God-level Base

Chapter 116: Tagmurris surrendered (a reward for the honest boy)

Humans are short-lived species with a short life span. Cultivators below Blue Star's Spirit Sect realm will live about ten years longer than ordinary people. Once advanced to the Spirit Sect, the human life span of Blue Star can reach about 150 years old. Once the spirits are advanced, the lifespan can reach 200 years old. Lingsheng is about 300 years old.

Once contaminated by those imaginary demons to become a demon, even a low-level demon will have a lifespan of 500 years. It is precisely because of this that many strong people among human races have fallen and become demons.

"It's just an arm!"

A cold light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and it was directly collected into the melting pot of flesh and blood in the base space.

Before that arm fell into the furnace of flesh and blood, an incomparably terrifying imaginary power burst out, and it began to twist and grow a pair of wings.

Countless transparent tentacles stretched out from the melting pot, pierced fiercely into that arm, and began to draw the strength of that arm crazily.

That arm struggled for a long time, and was eventually pulled directly into the flesh melting pot by countless transparent tentacles, turning it into nutrients for the flesh melting pot.

"Higher Void Demon Nether Energy +100,000, Destruction Divinity + 1!"

A line of prompt sounds appeared in Shu Feng's mind.

A flash of excitement flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "Divinity! One right hand has divinity! It seems that I gave a big guy a cruel heart!"

Divinity represents the concretization of certain power rules. If an ordinary creature wants to transform into a deity, it must possess divinity. This is the information obtained by the strong men of the Blue Star World after exploring the world of Grundor.

However, the method of condensing divinity, that is, the secret method of evolving into a god, is a secret among secrets no matter what world it is in. Shu Feng couldn't touch this kind of knowledge at all. The value of that one point of divinity is simply incalculable.

"Impossible! How could this be? Impossible! No! No! I don't believe it!! How could the gate of the illusion collapse? We sacrificed so many people before to destroy the gate of the illusion."

"You, how can you destroy the Gate of the Void Demon. You, why didn't you show up sooner!!"

Seeing this scene, Tagmurris cried and laughed, mad, his eyes flashed with a stern light, and he roared frantically, swinging his great sword to make Ye Mingxi retreat steadily.

"Tagmurris! I am the **** of the sun from another world. I and the enchantress are mortal enemies! If you surrender to me, work for me! I can give you strength, make you stronger, and Help you behead [Phantom General] Arthur!!!"

Standing on the ruins of the Void Demon Gate, Shu Feng's eyes were indifferent, like a **** standing high above and overlooking all living beings slowly.

"What you said is true?"

Tagmurris' eyes lit up slightly, and a glimmer of anticipation flashed.

Camilla yelled loudly and sternly: "Pay attention to your words, human! This is a great sun god! A great master I believe in!! Disrespect to the gods, that is a great sin of blasphemy! To the tribes!"

"I am willing to surrender to you, the great sun god. As long as you can help me kill [Magic General] Arthur, my loyalty, my life, and my soul all belong to you!"

Tagmurris shook Ye Mingxi back with a sword, and bowed down to the ground, his eyes flashing with a fierce flame of revenge and said.

Ye Mingxi stood quietly on the side, looking at Tagmuris, who had fallen to the ground, a complex color flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Tagmulis possesses the [Big Bear Badge], and was also a general of the Reysman Empire at that time, and his strength is not comparable to Ye Mingxi. Such a strong man actually fell at the feet of Shu Feng, making Ye Mingxi very complicated. She knew very well that Shu Feng was not a sun god, but an ordinary teenager from Blue Star.

Shu Feng said lightly: "Give me your [Giant Bear Badge]!"

A lifestealer strode up to Tagmuris and stretched out his paw.

"Yes! My lord!"

Tagmurris pressed his chest, the armor of his badge disappeared, and an additional 【Bear Badge】 appeared on his chest. He took off the [Bear Badge] and handed it to the Lifestealer.

The Life Eater handed the [Big Bear Badge] to Shu Feng's hand.

Losing the [Great Bear Badge] Tagmurris's strength plummeted, that is, around the Great Spiritist, and its defensive power was far inferior to the Badge of the Great Spiritist rank, so it couldn't turn a storm.

Shu Feng said: "Okay Tagmulis, now you go to summon your subordinates. Tonight, I will give you strength."

"Yes! My lord!"

Tagmurris replied respectfully, turned and strode outside.

Ye Mingxi walked over, a complex color flashed in her beautiful eyes, and asked curiously: "Shu Feng, are you sure Tagmurris believes in your identity as the sun god?"

Shu Feng smiled slightly and said, "I'm 90% sure that he doesn't believe it."

Ye Mingxi frowned her eyebrows slightly, "Then why would he still take refuge in you?"

Shu Feng smiled and said: "He wants to live, and also wants to avenge [General Phantom] Arthur. So he chose to take a gamble! Take a gamble on me. After all, if he doesn't take refuge in me, his fate It's just a dead end. If you take refuge in me, he still has a chance to get revenge. This guy is very smart!"

Ye Mingxi wondered: "Why didn't he take refuge in me? Obviously my strength is much stronger than you!"

Shu Feng laughed and said: "It's very simple! Because you and him can't kill [General Phantom] Arthur. And I can destroy the gate of the Void, and I can help him kill [General General] Arthur!"

A trace of suspicion passed through Ye Mingxi's beautiful eyes: "Can you really kill [General General] Arthur?"

Shu Feng smiled confidently: "Of course! As long as I have your help, I can definitely kill [Magic General] Arthur!"

Tagumulis is very capable, and quickly retrieved the 700 survivors of the Reysman Empire, and the group returned to the luxurious villa.

"Everyone, this one is the incarnation of the great sun **** walking on earth! He will lead us to sweep away all the illusions and rebuild a new empire!! Follow me to see the great sun god!"

In a square, Tagmulis' eyes flashed with scorching heat, and with a roar, he bowed directly to Shu Feng and bowed to the ground.

"Meet the **** of the sun!"

Those 700 survivors of the Lethman Empire bowed to the end honestly.

Seeing this scene, Ma Jue whispered: "God of the sun!! When did Shu Feng become the **** of the sun? Why don't I know?"

Li Xuan glared at Ma Jue and scolded: "Shut up! The **** of the sun is very great, he was only hidden in Shu Feng's body before! Don't blaspheme the gods!"

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