God-level Base

Chapter 1278: Assassinate

Inside the Black Lotus Palace.

Hei Lian Tianjun suddenly moved slightly in his heart and came into a secret room.

In that secret room, there was a human face candle burning with a weird flame. The moment Hei Lian Tianjun stepped into the secret room, the flame above the human face candle tumbling, a little spark drifting out with the wind.

As soon as that little spark fell on the ground, it immediately turned into a weird monster surrounded by flames.

Hei Lian Tianjun frowned slightly and said coldly: "It's you, what can you do for me?"

A distorted voice drifted in the wind: "I came to you, naturally I want to cooperate with you."

Heilian Tianjun said indifferently: "What do you want?"

The distorted voice said: "I want the Saint Flame Star Region, and I want to be the master of this star region! As long as I become the master of this star region, I will appoint you as my prime minister. Above people, above Wuying Tianjun!"

Hei Lian Tianjun sneered: "I am now under one person and above 10,000 people!"

The distorted voice agitated: "Heilian Tianjun, the Ghost Flame Emperor is just a power in a small area. Only by relying on the [Sacred Flame Order] to mobilize the power of the Holy Flame Palace, you are willing to subdue to a powerful power. ?"

Hei Lian Tianjun said very calmly: "Sorry, I don't have the habit of taking chestnuts for other people. If you kill him yourself and become the master of the Saint Flame Star Territory, I will also work for you. I don't want to fight between you. Blend!"

In any case, Heilian Tianjun is only the second person in the Saint Flame Star Region, and he can't advance to a true demon. How can he be an enemy of Shu Feng for that person?

Although the Ghost Flame Emperor in the incarnation of Shu Feng is only a great power, there is the [Sacred Flame Order] left by the Emperor Burning Heaven. Within this Saint Flame Palace, several real demon attacks can be mobilized.

Heilian Tianjun couldn't stop a blow, he naturally didn't want to take risks.

"In that case, what about his will?"

As soon as the twisted and weird voice sounded, a weird and twisted gloom emerged directly.

A hint of fear flashed across Heilian Tianjun's eyes: "What!!"

Ten days later.

Inside Shengyan Palace, a pavilion in the middle of a lake.

Shu Feng was reading the classics while tasting the wine. The six stunning girls of the ghost race were sitting on their knees, peeling fruit for him, or swaying a feather fan to fan him.

A beautiful ghost girl of the middle demon **** level came to Shu Feng's body in a armor and said, "Your Majesty, Hei Lian Tianjun, please!"

Shu Feng said lightly: "Let him come and see me!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The beauty of the ghost race respectfully replied and then retreated.

Not long after, Heilian Tianjun walked in immediately, his eyes passed by the stunning ghost girls, a trace of contempt surged in the depths of his eyes, but he respectfully bowed to Shu Feng and said: " Have seen your Majesty!"

Shu Feng said lightly: "Heilian Tianjun, what's the matter, say!"

Hei Liantian Jundao: "Your Majesty, I have a secret that I want to report to you, please leave me behind!"

Shu Feng waved his hand, and the stunning girls of the ghost race disappeared quickly.

Shu Feng said: "Let's talk about it!"

Hei Lian Tianjun said in a tempting tone: "Your subordinates have discovered a treasure that is suspected to be the ruins of true demons. I wonder if your Majesty are interested in it?"

"True Demon Site!"

Shu Feng's eyes lit up, and even for him now, a real magic site is not a small asset.

Shu Feng said indifferently: "Go and fetch me the True Demon Ruins!"

Hei Lian Tianjun flicked a strange light in his eyes, and a wave of waves was set off in his heart.

The value of a true demon site is immeasurable. If many powers know the location of a true demon site, even if they know the dangers, they will take the initiative to go. Hei Lian Tianjun didn't expect Shu Feng to be unmoved.

Shu Feng had killed a touch of joking in his eyes and said indifferently: "Heilian Tianjun, you don't use it to test me!! I will not leave the Holy Flame Palace before I have cultivated to the Supreme Tianjun! If there is nothing wrong with you, Just step back!"

Hei Lian Tianjun also passed a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

As long as Shu Feng stayed in the Shengyan Palace, he had the means to mobilize the Burning Heaven God Emperor in the Shengyan Palace, and exert the power of a real demon strike.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of Heilian Tianjun: "Your Majesty, I have something to report! The Shadowless Tianjun is trying to rebel, and please declare him to enter the palace! I will eradicate the rebel who tried to rebel for your Majesty! !"

Shu Feng said lightly: "What evidence do you have?"

"The evidence is in the jade box, please tell me personally."

Hei Lian Tianjun respectfully handed Shu Feng a jade box inscribed with countless mysterious curses.

"You are faithful!"

Shu Feng smiled meaningfully, then took the jade box and opened it directly.

At the moment the jade box was opened, countless black and filthy chains exploded out of the jade box, stabs frantically towards Shu Feng.

A layer of terrifying flames erupted directly, forming a flame barrier surrounding Shu Feng's body.

That filthy chain was terrifying, and contained a trace of real demon aura. It actually penetrated the flame barrier in an instant and directly pierced Shu Feng's body.

At that moment, the "Sacred Flame Order" in Shu Feng's hand suddenly appeared, blooming with countless flame curses, directly blocking the black and filthy chains.

"Go to hell!!"

The fierce light flashed in the eyes of Hei Lian Tianjun, and nine black lotus flowers appeared under his feet. The terrifying aura that was infinitely close to the rank of the Supreme Tianjun burst out, holding a weird black lotus sword and facing Shu Fengyi. The sword cut down.

In an instant, a strange world of filth, silence, despair and stench emerged.

In that weird world, a pitch-black black lotus emerged, blooming with a weird and depraved fragrance.

Even if a supreme heavenly monarch smelled the foul smell after smelling the fragrance, he would be captured by the weird fragrance, and he would be in a coma for a moment.

"You dare to shoot at me! You are such an idiot!!"

Shu Feng smiled sensibly, stretched out his hand and pointed, countless flames tumbling in his body, condensing to form a sword of divine flame that can kill everything and burn everything straight towards Hei Lian Tianjun.

Boom! !

Under the slash of the sword of divine flame, the black lotus was directly swallowed by divine flame, turning into bursts of pitch black mist and drifting away with the wind.

The terrifying sword light still slashed directly at Hei Lian Tianjun.

"Peerless Tianjun!! You are a peerless Tianjun!! Save me, Tianjun Huangyan, save me!!"

Hei Lian Tianjun's face suddenly changed, and a look of fear flashed in his eyes and shouted wildly.

"What a waste!!"

A scarlet flame magic figure appeared directly behind Heilian Tianjun, and a ball of flame flew out of it, turning into a statue with nine flame horns on its head, a handsome face in the shape of a human, and a flame curse engraved all over the body. Yin, exuding a powerful man with a terrifying breath of peerless heavenly monarch series.

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