng's body continuously submerged into the phantom of the great sun and the phantom of the spiritual moon, and then transformed into a hint of spiritual mist.


When all the spiritual power in Shu Feng's body was transformed into spiritual fog, he felt that he had broken the life yoke and entered the spiritual master state smoothly.

A horrible suction power came out of Shu Feng's body, madly absorbing the spiritual power in the dragon's spirit pool, continuously submerged into his body, and transformed into spiritual fog.

In Shu Feng's body, the three skills of the upper transcendental blood contract, the upper transcendental summoning technique, and the power of the middle transcendent king were full of light, and they began to crazily absorb the spiritual power gushing out of his body and began to evolve.

The vocational skills of the Blue Star World make it possible to absorb massive amounts of spiritual power every time you advance to a great level, and pour it into the skill seeds, so that the skill seeds can follow along with them.

Of course, if the cultivator's own background is insufficient, and the surrounding spiritual power is insufficient, it is impossible for the skill seeds to evolve along with them.

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