God-level Base

Chapter 135: Kill the Spirit Sect again

The steel beast shook slightly, turning into an afterimage, passing by the spirit spears.

Splashes of blood spattered, and the famous spirit gun split his body one by one, turned it into pieces, and scattered them on the ground.

"No, that monster is definitely a top spirit class monster! If it's one-on-one, I'm still somewhat sure to kill it. But two-on-one, I have no chance of winning!"

The face of the strong man in the Spirit Sect realm wearing the scorpion mask suddenly changed, and he urged his spiritual power crazily, and a little bit under his feet turned into a black light and flees madly towards the distance.


An arrow shot on the body guard spirit shield of the strong spirit sect realm, broke his body guard spirit shield, and pierced into his black spirit armor.

The strong man in the Spirit Sect realm ignored it at all, and instead took a step forward and escaped a hundred meters.

"Phantom Eye!"

Shu Feng surging through the power of the badge, glanced at the strong man in the spirit sect, a trace of weird illusion fluctuations permeated, and his eyes reflected the figure of the strong man in the spirit sect, a trace of it The phantom fluctuated, swept towards the strong spirit sect realm.

"You, why are you here?"

The spirit sect realm powerhouse was on the run. Suddenly, he saw a white-haired man holding a long sword quietly blocking him, his face changed drastically, his eyes flashed with fear, and he stopped. Stopped, drew out a spirit sword.

"No! You can't be here! Illusory, I have been caught by an Illusory! Break me!"

The spirit sect realm powerhouse is also a top powerhouse who has experienced many battles. When he bit his tongue, a sharp pain came out, a spout of spiritual blood, and the illusion in front of him disappeared.

At this moment, a black moonlight appeared in front of the spirit sect realm powerhouse almost instantly.

The face of the powerful spirit sect who wore a scorpion mask suddenly changed, and his body was twisted like a snake at this critical moment.

The black moonlight blasted on the man in the scorpion mask, blasting a big hole out of his left waist, and a large swath of blood spewed out.

An afterimage flashed, and the steel beast appeared directly in front of the scorpion mask man, blasting its claw towards the scorpion mask man.

"Damn it!"

The man in the scorpion mask gritted his teeth, held the spirit sword, displayed a set of incomparable sword techniques, and stabbed at the steel beast.


The man in the scorpion mask pierced the body of the steel beast with a sword, and stabbed into the abdomen of the steel beast abruptly.

"not good!!"

The man in the scorpion mask succeeded in a blow, but an unknown premonition surged in his heart, abandoning his sword, and his figure retreated violently.

The steel beast took advantage of the situation and slammed its claws on the scorpion mask man's body, and blasted the spirit armor on the scorpion mask man into a terrifying hole.

The man in the scorpion mask spewed out a large mouthful of blood, flying backwards tens of meters away like flies.

boom! boom!

Two spiritual power bullets blasted on the body of the steel beast, and two bullet holes blasted on its body.

A dark moonlight shot from a distance, and in an instant, it penetrated the head of the scorpion mask man, shot him directly, and fell to the ground.

The face of the remaining seven masters of the Great Spiritist rank changed drastically, and his figure shook, and fled madly in seven directions.

"Where to go?"

Shu Feng smiled coldly, his eyes reflected the figure of a master of the great spiritualist rank.

The master of the Great Spiritual Master's series saw phantoms in his eyes, screamed, and rolled frantically on the ground.

call out! call out! call out! call out!

Camilla is like a goddess of bows and arrows, and the arrows penetrate the heads of the four great spiritual masters like shooting stars.

The steel beast rushed forward, and easily killed the two masters of the Great Spiritist rank.

In that wilderness, there was only one Great Spiritist grade master who had received the Shufeng illusion, struggling painfully on the ground.


Shu Feng swept the Great Spirit Master rank master on the ground, and commanded coldly.

At the next moment, there was a wave of resistance feedback from the area where the great spiritual master was located, and his consciousness began to try to break free from Shufeng's illusion.

"Sure enough, there is resistance! Order the opponent to commit suicide, or order the opponent to self-harm, and the opponent will instinctively resist. Therefore, it is more efficient to confuse the opponent and let the opponent kill each other."

Shu Feng looked at the great spiritual master struggling with the power of his illusion thoughtfully.

Shu Feng snapped his fingers, and a lifesaver stepped forward and took off the mask of the great spiritualist, revealing a very ordinary face.

"It's a man, it's a pity! But the masters of the great spiritual master ranks are among the blue stars. They can just be used for me to practice hands and conduct experiments, even if the game is broken, it doesn't matter."

Shu Feng slapped his palm on the back of the great spiritualist rank powerhouse, and the terrifying power burst out, blasting the great spiritist rank assassin into the viscera, and ejected a **** arrow.

The three-headed Life Eater directly stepped forward and stripped off all the extraordinary equipment of the Great Spiritist rank powerhouse.

Seventy percent of the fighting power of the strong humans is above all kinds of extraordinary equipment, especially the Spirit Spear, who relies on all kinds of extraordinary equipment to be able to contend with those powerful phantoms and monsters.

Without powerful and extraordinary equipment, those spirit spearmen are like tigers whose teeth have been extracted, not to be afraid.

Shu Feng directly sent the badly wounded spiritualist-level assassin into his base space.

As soon as the assassin was sent into the base space, he was thrown directly into the warrior composite nest.

Countless sharp tentacles pierced into the body of the Great Spiritist rank assassin, infused with various energies, and transformed the assassin's body.

It didn't take long for the assassin's body to be transformed successfully. No matter what he thought, he could only curl up in a corner and fall asleep before getting Shu Feng's order.

"The Tier 4 Transcendent Battle Armor [Black Demon], unfortunately, has been broken and can only be sold for more than one billion. Tier 4 Transcendent Sniper Spirit Gun [Black Venomous Bee], a good thing, can sell for more than 50 billion. Tier 4 Transcendent Spirit Sword [ Storm Sword], a good thing, really rich!"

Shu Feng looked at the pieces of equipment that had been turned over from the man with the scorpion mask, and was full of excitement.

Every piece of the extraordinary equipment on the man with the scorpion mask is very precious and powerful, and it is a valuable treasure. Only those powerful forces above the high-grade aristocratic family can enable the powerhouses of the Spirit Sect realm to have such powerful extraordinary equipment.

If these extraordinary equipment are found in a big auction house that is famous in the world of psionicists, they can definitely easily bid for a high price that ordinary people can't imagine.

"Found the source force, do you absorb it?"

When Shu Feng was looking for the trophies, he found a fist-sized, yellow transparent crystal skull on the body of the scorpion mask man. At this moment, a prompt sound suddenly sounded.

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