God-level Base

Chapter 1182: Source of True Demon

"The pistol is useless? This monster is quite strong!"

An unexpected color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and the moment the hideous monster approached him, he punched out.

boom! !

The hideous monster's body exploded, turning into countless pieces and scattered around.

Those scattered fragments suddenly erupted, rushing toward Shu Feng like lightning.

"Hundred Cracks!"

A dignified color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, the sky full of fist shadows erupted, and the shaking word tactics revolved, blasting on the scattered pieces.

In an instant, those fragments exploded again, exploding inch by inch at the level of the cell, and eventually collapsed and dissipated.

"The source of true magic +0.0000000000001."

The countless pieces were scattered on the ground, and a line of prompts appeared directly.

"The source of true demons!! There is a source of true demons in this monster!! This world seems to be very difficult. No wonder this monster is so tricky."

Shu Feng's eyes lit up, and a flash of excitement flashed.

Every true demon is at the apex of existence in the virtual world. It is even impossible for the source of the true magic to leak a trace. Now that Shu Feng killed this monster, he could absorb the source of the true demon. Obviously, there is a big secret in this world.

"I am still too weak now. Let's be honest, analyze this source of true magic, and then use this source of true magic as the basis to deduce the extraordinary cultivation rules of this world."

Shu Feng's figure shook, and quickly disappeared from where he was.

Five minutes later, from a dark alley, a man in a black cloak walked over slowly.

"Snake Fang was killed, who the **** was it? Killed him? Is this the city's demon hunter?"

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the man in the black cloak, and he whispered, turning around and disappearing into the darkness.

Ten minutes later, the police car arrived late.

Shu Feng received financial support from the Nanguang Society and immediately bought a spacious independent luxury villa to live in, and directly took a month of sick leave from the police station to study hard behind closed doors.

Ten days later.

"Finally, the show is here, the practice method of the extraordinary power of this world in total darkness [Yeyuan Mogong]!!!"

A scorching color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, urging the newly introduced [Yeyuan Mogong], and his hands were shrouded in faint light.

Human physical quality always has its limits, so it is necessary to break the limits of the human body to evolve by practicing various extraordinary secrets and absorbing various extraordinary forces.

[Yeyuan Mogong] is the supreme secret method deduced by the base space based on the world laws of this world and the trace of true magic origin.

As long as Shu Feng practices [Yeyuan Mogong] without mobilizing the power of his body, he will not be perceived and rejected by the heart of this world.

The corner of Shu Feng's mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile: "As long as I can hunt those monsters and absorb the source of true demons, I can continue to grow stronger. I didn't expect that entering this world would have such benefits."

The source of that true demon is so precious, just a tiny trace, it is enough to make Shu Feng a lot stronger.

Of course, if it weren't for Shu Feng's base space to evolve a treasure like the Tower of True Demon, it would not be possible to capture the source of the trace of true demon contained in Snake Tooth.

"After scouring the treasure house of the Nanye Demon Emperor, I have no shortage of high-level source energy for the time being. As long as I can refine more true demon sources, I can become stronger."

"I am alone in this world, and I am still a little weak. After my strength rises, the party must find a way to increase their power. Only in this way can Han Guangming's wishes be realized."

A strange light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and he immediately began to practice in retreat.

A month later, the Office of the Commissioner of Police.

"Han Guangming, what's the matter with you?"

The head of the Bonan Police Department, Zhao Mingxiong, frowned slightly when he saw Shu Feng walk into the office.

"Director, didn't you say that you want to promote my position?"

Shu Feng smiled slightly, urging [Ye Yuan Mo Gong], and a faint light appeared in his eyes.

Zhao Mingxiong nodded slightly and said: "Yes! I just remembered. Guangming, your qualifications are enough. You have a great resume, and the police rank should be mentioned. Just mention the first-level superintendent! Position, then the first. How about the captain of a criminal police brigade?"

Shu Feng said: "Thank you, Director!"

Zhao Mingxiong quickly issued a series of orders and completed various procedures.

Office of the First Criminal Police Brigade.

Shu Feng smiled slightly and said, "Hello everyone, I am Han Guangming. From today, I will be the captain of the First Criminal Police Brigade!"

In that office, there was applause and welcome. However, strange eyes fell on Shu Feng's body.

Han Guangming's education is not high, and his skills are common among criminal police officers. Now he became the captain of the first criminal police brigade, which naturally surprised the criminals.

You must know that the first criminal police brigade is the most elite criminal police brigade in Bonan City Police Station, and it has solved many major and important cases.

"That guy turned out to be the captain of the criminal police brigade? How is this possible?"

Manny looked at Shu Feng, clapping her hands in welcome, her eyes flashed with incredulity. Thanks to Shufeng, she was also transferred to the First Criminal Police Brigade. She also didn't expect that Han Guangming, who had been a fool before, could suddenly become the captain of the Criminal Police Brigade.

Generally speaking, if you want to become a squad captain of the criminal police brigade, either you have to solve many major and important cases, or you can easily sit in this position if you have passed the National A police examination and entered the police cadre as an alternate. Han Guangming didn't meet any conditions.

"Everyone, work!"

After Shu Feng waved his hand and let the detectives disperse, he immediately began to take out some files and read them carefully.

In the No. 1 Criminal Police Brigade, various major cases and all kinds of weird and cruel cases in Bonan City were gathered. Shu Feng wanted to find the traces of those weird monsters from those cases.

Manny leaned over and curiously asked, "Old Han, why have you become the captain of the Criminal Police Brigade?"

"What do you think this is?"

Shu Feng handed a stone ball to Manny.

Manny looked puzzled and said: "This is a stone ball!"

Shu Feng said: "Crush it!"

Manny gave Shu Feng a white look: "Are you stupid? How could it be crushed? This is a stone!! Your hands are meat!"

Shu Feng grabbed the stone ball and squeezed it, and the stone ball broke into pieces in his hand and fell on the ground.

"This!! How is this possible?"

Manny was stunned, her beautiful eyes flashing with incredible colors. The stone ball she had just touched was a real stone, and the flesh and blood of humans could not be crushed.

"Mannie, I am actually the heir of a mysterious martial arts family. Originally, I just wanted to live an ordinary life peacefully."

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