God-level Base

Chapter 1277: Control the Saint Flame Star Field

At both ends of the round table, there is a **** of heaven sitting respectively. A heavenly monarch is in human form, wearing a black robe with lotus flowers tattooed on the robe. He is the black lotus heavenly monarch.

The other shadowless heavenly monarch is wearing a robe of shadow, shrouded in layers of twisted and strange shadows, making it difficult to see his true face.

If the Emperor Burning Heaven was in the Saint Flame Star Region, he would have the highest authority in the Saint Flame Star Region. If the Emperor Burning Heaven were to leave, it would be the Black Lotus Heavenly Lord and Wuying Heavenly Lord who ruled the Saint Flame Star Region.

If the Emperor Burning Heaven hadn't died, the two great heavenly monarchs would naturally not dare to have a trace of strangeness. But once he fell, the ambitions of the two heavenly monarchs could no longer be contained.

Although the resources of the Saint Flame Star Territory were only one thousandth of that of the True Demon Kingdom of Water. However, all resources are returned to the country's lord for use, and don't have to be handed over to the leaders of the gods and demons sanctuary.

This also means that the Lord of the Saint Flame Star Territory can obtain one-fifth of the income resources of the Water God Emperor every year! This is definitely a terrifying resource, enough to make the real demon be moved by it.

The several hegemony battles that broke out in the Central Demon Realm of the Void Demon Realm were in fact a struggle for resources.

There are so many resources in the imaginary world. In order to compete for resources, the powerful races that have risen later naturally have to fight with the previous hegemon.

The three-eyed emperor's gaze fell on a giant candle like a giant candle, engraved with countless stars, and looked very strange: "Star Candle Emperor! Which heavenly monarch do you support?"

The Star Candle Emperor said lightly: "Your Majesty has left a legacy! One day someone will come with the [Holy Flame Order]! That person is the Lord of our Saint Flame Star Territory! I only admit that holding the [Holy Flame Order] People inherit the throne!"

Several great powers also nodded slightly.

The emperor of the three-eyed corner said lightly: "Emperor Star Candle! You and I can guess that the person holding the [Holy Flame Order] must be the person who is reincarnated or reborn. But your Majesty has completely died, and that person is holding the [Holy Flame]. It’s impossible for the people of Tianling to appear!"

The Emperor Star Candle suddenly fell silent.

The vision of the Emperor Burning Heaven's complete death can be seen even here.

Once a true demon is completely destroyed, the probability of wanting to resurrect is too small, but theoretically there is that possibility.

A high-ranking demon **** of the Horned Demon Race broke into the main hall and exclaimed in terror, "My lord! My lord!!! It's not good!!! [Holy Yantian Order]!!! Someone has entered the palace with the [Holy Yantian Order]! "

"What? [Holy Yantian Order]!!!"

"[Holy Yantian Order] actually appeared!!"

"How is this possible?"


The expressions of all the Twelve Heavenly Sovereigns and Mighty Men in that hall suddenly changed. They had all guessed that the [Holy Flame Order] was one of the descendants of the Emperor Burning Heaven to prepare for his resurrection, but they had never guessed that the [Holy Flame Order] would appear so quickly.

Hei Lian Tianjun said: "Where is that person?"

The great demon screamed in horror: "That man is in the Saint Flame Hall!!! He sat on the Burning Heaven's Throne!!"

"let's go!!"

Rays of light gleamed, and those great powers and heavenly princes disappeared from the place one after another.

Inside the Shengyan Temple.

Lights flashed one after another, and the two great heavenly monarchs and ten great powers suddenly appeared, and their eyes fell on a throne in the Saint Flame Hall.

On the throne of the Saint Flame Hall, there was a strong ghost from the Flame Clan with a ghost horn on his head, long scarlet hair, and a flame curse engraved all over his body. That strong ghost Yan clan was formed by Shu Feng's transformation.

In the imaginary world, the enemies of the human race are countless. There are also many strong men who are hostile to the human race among the true demons.

Even the true demon ally who was easy to hide at the beginning may not still be a friend of the human race, and it is very likely that they have become an enemy of the human race. Because Human Race was defeated and was on the weaker side.

Many people are willing to do things that are icing on the cake, but things that give charcoal in the snow are very rare.

The eyes of the two great heavenly monarchs and the ten mighty powers all fell on Shu Feng's right hand on the [Holy Flame Heaven Order] inscribed with countless flame curses, and a trace of greedy glances passed.

That piece of [Sacred Flame Order] is the proof of the orthodox of the Saint Flame Star Region, and only those who master the [Saint Flame Order] are the new emperors of the Saint Flame Star Region.

Shu Feng overlooked the two great heavenly monarchs and ten great powers below and said indifferently: "I am the ghost flame emperor!! [Holy Yantian Order] is now in my hands, according to the will of the Emperor Fentian, from today onwards, I It is the master of the Saint Flame Star Region! You still can't come to worship?"

A hint of hesitation flashed in the eyes of the two great heavenly monarchs and ten powerful people.

In the virtual world, the strong is respected. It's almost impossible to make Tianjun and Mighty surrender with just a piece of token. Only those dead men who have been painstakingly cultivated by the Burning Heaven God Emperor will be loyal to Shufeng because of a token.

The Emperor Three Eyes screamed: "Emperor Ghost Flame, how did the [Holy Flame Heaven Order] in your hand come from?"

"Naturally it was given by your Majesty! However, I guess you are not willing to believe it. Then let you see the power of the [Holy Flame Order]!"

Shu Feng smiled slightly and flicked his fingers.

[Sacred Flame Order] A light flashed, countless flame curses appeared in the entire Saint Flame Star Palace, countless flames tumbling, a Saint Flame dragon condensed in the void, exuding a trace of terrifying power of true magic series Fluctuations, overlooking the three-eyed emperor.

The sacred flame dragon blew gently, and a flame of dragon breath rolled the three-eyed emperor directly.

"Do not!!"

The emperor screamed at the three-eyed corner, and disappeared in the flames of the dragon's breath.

That sacred flame dragon was a method deployed by the God Emperor Burning Heaven, possessing a terrifying power comparable to the weakest real demon. But even the weakest true demon, killing a mighty power, heavenly monarch, is still like an ant.

"See your majesty! I am willing to work for your majesty!"

Seeing this scene, the Star Candle Emperor and other great powers and Tianjun felt a little cold in their hearts, and hurriedly stepped forward, bent over and respectfully bowed to the Shu Feng who was sitting on the main seat, and acknowledged the Lord of the Shufeng Saint Yan Star Territory. identity of.

when! when! when!

Inside the Saint Flame Star Palace, an ancient and mysterious big bell rang directly, with waves of ripples spreading towards the Saint Flame Star Territory in all directions.

"From today, the Ghost Flame Emperor officially ascended the throne and became the new Emperor of the Saint Flame Star Region!!"

Within the sphere of influence of the Saint Flame Star Territory, a magnificent voice sounded in the central temple of the stars, letting everyone know that a new emperor was born in the Saint Flame Star Territory!

Within the Saint Flame Star Territory, within a cave mansion, a statue was surrounded by flames, as if a group of terrifying existences that could burn everything flashed in their eyes: "Fast speed! The Saint Flame Star Territory is my goal! That treasure is also a necessary treasure for me to prove the real demon!"

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