God-level Base

Chapter 1220: Siege of Dragon Elephant Tianjun

"Long Xiang Tianjun, if you don't leave, you won't be able to leave!! Hahaha!"

The giant **** Tianjun smiled grimly and slashed fiercely on Longxiang Tianjun's body with a single axe, and slashed a deep bone wound on Longxiang Tianjun's body.

A diamond glaze-colored light gleamed, and the injury on the dragon elephant Tianjun's body healed instantly.

"It's time to withdraw!!"

Seeing Shu Feng and his entourage besieging the remaining two corpse clan mighty powers, Longxiang Tianjun couldn't help but retreat.

At this moment, a black gleam flashed, and the Dark Sky Monarch Zombie disappeared from the spot.

"Zi Antian, you bastard!!"

Long Xiang Tianjun was taken aback for a moment, and an angry curse flashed in his eyes. Shi Antian obviously abandoned his unreliable temporary ally.

"Sir Antian, really decisive!!"

Heyu Tianjun sighed quietly and urged the [Sky Crane Ring] in his hand, and the sky crane opened his mouth and sucked.

The crumbled crane formed by the collapsed Heyu Mountain guarding formation immediately sank into the mouth of the sky crane.

The sky crane had two wings, and the sky crane feathers shot towards the Dragon Elephant Tianjun.

In an instant, the sky full of crane feathers pierced through the dragon elephant Tianjun's diamond glass body, pierced into his body, and blasted large holes.

As soon as those crane feathers submerged into the dragon's body, they immediately turned into countless curse seals, sealing the dragon's power.

"Stop it! Heyu Tianjun, I'll admit it to today's affairs!! Let me go, when I owe you a favor."

Long Xiang Tianjun let out a sharp roar, and the endless glazed light burst out all over his body. Numerous curse seal shackles in his body collapsed one by one, and he fled to the distance frantically.


The weird master suddenly appeared, urging the weird bell. After the bell rang, a weird sound wave turned into a torrent and swept towards the Dragon Elephant Heavenly Monarch.

A golden light glazed glaze barrier appeared on Longxiang Tianjun's body at once, directly blocking the sound of that strange bell.

"Hahaha, Dragon Elephant Tianjun, you have to ask me if you want to escape!!"

The giant **** Tianjun smiled swiftly, holding the "Giant God Axe" and smashed it on the body of the dragon elephant with a single axe, directly smashing the layer of diamond glaze barrier, leaving it on the body of the dragon elephant. A wound with deep bones.

"Blood sucking technique!"

A cold light flashed in Su Mi's beautiful eyes, and two blood curse marks appeared on her pupils, pointing towards the Dragon Elephant Tianjun.

A large piece of blood shot out from Longxiang Tianjun's wound and quickly fell into Su Mi's hand.

Shu Feng waved the [Shadow Demon Sacred Sword] to cut it out, and a line of shadow shot out from all directions, piercing towards the Dragon Elephant Heavenly Monarch.


The Dragon Elephant Tianjun roared and blasted his fist, extremely domineering, as if it contained the brilliance of the sun, the moon and the stars, and wherever the fist passed, it shattered all the shadow threads and moved toward Shu Feng.

Shu Feng waved [Shadow Demon Sacred Sword], and a curtain of shadows emerged in front of him.

A fist of Long Xiang Tianjun shattered the curtain of heavy shadows, and slammed Shu Feng's body with a punch, slamming Shu Feng to the ground with one blow.

In that base space, a powerful monster body that had concluded a blood contract with Shu Feng burst open.

The ruler of the corpse emerged, urging the [Golden Dragon Ring], a corpse golden dragon appeared directly, driving the terrifying corpse energy, like an incarnation of a corpse world, and directly rushed towards the dragon elephant.

In the golden dragon corpse, the nine powerful corpses used nine kinds of attack and killing secret methods in a formation, and they were united into one body, and they blasted towards the Dragon Elephant Heavenly Monarch.

"Get out of here!!"

Long Xiang Tianjun's eyes were crazy, he roared, opened his mouth and sprayed, and a beam of light swept directly at the golden dragon corpse.

Boom! !

The void was shaking, and the golden dragon corpse collapsed directly under the full blow of the dragon elephant Tianjun, and the nine powerful corpses were also directly shattered by the dragon elephant Tianjun.

I saw the corpse gas in the [Golden Dragon Ring] gushing out, and the set of corpse golden dragons reborn in the corpse gas immediately, and nine powerful corpses also emerged among the corpse golden dragons, and continued to besiege Dragon Elephant Tianjun.

"Gravity shackles!"

Qing Yan looked at the dragon elephant heavenly monarch, spurring the power of the earth at once, with five fingers, and a gravitational light swept towards the dragon elephant heavenly monarch.

Long Xiang Tianjun suddenly felt his body sink, as if he was carrying several worlds on his back, and his actions became a little slower.

Heyu Tianjun urged [Sky Crane Ring], and the sky crane flew out at once, turning into an extremely sharp sky crane sword, slashing the dragon elephant Tianjun's body with one sword.

A huge wound appeared on Longxiang Tianjun's back, and a large swath of blood sputtered out and flew towards Su Mi.

A burst of glazed light flashed, and the wound on Longxiang Tianjun's body healed quickly. The dragon elephant Tianjun has thick skin and thick skin, and its defensive power and resilience are far superior to many Tianjun. Even so, under the siege of those great heavenly monarchs, his vitality was constantly being weakened every moment.

Tianjun Longxiang screamed: "Stop! Tianjun Crane, stop! We, Longxiangshan, are willing to form an alliance with you and let me go!!"

Heyu Tianjun said coldly: "Longxiang Tianjun, you still have to stay!"

"Good! Good! Good! In that case, we shall die together!!"

Long Xiang Tianjun had killed a touch of anger in his eyes, burning the power of the original source, his aura soared, and a heavy glazed light burst out all over his body, and he slammed into Shu Feng frantically.

Where the dragon elephant Tianjun passed, all the attacks were directly smashed by him. Many hard-to-heal wounds appeared on his body.

Shu Feng waved [Shadow Demon Sacred Sword] just spurred a shadow incarnation, and it collapsed and shattered, revealing his true body.

The Dragon Elephant Heavenly Monarch is in charge of power and power. He is the top heavenly monarch. Once he burns the original power, his combat power will explode several times, and he will be extremely fierce.

"Give me to death! Shu Feng!!!"

A fierce light flashed in Long Xiang Tianjun's eyes, and he instantly appeared in front of Shu Feng, with a sharp roar, and a fist that hit Shu Feng's body fiercely.


Shu Feng urged the immortal curse in the supreme demon, shining rays of light.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Within the space of the base, the body of ten monsters of the upper Demon God rank burst open and turned into a corpse.

"The **** person is you!! Dragon Elephant Tianjun!!"

Shu Feng smiled swiftly, holding the [Shadow Demon Sacred Sword] Crazy Sword and slashed fiercely on the head of the Dragon Elephant Tianjun, and a wound with deep bones appeared on the head of the Dragon Elephant Tianjun.

"Secret technique of immortality!! You have practiced the top secret technique of immortality!!!"

Dragon Elephant Heavenly Monarch is also worthy of being a top-tier Heavenly Monarch, reacted at once and roared sharply.

"Go to hell!!"

The giant **** Tianjun smiled swiftly, holding the【Giant God Axe】in his hand, he chopped it down with an axe, and slashed the dragon elephant Tianjun's head along the wound cut by Shu Feng.

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