God-level Base

Chapter 121: Capture the City of Steel (additional changes for the 700 first order)

An officer wearing a gray badge battle armor burst into the temple and shouted sternly: "Master General, it's not good!! Tagmurris brought someone into the city!! He suddenly attacked, and the city gate has been breached by him. It's up!!!"

"Tagmulis, that bereaved dog dared to attack the City of Steel! It seems that I was underestimated by him. Does he think that without a general in the City of Steel, no one can control him?"

A flash of cold light flashed in Agulev's eyes, and he pressed the badge on his chest, and the whole person was covered on a layer of black badge armor. In the center of his black armor, a terrible python was tattooed.

"Take her back!"

Agulev left a sentence, shook his figure, and flew away from the temple.

Twenty Agulev's guards flew out from all over the temple, followed behind Agulev, and flew towards the outside.

Agulev quickly came to the battlefield, and at a glance, he saw that Tagmurris was followed by more than 20 giant polluters, more than 20 lifesavers, 300 black dogs, phantoms, Ye Mingxi, and The elites of the Reysman Empire are fighting with the guards of the City of Steel.

The two powerhouses of Tagmulis and Ye Mingxi swept all the way, and wherever they passed, the badges in the Guards of the City of Steel were killed by them.

The most elite thousand-man team in the City of Steel was taken away by Yinshu, and the remaining soldiers of the guards weren't the opponents of that mixed legion at all.

"Tagmurris, you dare to sneak attack on the City of Steel! Today, this is your burial place!"

A cold light flashed in Agulev's eyes, and he screamed, and rushed directly into the battlefield. The sword in his hand was like a cruel and cunning python, piercing directly towards Tagmuris.

As the deputy of Silver Art, Agulev also possesses terrifying strength, which is slightly better than Tagmurris before the evolution.

"Agulev! It's you who is dying!! An idiot!!"

Tagmurris smiled grimly, and the hidden power burst out instantly, like a fierce and terrifying giant bear, slashed out with a single sword, and slashed fiercely on Agulev's long sword.

when! !

A terrifying force erupted, and Agulev's long sword was immediately swung open, and his right hand was numb.


"Tagmurris, how could he suddenly become so strong? Could it be that he also broke the limit, advanced master?"

A glimpse of disbelief flashed in Agulev's eyes, and his figure quickly retreated.

"Haha!! Go to hell!!"

Tagmurris grinned wildly, and strode forward, and a sword swept over Agulev's body with the sound of cracking in the air.

Agulev's body trembled, his eyes flashed with incredible colors, his body split into two, and a large swath of blood sputtered out, turning into a corpse and fell to the ground.

"Agulev is dead! The silver art is also dead! You don't surrender yet, do you want to bury them for them? Those who descend will not kill! The rebels will kill you without mercy!!"

Tagmulis smiled grinningly, took out the first level of silver technique from a cloth bag on his waist, raised it high, and shouted sharply.

"Master Agulev is dead!!"

"General, that is the first level of the general!! The general is also dead!!"

"Run! Run away!!"


When the soldiers of the Guardian of the City of Steel saw the first level of Yinshu, their morale collapsed. Except for a few diehards who continued to resist, most of them fled in all directions.

The City of Steel was originally the city of the Kangen Empire. After Silvercraft occupied the city, about 30,000 people from the Tandu Empire moved here and became the dominators of the city.

After Shu Feng captured the City of Steel, thousands of people from the Tandu Empire fled, but more people stayed in place tremblingly, waiting for the new ruler to rule.

In the outside world, there are polluters and polluting mutant beasts polluted by the power of virtual magic everywhere. The badge can also contend with those polluters and polluting mutants. Ordinary people have no ability to survive outside the city.

There are 20,000 slaves of the Lethman Empire in the City of Steel. Those slaves of the Lethman Empire were rescued by Tagmurris, selected elite ones, and joined Shu Feng's subordinates.

Ye Mingxi was not to be outdone, and began to recruit people from the Kang En Empire in the City of Steel, preparing to fill the power structure of the City of Steel.

Li Xuanyi actively joined in, recruited his subordinates, and as Shu Feng's deputy to formulate various policies for the governance of the City of Steel.

Zhao Zixin also quickly joined in and put forward opinions on the various policies governing the City of Steel.

The joining of Li Xuanyi and Zhao Zixin made Shu Feng understand what a profession is. The two of them are true geniuses, who have received strict education from the children of the family. Although they have no experience, they know how to manage a city from books and from their predecessors.

After all, any aristocratic family has its own territory in the erosion world, and governing territory is also part of the learning of the children of those aristocratic families.

Luo Feng, Ma Jue, and Yue Hai all joined in and became officials of the City of Steel, helping Shu Feng rule the City of Steel. They all know very well that only by making good use of the power of the City of Steel to find a way to control the world can they control their own destiny.

In the center of the courtyard in the deepest part of the City Lord's Mansion, there is a square white jade box. Around the white jade box, there are countless mysterious spells inscribed.

A ray of sunlight fell from the sky and submerged in the white jade box. Inside the white jade box, there was a layer of golden light liquid, and under the light liquid was a badge inscribed with countless mysterious curses.

"My lord, this is the treasure of our world [Holy Emblem Box]! This is a treasure made from the extremely precious Ahalei mother stone."

"In our world, a badge maker usually creates a basic badge, then puts it in the [Holy Emblem Box], and after a month of dip dyeing. That badge will become an extraordinary badge and possess extraordinary power."

"After obtaining the extraordinary badge, we can practice meditation, resonate with the badge, find materials, and integrate into the badge."

"Each time when the badge is on the verge of its limit, it must be dyed through the [Holy Emblem Box] to allow the badge to break through and evolve into a more advanced badge."

"With this [Holy Emblem Box], we will be able to continuously produce badges! This is the foundation of a prosperous power!"

Tagmurris stood in front of the [Holy Symbol Box], a scorching voice flashed in his eyes.

Prior to this, due to the loss of the [Holy Symbol Box], the badges among the remnants of the Rathman Empire such as Tagmurris made one less dead, and those badges were also difficult to evolve. Now that we have this [Holy Emblem Box], it is equivalent to possessing a steady stream of badges, the foundation and the background of fighting the other four generals.

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