God-level Base

Chapter 138: Return (additional changes for the 1200 first order)

After the human-faced Demon Tree King lost the Heart of Wood, he trembled slightly, fell to the ground and began to wither.

The Human Face Demon Tree will stretch out countless vines from below, pierce the Human Face Demon Tree King's body fiercely, and begin to absorb the nutrients of its body and begin to evolve.

The human-faced demon trees gathered around the ten generals of the human-faced demon trees one after another, and they did not continue to chase Shu Feng.

"50 billion just got it! Sure enough, the stronger the strength, the easier it is to make money!"

Shu Feng looked at the beast of steel that flew by, a touch of emotion flashed in his eyes, took the heart of wood from the beast of steel, and put it into a crystal box.

The Wood Heart of the Human Face Demon Tree King is among the blue stars. It is also the main material and auxiliary material for refining many top potions. It is extremely precious, and it is a treasure of the same level as the heart of the dragon. A piece of wood heart can be sold for at least 50 billion, if the top wood heart can even sell for a sky-high price of more than 500 billion.

Of course, the heart of wood above the blue star is also a valuable treasure, once it appears, it is basically auctioned at the top psionic auction house, and it is also extremely rare.

The entrance to the gate of Lingjing City.

"who are you?"

When Shu Feng arrived at the gate of Lingjing City, he was stopped by a soldier.

The automatic cannons at the entrance of Lingjing City also locked Shu Feng.

"I am a student in the Tianjiao class of Shuijing High School, exploring Tanduo City, a survivor after being ambushed. This is my student ID, you can check it."

Shu Feng handed his student ID to the soldier.


The soldier put Shu Feng's student ID card into a slot, after the instrument made a beep. He only confirmed Shu Feng's identity.

The soldier said: "Go in!"

After Shu Feng entered the city, he immediately came to the contact point of Shuijing High School in Lingjing City.

"I am Shu Feng, a student from the Tianjiao Class of Shuijing High School, a survivor of the educational internship in Tanduo City. This is my student ID. Please contact the school's senior management immediately. We and our classmates are trapped in a new world."

As soon as Shu Feng entered the contact point, he said to a front desk lady in the contact point.

"please wait!"

The beauty quickly verified Shu Feng's student ID, and then made a phone call.

Before long, an old man with a thin figure, a little gray hair, but bright and energetic eyes walked in.

The old man said, "I'm Ge Minghe, the vice principal of Shuijing High School. Tell me what you know."

"Yes! Vice principal!"

Shu Feng told the story of his own affairs one by one, of course, some things related to his abilities were mentioned in one stroke.

Ge Minghe had always been expressionless, but when he heard that Shu Feng had conquered a small world, he couldn't help but a flash of surprise in his eyes.

In that erosion world, there are countless world fragments and many worlds on the verge of apocalypse. In the Blue Star Qianyuan Republic, there are many aristocratic families who have conquered small worlds before they can become aristocratic families and dominate one side.

Shu Feng actually conquered a small world. This was the foundation for establishing a family, and it was definitely something that countless people in Blue Star were envied and jealous of.

After hearing the ins and outs of the incident, Ge Minghe immediately went to the military headquarters of Lingjing City and applied for military deployment.

The Lingjing City Military Department also directly dispatched an elite army of 3,000 psionicists armed to the teeth, riding on a spiritual armored vehicle powered by Lingshi to advance the world toward the badge.

Along the way, Shu Feng showed the way, and the three thousand elite psionicists armed to the teeth crushed them all the way, blasting and killing all the monsters of the erosion world they encountered.

Shu Feng was also very happy to absorb the spirit power of the monsters that were bombarded and killed in the erosion world, the illusory demon energy, and the genes for harvesting many monsters.

The elite army of psionicists came to the badge and stopped at the edge of the world without entering.

After entering the badge world, Shu Feng brought out all the students from the Tianjiao class such as Li Xuan, and then returned to Lingjing City safely under the guardianship of the elite army of psionicists.

After returning to Lingjing City, Li Xuanyi and others returned to the Shuijing Lingcheng through the portal.

Once back in the Shuijing Lingcheng, all the talents breathed a sigh of relief.

In addition to Shuijing High School in Shuijing Lingcheng, there is also Shuijing University, a top psionic training institution for cultivating psionics. The entire Shuijing Lingcheng Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon has countless powerful artifacts, even if a powerful person of the Spirit Sovereign Realm runs wild in this Shuijing Lingcheng, it will be easily suppressed.

A large power plant in Shuijingling City.

"Student Shu Feng, you are here to charge again."

A smiling face, big ears, and a protruding beer belly, Manager Hu took the initiative to greet Shu Feng.

There are various psionicists in Shuijing High School and Shuijing University, and there are dozens of psionicists who need to be recharged. This large power plant is where they charge.

Ordinary people in other places don't know the existence of psionicists, but ordinary people in Shuijing Lingcheng basically know the existence of psionicists. However, they must also sign a confidentiality agreement and cannot easily reveal the existence of the psionic person, otherwise they will be fined and sentenced.

Shu Feng said: "Manager Hu, please arrange it. Take me to the charging room with the highest power."

Manager Hu smiled and said, "Okay, Student Shu Feng, how much battery do you want to charge this time?"

Shu Feng said indifferently: "Just charge 1 billion degrees first!!"

This time Eroding Realm and his party, Shu Feng obtained massive amounts of illusory demon energy and soul power. However, the electricity he had previously charged has been exhausted, and he must be charged. Only in this large-scale power plant in Shuijing Lingcheng, he can charge 1 billion kWh in a short period of time.

"One billion degrees!!"

Manager Hu was stunned, and he couldn't say anything: "That would cost 700 million yuan!!"

Shu Feng took out a black card and said lightly: "Swipe the card!!"

Manager Hu waved, a beautiful woman stepped forward, took out a credit card machine, respectfully accepted the black card handed by Shu Feng, entered the amount, and swiped it on it.

As soon as Shu Feng entered the password, the 700 million yuan was directly credited to the account.

"This Shu Feng is really rich and powerful. He must be a son of a wealthy family. You can't neglect."

Manager Hu became more respectful and led Shu Feng to the top charging room.

As soon as Shu Feng entered the top-notch charging room, he saw various types of plugs in the charging room.

Strips of transparent tentacles gush out from Shu Feng's body, pierce into the plugs, and begin to frantically absorb the power of the power plant.

The electric meter outside the charging room spun wildly, and in a blink of an eye, 10,000 degrees of electricity was directly absorbed by Shu Feng.

"These psionics are really monsters!!"

Manager Hu's eyelids twitched and he turned and left.

With a thought of Shu Feng, he entered the space of the base.

In the space of the base, many buildings were shining with electricity, and a burst of cheers came from the depths of the base.

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