God-level Base

Chapter 130: Kill the general of the sky (additional to the 200 monthly pass)

[Master of Sora] A touch of despair and fear flashed in Popocata's eyes, and then there was no sound, turning into a corpse limp on the ground.

The badge of steel on the chest of the steel beast flashed, and the steel beast shrank into a three-meter form, and the wounds on his body healed quickly.

The second stage transformation can give that steel beast a terrifying combat power, but it will also consume its lifespan. After fighting for such a short period of time, it has already consumed more than a month of life.

As soon as the steel beast had finished transforming, it shook his figure and rushed towards the guards of [General of the Sky] Popocata.

"Kill it!"

"Kill this monster and avenge the general!!"


[General of the Sky] The eyes of Popocata's guards flashed fiercely, and they roared wildly, holding a big sword, and rushing towards the steel beast.

The steel beast smiled grinningly, suddenly violent, and plunged into the guards of [Admiral of the Sky] Popocata. The claws, teeth, tail, and sharp blades on his body were all turned into killing weapons, setting off a terrifying burst. Flesh storm, there is no one alive wherever it passes.

"What a strong monster!! This is Shu Feng's trump card!! It is terrible! Could it be that he is really the incarnation of the **** of the sun in the mortal world?"

Ye Mingxi looked at the steel beast, her beautiful eyes flashed with shock.

[General of the Sky] Popocata is one of the five remaining generals of the Tandu Empire, and one of the top masters in the world. But in front of the steel beast, he was killed by a single move, which was simply terrifying.

"This is the captive war beast under my lord. It's terrible!"

"My lord, you really deserve to be the incarnation of the **** of the sun!"


The warriors of the City of Steel looked at the steel beast that wanted to slaughter [General of the Sky] Popocata's guards, and everyone's eyes flashed with excitement.

[General of the Sky] Each of Popocata's guards possesses the power of the Great Spiritist rank, and is almost invincible for ordinary fighters. At least hundreds of fighters died tragically in the hands of Popocata's guards, but now those masters were slaughtered wantonly by that steel beast, which naturally made those fighters extremely excited.

In less than three minutes, [General of the Sora] Popocata’s guards were slaughtered by the steel beast. It was covered with blood and fragments, and grabbed one of [General of the Sora] Popocata. Wei's corpse tucked his mouth, chewed, shaking his body, and flew towards the city gate.

Camilla flew out from a corner, followed behind the steel beast, and flew towards the wall.

Ye Mingxi's beautiful eyes changed, her silver teeth bite, her figure flickered, and she followed Camilla. She was the guard that Shu Feng sent to Camilla.

Camilla's archery skills are amazing, and she also has extraordinary sword skills, but archery is her most terrifying place. With the guard of Ye Mingxi, the two of them work together to kill even the strong in the Spirit Sect realm.

Outside the City of Steel, under the command of the generals of the Tandu Empire, the one hundred thousand army began to attack like crazy.

Countless elite Tandu empire fighters were forced to start filling the river under the guardianship of shield vehicles.

At this time, the guards of the three generals of the Tandu Empire on the city wall have been completely wiped out. More than two hundred giant polluters hugged a block of boulders and threw them wildly, blasting them towards the shield vehicles below, and directly blasted the shield vehicles. Shattered.

The trebuchets in the city were also non-stop. Blocks of boulders blasted among the 100,000 troops of the Tandu Empire, killing a fighter named Tandu Empire.

"Offense! Attack me! Within today, we must conquer this city!! Otherwise, we will all die without a burial ground!! There is also [Sora no General] Popocata, as long as [Sora Zhi] General] Popocata opens the city gate and we can win!"

[General Phantom] Arthur's adjutant Borregasi's eyes flashed fiercely, and he roared in despair.

The four generals are the pillars of the strong men of the Tandu Empire. Once the four of them fall, it means that the remnants of the Tandu Empire will break the rule of this world.

Residents of the major cities in the fragments of this world are the remnants of the conquered Kangen Empire and the Lethman Empire. The remnants of the Tandu Empire relied on powerful force and brutal killing to frighten the remnants of the two empires.

Once the four generals of the Tandu Empire fall, their rule will directly collapse. The remnants of the Kangen Empire and the Lethman Empire will definitely retaliate against them cruelly.

Only if the remnants of the Tandu Empire lay down the City of Steel can they frighten the Quartet and maintain their rule in this broken world.

"Hahaha, **** of the Tandu Empire!! Whose head do you think this is?"

Above the city wall, Tagmurris suddenly laughed wildly and raised a long sword. On the long sword hung four heads, which were the heads of the four great generals of the Tandu Empire.

"[General Phantom], [General Sora], [General Agni], [General Thunder Fang] They are all dead!!"

"Four generals are dead! Can we still break the City of Steel?"


Looking at the four heads hanging on the Longsword of Tagumulis, the eyes of the remnants of the Tandu Empire who were attacking the city flashed with fear and despair, and morale suddenly became extremely low.

A look of despair also flashed in Borregasi's eyes: "[Admiral of the Sky] Popocata is also dead!!"

At this moment, the beast of steel jumped out from the wall of the city of steel and fell to the ground. There were countless sharp blades growing out of its body. The Du Empire officers rushed in the direction where they were.

Where the steel beast passed, it was like a heavy tank smashing through, smashing a path of flesh and blood, and the elite of the Tandu Empire that stood in front of it were easily cut open and turned into pieces. Sputter around.

The dense arrows shot on the body of the steel beast all flew away. It crushed all the way, smashed countless soldiers of the Tandu Empire, and appeared in front of Borregassi.

"Go to hell!! Monster!"

Borregasi roared, and the sword in his hand, like a wave, slashed madly towards the steel beast.


The steel beast blasted out with one claw, and directly shook Boregasi's long sword. With a flick of its tail, it swept across Boregasi's body, and Boregasi's head immediately flew high.

After the Beast of Steel killed Borregasi, he shook his body and rushed in front of another officer of the Tandu Empire, slashing the head of the Tandu Empire Legion.

The seven badges of the great spiritual masters of the Tandu Empire rushed towards the steel beast, and a sound of steel fighting sounded. Within a few breaths, the seven badges split the body into countless pieces. Scattered on the ground.

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