God-level Base

Chapter 1219: Suppress the ghost and dragon king

"Damn it! How could this be?"

Zui Antianjun's face changed drastically, and waves of turbulent waves were set off in his heart, and it was heartbreaking to see a great corpse clan being suppressed by the ruler of the corpse.

Each of those corpse tribe powers is the backbone of the corpse race and the patron saint of the corpse race. The casualties were so severe that many large areas ruled by corpses would be severely injured.

Originally, the corpse dark sky invited the three heavenly princes, ten powers, and the traitor of the wind snake great demon god, he was more than 70% sure of destroying Heyu Mountain. He never thought that Shu Feng's strength would be so terrifying, and that he still had the master of the corpse as his subordinate.

Zui Antian cursed in his heart: "That idiot, Wind Snake, what did he do? If he destroyed the entire Heyu Mountain enchantment in the first time, how could such a thing happen!"

In fact, Lord Zui Antian also knew that the guardian barrier of Heyu Mountain was the lifeblood of Heyu Mountain, and it was the great formation that Heyu Tianjun spent countless years to build to guard the lair. Even though the Great Demon God of Wind Snake was a direct disciple of Tianjun Heyu, he only dared to do things at a few key points.

Heyu Tianjun is proficient in the art of predicting the secrets of heaven, if it weren't for the Wind Snake Demon God to act cautiously, he would have long been discovered and directly suppressed.

Behind the ghost and dragon corpse emperor, a shadow distorted for a while, and Shu Feng directly appeared like a ghost, and his [Shadow Demon Sacred Sword] pierced towards the ghost and devil dragon corpse emperor silently.

"Shu Feng, you little beast is looking for death!!"

The ghost head of the Dragon Corpse Emperor twisted, staring at Shu Feng fiercely, grinning grimly, and pulling out two human bone blades and slashing towards Shu Feng frantically.

Those two human bone blades slashed at Shu Feng's body at once, slicing Shu Feng into pieces, turning into shadows and disappearing with the wind.

"Go to die!! Go to die!! Go to die!!!"

The ghost head of the ghost dragon and the corpse emperor suddenly showed a third eye, and it locked Shu Feng hidden in the shadow, holding a human bone blade and slashing towards Shu Feng frantically.

Shu Feng showed his original shape at once, and the [Shadow Demon Sacred Sword] in his hand repeatedly cut, and the strange and unpredictable shadow thread directly appeared, cutting towards the ghost and dragon corpse emperor.

Those shadow threads collapsed and shattered one by one under the slash of the ghost and dragon corpse emperor.

The Dragon Whale King’s attacks were blocked by the other side of the body controlled by the Dragon Head of the Demon Dragon Corpse King. The ghost and dragon corpse emperor only wanted to kill Shu Feng with all his strength.

As long as they can slay Shu Feng, the goal of Zui An Tianjun and his party can be achieved, and they can also retreat. There is no need to fight in such an unfavorable environment.

"caught you!!"

Almost for an instant, the ghost and dragon corpse emperor appeared in front of Shu Feng, smiled sensibly, and slashed with a sword.

Countless corpses emerged, turning into a bone cage, directly covering the area where Shu Feng was.

Above the bone cage, countless corpses that had been smashed by the powerful enemies killed by the ghost dragon and the corpse emperor directly appeared, and they attacked Shu Feng frantically.

A slight ripple flashed, the master of the corpse who was fighting in the distance appeared, urging the [Golden Dragon Ring], a corpse golden dragon appeared directly, and directly hit, the countless corpses in the bone cage were all shattered, and the entire cage collapsed. Shattered.


The bell of the weird bell rang, and a weird sound wave swept towards the ghost and dragon corpse emperor.

Two whirlpools appeared in the eyes of the demon head of the ghost dragon corpse emperor, and he opened his mouth and let out a roar.

A terrifying sound wave condenses into one wave, and one blow hits the sound wave of the weird bell, two powerful forces cancel each other, collapse, and annihilate each other.

Two distorted corpse worlds appeared in the eyes of the Lord of Corpses, and he glanced at the ghost dragon corpse emperor.

At that moment, the body qi of the ghost dragon and corpse emperor was disturbed for a moment.

The skeletal golden dragon opened its mouth and swallowed the Demon Dragon Corpse Emperor directly. The nine mighty powers inside joined forces to blast towards the Demon Dragon Corpse Emperor with all kinds of powerful and incomparable secret techniques for attacking and killing.

The ghost and dragon corpse emperor's body wriggled for a while, transforming into a three-headed six-armed corpse monster, holding six human bone blades, frantically resisting the nine powerful attacks.

In just an instant, the ghost and devil dragon corpse emperor was severely injured by the nine powers in the corpse golden dragon's body with a combined blow, leaving many more wounds on the body.

A shadow sword light cut out, submerged into the corpse golden dragon, slashed frantically on the body of the ghost dragon corpse emperor, and slashed a huge wound on his body.

Countless shadow threads are like maggots of tarsal bones entwined on the body of the ghost and dragon corpse emperor.

The ghost and dragon corpse emperor had already been seriously injured, and his power was weakened by 30% when he was entangled by the shadow thread.

Inside the corpse golden dragon, the nine mighty powers joined forces to blast on the body of the ghost dragon corpse emperor, splitting his body directly.

The eyes of the ruler of the corpse flashed with cold light, and the power of moving the corpse.

In that [Golden Dragon Ring], countless black qi surged, crazily eroding the devil dragon corpse emperor, the strong heavenly monarch.

The strongest [Golden Dragon Ring] is only a secret treasure of the Tianjun series, but the secret treasures of the Tianjun series are also divided into three, six or nine grades. The top-notch Tianjun-level secret treasure can even help a top-notch Tianjun escape from the hands of a true demon.

"It's not good!! The little thief Shu Feng is too cruel!! It's better for me to go first!!"

When the sheep head Demon Emperor saw the ghost and dragon corpse Emperor being killed by Shu Feng, a trace of chill surged in his heart, and his body flickered, turning into a black streamer, and disappeared from the spot under the protection of the eight-faced demon. not see.

As soon as the sheep head Demon Emperor fled, Su Mi's face was pale, and she took out a bottle of real dragon blood and drank it in one gulp, restoring her strength.

The eight-faced demon released in the [Eight-faced Demon Picture] also possesses the terrifying power of the Heavenly Monarch rank. Had it not been weakened by Heyu Mountain's guarding formation, Su Mi would have been defeated long ago. She can persist undefeated, which is already very remarkable.

"This bastard!"

When Shi Antian saw the sheep head Demon Emperor running away, his face changed drastically and he yelled.

As soon as the sheep head Demon Emperor fled, the Dark Sky Lord of the Dead lost a Heavenly Lord's combat power. Even though the guarding formation of Heyu Mountain had begun to collapse, the side of the Dark Sky Monarch had already lost its advantage, instead it had become a disadvantage.

Shu Feng's figure shook, and appeared like a shadow next to a corpse tribe's mighty power, madly attacking that corpse race's mighty power.

The corpse dark sky king and the dragon elephant sky king are both veteran sky kings, and also the top ones. Shu Feng knew in his heart that he and Jun Heyu could defeat Jun Zui Antian, but it was almost unrealistic to kill him.

However, those corpse clan powers were greatly restrained by the corpse lord, and Shu Feng, Su Mi, dragon whale king, Qingyan, strange lord and other powers crazily besieged, and they were directly killed one by one.

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