God-level Base

Chapter 136: The power of the king (to add more rewards for the love of WL brothers)

"Yuanli? Of course it is absorbed!"

A hint of joy flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and he threw the crystal skull directly into the resource decomposition pool.


"Source power +1600."

A prompt sound appeared in Shu Feng's mind.

"2600 source power, just can give me another skill! The power of the king!"

The corner of Shu Feng's mouth raised slightly, and the synthetic warrior corps that immediately led him quickly shrank, and suddenly retracted into the world of the badge envoy.

In the world of the badge, there is the heart of the world guarding it, and it is difficult for many terrifying monsters of the erosion world to enter this world to be fierce. The world made by the badge is still a safer place.

In the base space, the source can evolve inside the tower.

"Give me the seed of the king's power!"

Shu Feng gave an order, in the source energy evolution tower, countless mysterious curse imprints emerged, and waves of source force surged out, intertwined and condensed in the void.

Within a dozen breaths, a skill seed full of illusion and mysterious fluctuations was condensed immediately, turned into a little light and plunged into Shu Feng's body.

As soon as that skill seed sank into Shu Feng's body, it immediately began to crazily absorb the spiritual power in Shu Feng's body.

Within a few breaths, Shu Feng's spiritual power was completely absorbed by that skill seed.

"You have sucked up my spiritual power, so let's absorb the source power! Don't let me down, the power of the king! Give me the source power!"

A strange light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, his heart moved, and he ordered.

The more energy the implanted skill seed absorbs for the first time, the stronger it will evolve. Of course, with the continuous evolution of professional skills, his skill seeds can also continue to evolve. However, the energy needed to evolve the skill seed later is ten times or even a hundred times more than the energy absorbed for the first time.

From the source energy evolution tower, countless source energies gush out at once, continuously sinking into Shu Feng's body, and after transformation, it is poured into that skill seed.

After a mysterious enchantment like a crown absorbed that huge source energy, it quickly transformed and evolved even more terrifying and powerful.

Six days later, that mysterious crown-like curse immediately surfaced in Shu Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, bursting with mysterious light.

Shu Feng slowly opened his eyes, and a line of information appeared at once with a thought in his heart.

"The power of a mid-level extraordinary king. Skill description: Within the range, the more intelligent creatures that recognize you as the king, the stronger, the greater your physical fitness will be. The current range is 1,000 kilometers in diameter. ."

"Let me test the power of this skill!"

With a thought, Shu Feng disappeared from the base space and appeared outside.

As soon as he disappeared from the base space, Shu Feng felt his body sink slightly, and the physical qualities blessed on his body disappeared.

Shu Feng summoned a black dog phantom demon, and then stared at his attribute panel.

"A black dog phantom demon has increased the overall improvement of physical fitness by 0.1."

Shu Feng summoned the Beast of Steel, Camilla and various other synthetic warriors to continue the experiment, feeling the changes in his physical fitness.

Among them, the appearance of Camilla can improve Shu Feng's full attributes by 10 points. The Beast of Steel can only increase Shu Feng's full attributes by 0.5.

In addition, the greater the number of black dog phantoms, the improvement of Shu Feng's physical fitness also showed a downward trend.

This also means that the more races and the more races that agree with Shu Feng as king, the greater the improvement in his physical fitness.

If Shu Feng summoned all the synthetic warriors, he could increase his full attributes by up to 60 points. An increase of 60 points in all attributes is equivalent to an increase in Shu Feng's physical fitness by nearly 50%. This terrifying increase can increase his combat power and survivability by a large amount.

After planting the seed of the king's power skill, Shu Feng immediately stepped into the erosion world again, moving along the original path towards the direction of Lingjing City.

A grotesque and weird face in the woods with weird faces.

Shu Feng followed a passage through which the black dog imaginary demon passed, holding a demon-breaking bullet in his hand, and proceeded cautiously.

Every big tree in the forest with strange faces is a demonized tree. Once they get close to them, they will be attacked by their vines.

Once a demonized tree is destroyed, it will cause a massive siege of demonized trees.

Before Shu Feng and the others, they used the demonized trees to repel the demon-breaking bullets and carefully passed through this forest.

Suddenly, a black cloud flew up from the sky.

"Black Iron Demon Sparrow Group!!"

When Shu Feng saw the dark cloud in the sky flying towards here, his face changed drastically.

The Black Iron Demon Sparrow is also a common demonized creature in the erosion world. They look like sparrows magnified dozens of times, but they have sharp beaks, extremely sharp claws, and they are covered with a layer of black. Tie Lingyu.

Every black iron sparrow is a warrior-level fighting creature. The most frightening thing is that they are all in groups, with hundreds of them each time they are dispatched. Their flying speed is extremely fast, even if a strong spiritualist rank is slightly careless, they will be besieged and killed.

"In this direction, there is no way to avoid it! What a disaster!"

Shu Feng looked at the flying route of the black iron demon bird flock, his eyes were cold, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

The Black Iron Demon Birds flew toward the location of Shu Feng and his party, and they had clearly locked Shu Feng, a seemingly delicious prey.

A flash of cold light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes and commanded: "Do it! The Beast of Steel!"

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the steel beast, and suddenly violent, a sharp steel blade stretched out from the right claw, which slashed on a human face demon tree, and cut the human face demon tree with a single knife .

Large swaths of black and red blood sprayed out from the body of the demon tree with human face and spilled onto the ground. From the cut-off upper half of the human face demon tree, a weird wailing came out.

The faces of the entire human face magic tree group turned around, locked the steel beast and Shu Feng, countless vines and whiskers tumbling under the earth, and the human face magic trees rose from the ground. It is pouring here like human beings.

Countless vines ejected like poisonous snakes with life, engulfing those black dogs and virtual demons one by one, twisting them with force, strangling them one by one.

boom! boom! boom!

The steel beast was extremely fierce, swinging a steel knife, and slicing the devil tree with the human face in the way into two, rushing out frantically.

Shu Feng followed closely behind the steel beast and rushed outside.

The group of black iron demon birds in the sky was extremely fast, turning into a black cloud, and rushed towards Shu Feng and the steel beast.

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