God-level Base

Chapter 131: Evolution level three base (additional changes for 900 first orders)

The steel beast is like the most terrifying invincible killing weapon, slaughtering the officers of the Tandu Empire in the center of the command of the Tandu Empire.

The officer of the Tandu Empire only supported it for a while, then collapsed and fled all around.

As soon as the command center of the Tandu Empire collapsed, the 100,000 troops that were attacking the City of Steel were also uncommanded. They began to collapse and fled around.

At this moment, the gates of the City of Steel opened, and four thousand warriors full of hatred against the Tandu Empire surged out, madly chasing and killing the collapsed 100,000 army.

The three powerhouses of Tagmulis, Ye Mingxi, and Camilla joined forces, and once someone organized resistance among the defeated troops of the Tandu Empire, they would all be killed together.

After madly chasing for twenty miles, the defeated soldiers of the Tandu Empire were killed by tens of thousands, and another eight thousand chose to surrender.

"We are victorious!!"

"Long live my lord!!"


After the victory, the entire City of Steel was filled with laughter, and Shu Feng's prestige reached its peak.

Li Xuanyi slowly said: "Unexpectedly, we actually won this battle."

There was a trace of flushing on Yue Hai's face, and he laughed excitedly: "We have won! We have won this battle!! This world is ours!!"

The rest of the Tianjiao class students are also full of excitement.

A world, even a fragment of the world, is of inestimable value as long as humans and other intelligent creatures can survive in it. It is the foundation of a wealthy family.

Li Xuanyi smiled indifferently: "No, this world does not belong to us, but to Shu Feng. Yue Hai, you have to figure this out. Otherwise, neither to you nor to Shu Feng! This battle is not good! We do have credit, but the biggest credit is Shu Feng."

Yue Hai's expression changed, and finally he took a deep look at Li Xuan: "Li Xuanyi, you are right. This world really belongs to Shu Feng."

The value of a world is immeasurable. There are ten tons of gold in the City of Steel, and gold alone is more than 100 billion. In addition, all kinds of extraordinary knowledge, medical information, population, and land in those cities are all wealth. This terrifying wealth is enough to cause brothers to mutilate, and the family turns against each other.

With the power that Shu Feng has mastered, one sentence can turn the students of the Tianjiao class into one of the countless dead bones in this world.

The victory of this decisive battle reversed the power balance of the fragmented world.

Shu Feng commanded three thousand warriors, and brought the three powerful men of Steel Beast, Camilla, and Ye Mingxi to attack the city guarded by the remaining four generals.

The elites of the Tandu Empire have been swept away in the decisive battle. The news of the fall of the Four Great Generals spread to the remaining cities of this fragment of the world, the Kangen Empire and the Lethman Empire in those cities. The survivors rebelled one after another, killing the remnants of the Tandu Empire, and dedicated cities to Shu Feng.

Soon the fragments of the world, which contained five giant cities, seventeen cities, and an area of ​​about 100,000 square kilometers, fell into Shu Feng's hands.

Among the fragments of this world, in addition to the five giant cities and 17 ordinary cities, there are more than 30 ordinary cities, but those cities have many polluters wandering around, and this is where no one lives.

Outside a square in the City of Steel City Lord’s Mansion, stood the horrible monster of Steel Beast, as well as two hundred black dogs, imaginary demons, and 30 life-stealing demons.

Although the combat power of those black dog phantoms is far inferior to those badges, each of them possesses extraordinary sense of smell and extraordinary perception. It is not that simple for anyone to get close to this square.

"[Sacred Emblem Box], a treasure box that can refine extraordinary badges, and is also the source of extraordinary power in this world. There are as many as four. It's great!"

Shu Feng looked at the four [Holy Emblem Boxes] in front of him, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, couldn't help but stepped forward and grabbed a [Holy Emblem Box] and sent it into the resource decomposition pool.

With a soft sound, the [Holy Emblem Box] was immediately decomposed.

"Genpower +4000!"

A wonderful reminder sounded in Shu Feng's mind.

"4000 source power, great! There are three more, it doesn't matter if one disappears! I want to evolve this base space again!!"

With a move in Shu Feng's heart, he picked up a [Holy Emblem Box] and sent it to the resource decomposition pool.

"Genpower +4000! Will the base space evolve?"

Shu Feng resolutely said: "Yes!"

In that base space, an extremely powerful source of energy gushed out and sank into a withered and broken gate.

Countless biological organizations began to grow rapidly with the light of time and space, and the withered door suddenly grew into a blue door that was engraved with countless mysterious runes and exuded a trace of time and air, and it was ten meters high.

In the central analyzer, countless lights shone, and a mysterious rune flashed away.

The entire base space trembled, extending a hundred meters in diameter to the outside, and the wreckage of some mysterious buildings also appeared one by one.

"The evolution of the third-level base is completed, and the next level of evolution requires 50,000 source energy!"

Shu Feng was the host of the base space, and a message came from the central analyzer, letting him understand the extra abilities after the evolution of the three-level base space.

After evolving into a three-level base, the computing power of the central analyzer once again exploded a hundredfold. Its computing power has completely surpassed the strongest supercomputer on the Blue Star [Dark Blue].

In addition, the building that evolved from the base space is called [Shuttle Gate].

The [Shuttle Gate] in the base space is the main body, and Shu Feng can also spend his energy to build a number of [Shuttle Gates] sub-body in other places.

As long as Shu Feng has sufficient source power, he can shuttle from the main body of [Shuttle Gate] to any sub-body where [Shu Feng Gate] is located. This is equivalent to Shu Feng being able to build a [Shuttle Gate] that is even more terrifying than the Gate of Void Demon at will.

You know, every door of the imaginary demons established by the imaginary clan needs to consume a huge amount of resources. In addition, the lives of this world have to be used for various evil blood sacrifices. Only in a specific location can the gate of the illusion be summoned and maintained. It also requires a huge price and consumption. Massive resources.

If Shu Feng builds a [Shuttle Door] in the world of this badge, if he encounters danger in the future, he can escape through the [Shuttle Door] of his body and descend into this world.

Shu Feng can also build [Shuttle Gate] in other worlds, and cast his own troops in the badge to other worlds. However, if there is too much difference between the laws of that world and the world laws of the badge, then it is equivalent to death in vain.

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