God-level Base

Chapter 1181: monster

"This guy is really poor!! What should I do? I want to practice, but it costs a lot of money!!"

As soon as Shu Feng was discharged from the hospital and returned to his home, he was lost in thought when he looked at the small house less than 20 square meters and scattered with various clothes.

The secret technique that Shu Feng is currently deduced is a secret technique for physical exercise. The main energy comes from food. In this way, he must eat a lot of food to be able to cultivate smoothly.

"Fortunately, the salary is paid! The salary is used for a period of time."

Shu Feng went directly to the vegetable market, bought half a pig, hundreds of catties of rice, and dozens of catties of vegetables, and then began to practice.

Ten days later.

"No money!!"

After Shu Feng finished his practice, he took a braised pig's foot, bit it down, and swallowed it along with the bones, like a terrifying humanoid beast.

"Nan Kwang Club is good! This society sells narcotic drugs, pushes good people into prostitution, provokes trouble, and lends money to usury. The most important thing is that they are rich! Kill them and enforce justice, and I will get a lot of money, which can be used for cultivation."

Shu Feng quietly searched Han Guangming's memory, looking for the goal of justice.

The headquarters of Nanguang Society.

"Don't!! Don't!! Let me go!! Please, let me go!!!"

A beautiful girl who had just turned sixteen, was tall, with white skin and a very beautiful appearance, curled up in a room and screamed with tears streaming down her face.

Nan Guangxiong, the president of the Nanguang Club, had lustful eyes in his eyes. He sat on a sofa and said with a chuckle: "Let me let you go! That's okay, as long as you help your father pay back three million, I will let you Let's go. If you are not on now, just be my woman!"

The girl looked sad and angrily said: "My father only borrowed 300,000 yuan from you!! It's not even half a year, and you have to make him pay back 3 million. How can we afford it?

Nan Guangxiong grinned and said, "Then I don't care! The black words are here! Repayment of debts is justified. Honestly, climb over and serve me obediently. Otherwise, I will sell you to the Rose House and let you be one of them. Despicable whore!!"

Rose House is a high-end brothel controlled by Nanguang Society, frequented by countless political and business celebrities, and it is also a well-known thing in Bonan City.

However, Nan Guangxiong, the president of the Nanguang Society, has hands and eyes open to the sky, and the Rose Tower has opened wider and wider, becoming a well-known tumor in Bonan City.

"What do you want to do?"

boom! !

With a loud noise, a member of the Nanguang Club smashed through the door like a flop, fell to the ground, bleeding from seven holes, and could not die anymore.

He was dressed in black, wrapped in a black head cloth, and wearing a magic mirror, and walked in slowly, completely disguised as Shu Feng.

"Who is your Excellency? Why did you forcibly break into my Nanguang Club?"

Nan Guangxiong's face sank, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and said coldly.

The eight subordinates standing behind Nan Guangxiong also pulled out their pistols and pointed at Shu Feng.

"I am the incarnation of justice, come to enforce justice! So, you villains, all go to death!!"

Shu Feng smiled, holding the pistol he picked up, and fired eight shots in a row with his right hand like a phantom.

The eight subordinates behind Nan Guangxiong hadn't reacted yet, and their heads immediately had more shots, and they fell to the ground.

Nan Guangxiong respectfully said: "Your Excellency, since you don't kill me. I must be of some use to you. I still have some power in Bonan City. As long as you do not kill me, I am willing to work for you."

Nan Guangxiong had bowed his head to countless people before climbing to where he is today. Now bowing to Shu Feng is also very natural.

"Transfer all your money to this account!!!"

Shu Feng stretched out his hand and shook according to a strange trajectory, and his voice also brought a strange and strange rhythm, directly using the hypnotism of this world.


Nan Guangxiong's eyes were blurred, and he immediately turned on the computer to perform a series of operations, and entered all the overseas funds he had in his hands into that account.

Nan Guangxiong respectfully said: "Your Excellency, I can only mobilize the funds that belong to me at the moment! I can also mobilize other people's funds. Should I also transfer those people's funds?"

In addition to using his own funds to lend, Nan Guangxiong also helped many big people in Bonan to lend money, earning huge amounts of money for those big people every year.

Without the support of those big figures, Nan Guangxiong would have been killed long ago and went straight to jail.

Shu Feng said: "Turn around! I will receive the money from the sinners."


Nan Guangxiong manipulated for a while and transferred all the money of those people to Shu Feng's overseas account.

"You are useless! You can go to death!"

Shu Feng blasted Nan Guangxiong's head with a shot, and did not take another look at the beautiful girl curled up in the corner, and strode outside.

There was a hint of joy in Shu Feng's eyes: "The soul is fused! It seems that every time I execute justice, I will merge a ray of soul. This is also good!"

Boom! !

Shu Feng had just left Nanguang Society and had not walked 500 meters, a gold shop not far away immediately exploded.

Seven robbers quickly rushed into the gold shop and began looting the gold in the gold shop.

"This is Bonan City!! A crime city!! To make Bonan City a good law and order, you must think of something."

Shu Feng frowned slightly, his figure flickered, and flew towards the Jindian.

"Go to hell!!"

Shu Feng had just arrived at the Jindian, a fierce light flashed in the eyes of a robber, and he shot him frantically.

Shu Feng's figure shook, appeared in front of the robber like a ghost, punched the robber's head, and exploded the robber's head directly.

"Kill him!"

A robber roared sharply and began to fire his gun frantically at Shu Feng.

The other robbers also raised their guns and fired frantically at Shu Feng.

Shu Feng shuttled among the robbers like a ghost, punching them one by one, exploding them one by one.

When the seven robbers all died, seven pieces of flesh and blood flew out of their bodies, condensing them into a monster with a height of two meters, a muscular body, a hideous face like a ghost, and a hideous and terrifying aura.

boom! boom! boom!

Without saying a word, Shu Feng fired several shots directly at the monster.

A round of bullets hit the monster's body, blood splattered, and the bullet holes appeared directly. It's just that the monster's body squirmed, and every bullet was squeezed out.

"The humble human ants dare to spoil my good deeds! Then let me eat you and make you my new container!!"

The monster grinned grimly, and the fierce light flashed in his eyes, rushing towards Shu Feng like lightning.

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