God-level Base

Chapter 117: Camilla Evolution (for the 08a brothers' rewards plus more)

Ma Jue is not an idiot either. He glanced at those silent companions, thoughtfully, silently, and looked at Shu Feng quietly.

"I am the incarnation of the **** of the sun in the mortal world. I will lead you to destroy all the phantoms in this world. Tonight, I will hold a ceremony to enhance the power of Tagmurris! Let him become stronger and become my hand. Sharp sword, slay all my enemies!"

Shu Feng left a faint sentence, turned and walked towards a room in the villa.

Tagmuris and Camilla walked behind Shu Feng.

At the entrance of that room, two lifesteales stood guarding.

Shu Feng glanced at Tagmurris and slowly said: "Tagmurris, I can bestow you with a powerful force that can rival [Phantom General] Arthur. But once you accept that power, you must be loyal to it. To me, dedicate everything to me. Are you sure you want to gain that power?"

A trace of flame flashed in Tagmulis's eyes, as if he was about to burn himself to death: "As long as I can kill [Magic General] Arthur, I am willing to do anything!"


Shu Feng stretched out his hand and patted Tagmurris on the shoulder.

In the next moment, Tagmurris appeared in the source energy evolution tower.

"What is this place?"

Tagmurris's muscles were tight, a vigilant color flashed in his eyes, and he looked curiously at the countless mysterious spirit patterns engraved in the source energy evolution tower.

When Tagmurris saw Shu Feng and Camilla on the side, he was a little relieved.

"This is my temple! Only here can I cross the world and give you strength! Now urge the mind to resonate with the [Giant Bear Emblem]!"

Shu Feng flicked his finger, and the [Big Bear Badge] fell into Tagmuris' hands.

Tagmulis grabbed the [Great Bear Badge] and pressed it to his chest, then sat cross-legged, running the special Great Bear Badge Meditation.

On the chest of Tagumulis, the [Big Bear Badge] burst out with black rays of light, and behind him, a terrifying giant bear phantom slowly emerged.

"I will give you strength now! Don't resist that kind of strength! Otherwise, your evolutionary effect will be greatly reduced!"

Shu Feng gave a soft drink, and stretched out thick tubes from the source energy evolution tower, spraying out countless mucus, and one fell on Tagmurris' body.

"What a magical power! My bottleneck is starting to loosen!"

As soon as Tagmurris wanted to break free, he sensed a trace of mysterious power pouring into his body, causing him to loosen the bottleneck that he hadn't loosened for many years, and suddenly a trace of ecstatic excitement surged in his heart.

In this world of badges, the great spiritual master is the limit of human evolution. Only those powerhouses in the Tandu Empire who believed in the enchantress had obtained the method to break through this limit.

The powerhouses of the two empires of the Conn Empire and the Lethman Empire were unable to break through their limits, and thus they were defeated in a series of battles and eventually became a bereaved dog.

"Maybe I guessed wrong! He may really be a **** from another world!"

A thought suddenly surged in Tagumulis' heart, then let go of his body and mind, and began to accept that mysterious power.

In the space of the base, on the central control tower, a trace of mysterious ripples gushed out, silently shrouded in the body of Tagmuli, and followed the continuous flow of power into Tagmuli. in vivo.

"Allowing Tagmulis to evolve into a powerhouse in the Spirit Sect realm, it actually consumes 700 of my source energy in one breath, which is really heartbreaking."

Shu Feng glanced at the evolving Tagmurris, a little painful, and looked at the resource data, and a touch of relief flashed in his eyes.

"743 points of source energy, 1 point of destructive deity, and 145 points of power of the evil god."

Shu Feng asked: "Using the source energy to open up new spiritual veins can not immediately improve my strength, and it does not have much effect. It is not cost-effective to improve my physical fitness. To implant 1 point of divinity in my body, how much source do I need to consume? can?"

A line of information came from the central analyzer: "Implanting 1 point of divinity requires 1500 points of source energy!"

Shu Feng looked puzzled: "Why do you need so much energy?"

"The host's body already has 1 point of divinity, which has reached the limit of the body to accommodate the divinity. If the host evolves into a powerhouse in the spirit realm, it can consume 300 points of source power to accommodate another 1 point of divinity.

Shu Feng glanced at Camilla from the side and said, "Then, if this bit of divinity is implanted in Camilla's body, how much source power will it consume?"

Camilla, a dark elf beauty who followed Shu Feng all the way, was one of his greatest assassins, and he did not know how many powerful enemies he shot and killed. Now that the benefits are gained, Shufeng naturally chooses to let Camilla evolve instead of letting Tagmurris evolve.

"Consumption of 200 points of source power can implant 1 point of destructive deity into Camilla's body. Another consumption of 300 points of source power and 1000 soul power will enable her to advance to the brave! Does it consume source power to allow her to evolve?"

Shu Feng said decisively: "Consume 500 source strength and 1 point of divinity, let her evolve!"

The tubes stretched from all directions, spraying out countless mucus, enveloping Camilla, and forming a mysterious big egg.

Countless mysterious source power poured into Camilla's body, frantically strengthening her body and soul.

Shu Feng glanced at the evolving Tagumulis, snapped his fingers, and a piece of fleshy tissue stretched out from the ground, forming a single room, enclosing the egg of Tagumulis.

An hour later, a mysterious golden light fell into Camilla's egg. The egg she was in exudes a mysterious wave at once.

Shu Feng was bored and asked, "How much energy does it take to improve my blood contract with the brave skills?"

"The evolution of the high-ranking extraordinary blood contract requires 5,000 source power."

Shu Feng thought silently in his heart: "It seems that I should accumulate the source of energy honestly and exchange the power of a king."

Four hours later.

There was a crackling sound, and the big egg where Camilla was sitting split open, and countless mucus poured out from it. She walked out from the inside with a naked body, exuding a bright and beautiful light.

"Camilla has become more beautiful!"

Shu Feng's eyes lit up, and rows of Camilla's data immediately appeared in his eyes.


"Professional, brave. The growth rate is 100."

"Level 45."

"Skills, median superb archery, median superb swordsmanship, dark moonlight arrow, lower superb eagle eye, median superb perception."

"Skills of the brave: the pupil of the upper transcendental moon, the darling of the upper transcendental night."

"Divine life body. Destroy the divine 11."

"Divine characteristics: fixed destructive power increased by 50%, resistance to various spells +1, immunity to low-level lethal spells!"

"Strength 122, Agility 225, Defense 110, Constitution 165, Intelligence 100, Spirit 156, Magic 567432."

"Charm 715, soul power 616."

"Warrior skill description: The upper supernatural-level moon pupil can absorb the power of moonlight and stay in the pupils. Turning on the moon pupil during battle can obtain super dynamic vision, greatly improve physical fitness, and can strengthen darkness. The power of Moonlight Arrow."

"The darling of the high-ranking transcendent level night, in the dark night, can obtain all-round improvement of physical fitness to blessings."

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