God-level Base

Chapter 120: Big win (additional changes for 600 first orders)

Behind Tagmurris was followed by twenty lifesavers, three hundred black dogs, phantoms, and Ye Mingxi.

Ye Mingxi's body is ethereal, extremely fast, the sword is like a shooting star, and he is fascinated by ghosts, and easily penetrates the eyebrows of a famous silver guard.

Those life eaters, black dogs and virtual demons have entangled those silver art guards, and they have entangled those silver art guards whose combat power is comparable to that of a great spiritual master.

call out! call out! call out!

Dozens of elite badge envoys of the Reysman Empire also appeared directly, armed with crossbow arrows, and besieged a well-known silver guard.

The sixty fierce guards of Yinshu's commander, who possessed the power of the Great Spiritist, were immediately besieged and killed by Tagmurris and his entourage.

The Thousand-member Team under Yinshu's command is an iron-blooded veteran that has been tempered through countless lives and deaths. After they mobilized the power of the badge, each of them possessed the strength of the spiritualist rank. At this time, they have quickly climbed up the city wall and attacked from the city wall.

"I'm Tagmurris, Silver Art is dead!! Those who descend will not kill!!"

Tagmurris raised the deadly head of Yinshu, his eyes flashed with fierce light, and he roared sharply.

"The general is dead!!"

"how is this possible?"


"Tagmuris is our general's defeated general, how could it have killed the general!!"

"Vengeance for the general!!"

"Retreat, there is a trap here."


Seeing the first level of Yinshu, the thousands of people under Yinshu's team were floating, some wanted to avenge Yinshu, and some wanted to preserve their strength.


A fierce light flashed in Tagumulis's eyes, and he took the lead, rushing towards the Thousand-man team under Yinshu's command.

The more than twenty giant polluters, Ye Mingxi, Life Eaters, Black Dogs, Voids, and the emblems of the Lethman Empire made the formed legion attack against the Thousands of People under the command of Yinshu.

"Go to hell!!"

Tagmurris rushed into the crowd like a heavy tank, swung the big sword in his hand, and killed the elites under the command of Yinshu like a Wushuang mowing.

Most of the elite of the thousand-man team are veterans who have experienced many battles, with rich experience in life and death fighting, and every combat power is comparable to a master of psychics. However, it was vulnerable to a single blow under the sword of Tagmurris, and he was chopped into countless pieces in one face.

Losing the commander of the great general Yinshu, the thousand-man team only held on for a while, then collapsed and fled one after another.

As soon as the team of Thousands collapsed, they were reduced to pigs and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

"I surrender!!"

"Don't kill me! I surrendered!"


Seeing the tragic death of a famous fellow, the team of Thousands finally had someone greedy for life and fear of death and chose to surrender. After the first surrender appeared, it triggered a chain reaction, and the remaining thousand elites also surrendered one after another.

"We actually defeated [Steel General] Silver Art!!"

Ye Mingxi looked at the elite of the Thousand-Man Team who had fallen into captivity, and there was an unbelievable flash in her beautiful eyes.

After the decisive battle, the top powerhouses of the Kangen Empire and the Lethman Empire were annihilated by the Tandu Empire in one fell swoop. After the strong team of the Tandu Empire ascended, the remaining five generals still command the Tandu Empire's elite to chase and kill the remnants of the two empires.

That [Steel General] Silver Art is like a nightmare for the remnants of the two empires, and the number of remnants of the two empires who died in his hands exceeded 100,000. It was an invincible and invincible horror existence. Now this army that had slaughtered countless powerful men was completely wiped out by Shu Feng, so Ye Mingxi couldn't believe it was true.

Shu Feng said: "Tagmuris!"

Tagmurris strode forward and saluted Shu Feng, his eyes flashing with scorching heat, and he said more respectfully: "My lord! What do you want?"

[Steel General] The death of Silver Art made Tagmulis even more admiration and awe of Shu Feng, the pseudo-sun god, and let him see the hope of destroying [General Magic and Demon] Arthur.

Shu Feng asked: "Yinshu is dead! Can we take the opportunity to attack the City of Steel under his command?"

Tagmulis said: "The five generals of the Tandu Empire have no affiliation with each other. Their relationship is also extremely bad, each occupying a huge city. When the silver art is dead, the city of steel has no owner, and we are just right. We can seize the City of Steel as our foundation. My lord, you are a brilliant plan! I would like to be a pioneer and seize the City of Steel for my lord!"

Shu Feng said: "Okay! Then we will take the City of Steel!"

In the center of the city of steel, there is a huge hall of the enchantress.

"Great witch, let me offer you a young, beautiful and pure soul, hoping to please you."

A handsome middle-aged man dressed in black clothes and neatly combed short blue hair was kneeling on a white dress with purple hair and red eyes. There was a fascinating breath everywhere. Beneath the statue of the beauty goddess, a pious face was praying.

This middle-aged man is Agulev, Yinshu's deputy. If Yinshu is absent, he is responsible for managing the City of Steel.

That peerless beauty with purple hair and red eyes is the enchanting witch in the imaginary world, and the master who has conquered this world.

The main body of this world has been swallowed by the imaginary world, and the remaining territory is just a fragment of the world.

"Bring it up!"

Agulev spoke, and the two badge envoys dragged in a beautiful girl with short brown hair, blue pupils, a fiery figure and crystal clear skin.

Agulev hooked the beautiful girl's chin with a trace of greed in his eyes, and slowly said: "Your Royal Highness, Princess Evre, you are indeed the daughter of Queen Minna, the first beauty of the Leysman Empire. You are really beautiful . In the past few years, I have taken a lot of effort to do nothing against you. You are now the most beautiful and pure girl in the City of Steel. As long as you kill you and sacrifice to the enchantress, she will definitely favor me and treat me Take it to the Netherworld, give me strength, and transform me into a demon!!"

Evely’s body trembled with tears streaming down her face, and pleaded bitterly: "General Agulev, don’t kill me! I am willing to do anything for you! As long as you spare my life, I will do my best to serve you. . Please, don't kill me!!"

"Princess Evely, you really let me down. After your mother was captured by me, no matter how I abused her. She didn't give in. Even if she died, she didn't bow to me."

"Your beauty is worse than your mother, and your temperament and character are far behind her. However, fortunately, you are younger and purer than her. If you dedicate you to the enchantress, he will definitely be very happy!"

A look of disappointment flashed in Agulev's eyes, and he picked up a sharp sword.

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