God-level Base

Chapter 1158: Suppress the green corpse

Yu Wenqing looked at Shu Feng with a pained look, and a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes: "Yan Zui! One of the elders of the Ten Thousand Corpse God Cult! That guy is dead!"

The palace lord of Yanshan Academy saw this scene, and a trace of regret passed in his eyes: "Bei Liebo's courage is commendable, but it's too reckless. It's dead!!!"

The green-haired corpse demon is a powerful man at the same level as the palace owner of the Yanshan Academy, and the palace owner of the Yanshan Academy does not dare to be distracted at all.

Zhou Haishan's complexion became extremely pale: "It's over!!"

In almost an instant, the Yan Corpse appeared in front of Shu Feng's body in a weird manner, the jade hand turned its claws, and slammed towards Shu Feng's claws.

A burst of weird and incomparable fragrance gushed from Yan Zui's claws, shaking people's minds.

The corpse demon's fragrant claw is one of the top evil skills in the cult of ten thousand corpses. It is a terrifying magic skill that is extracted from countless female corpses and mixed in their own devil's claws day and night.

Once a man is attacked by the corpse demon's fragrant claws, he will burn himself and his mind will be shaken.

With this magic skill, Yan Zhe even killed a terrifying powerhouse in the four heavens.

boom! !

Shu Feng blasted out with a punch, containing the overbearing power to smash everything, and instantly blasted onto Yan Zui's body.

The Yan corpse screamed, and her body burst open, turning into countless pieces and scattered all over the ground.

Zhou Haishan looked incredulous: "I was killed! Yan Zhe, was actually killed? How could that be possible? He is one of the elders of Ten Thousand Zombies! How could he be killed by Bei Liebo so easily."

"That's Elder Yan Zhan!!"

"Elder Yan Corpse was killed by him!! How could this be? How could the Bei Lie family have such a monster?"


Shocked eyes one after another focused on Shu Feng's body.

Su Feng's shadow suddenly squirmed, and an elder of the gods of corpses, who seemed to melt into the shadow, held a dagger and pierced directly towards him like a ghost.

"Dare to play shadows in front of me?"

A look of contempt flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and he patted it with a palm of his backhand and printed it on the head of the elder of the **** of corpses.


The body of that ten thousand corpse **** sect elder split instantly, turning into countless pieces and scattered on the ground.

"Green-haired corpse demon, either surrender to me or die, you can choose one!"

The fierce light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and he walked towards the green-haired corpse demon in a cold voice.

"Bei Liebo, I admit that I underestimated you. However, it is ridiculous that you want me to surrender too!"

The green-haired corpse demon smiled swiftly, aroused the devilish energy, his muscles were knotted, and he transformed into a horrible corpse demon with a body length of 100 meters and covered with green hair. One claw is driving the endless corpse energy towards Shu Feng. go with.

The green-haired corpse demon cultivates one of the three great demon skills of the Ten Thousand Corpse God Sect, which is also a peerless demon skill that directly points to the gods. If the green-haired corpse demon can repair the green hair all over it into gold, it can evolve into a corpse and become a great power of the corpse clan.

The green-haired corpse demon blasted out with all its strength and enveloped the endless corpse energy. Once any living person was enveloped by that corpse energy, his vitality would be completely eroded and reduced to a corpse.

The masters of Yanshan Xuegong were quite afraid of the green-haired corpse demon's attack.

"This claw, not bad! It's worth my real shot!!"

A scorching color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, a fist blasted out, and a virtual shadow of a King Kong dragon elephant appeared, blasting straight out.

Boom! !

Accompanied by a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth, the green-haired corpse demon, who had already advanced to the fifth heaven and was comparable to the great demon god, slammed against the wall on the side like a dregs, and slammed the A terrifying hole blasted out of the wall.

The green-haired corpse demon bleeds from seven holes, and there are countless terrifying cracks in his body.

Yu Wenqing looked incredulous: "Impossible? That's the green-haired corpse demon!! The great elder second only to the leader of the Ten Thousand Zombie Cult!! Bei Liebo, younger than me, how can he be so powerful?"

Yu Wenqing has always believed that he is the most outstanding genius of this era. After the sword crushed the Yanshan Academy, his heart was even more proud. But he was hit hard by the green corpse demon, and the green corpse demon was hit hard by Shu Feng. This gap made him even a little doubtful of life.

Zhou Haishan was dumbfounded: "When did he become so terrifying?"

"That's Bei Liebo!! A super talented genius!! Even if he is a super talented peerless genius, how could he be so strong? The green corpse demon is a powerhouse in the fifth heaven!"

There was also an incredulous color in Suhana's beautiful eyes, who had a broken arm.

The powerhouse of the rank of the fifth heaven in the realm of heaven is also the powerhouse at the apex in this world. Leaders of the top powers such as Heilou and Yanshan Xuegong Shanzhu only have this kind of cultivation base.

As soon as the green-haired corpse demon fell to the ground, his figure violently retreated, turning into a green light and fleeing into the distance.

"Unfortunately, your opponent is me! If you run away, I won't be called Bei Liebo!"

Shu Feng smiled indifferently, and used his wings to flash, his whole body swayed slightly, appearing above the green-haired corpse demon like a shuttle in the void, and stepped out.

A phantom of a King Kong dragon elephant appeared directly, and the huge soles of feet stomped down, and one foot on the green-haired corpse demon.

Boom! !

The green-haired corpse demon screamed and fell to the ground. His body was seriously injured, bleeding from seven holes, and his breath was dying. Shu Feng casually collected it into the space of the base.

The powerhouses of the Five Heavens Great Demon God series are already considered top masters in this world, and they can help Shu Feng do many things.

Shu Feng's figure shook, and shuttled through the crowd like a phantom. With one palm, he directly suppressed the powerful men of the Ten Thousand Corpse God Cult and included them in the space of the base.

It didn't take long for the elders of Yanshan Academy and the elders of Yanshan Academy to be the only ones present.

An elder of Yanshan Academy said with a complicated color in his eyes, "Bei Liebo, you did a great job."

The rest of the Yanshan Academy elders also flashed complicated colors in everyone's eyes.

If Bei Liebo hadn't made the move this time, Yanshan Academy would have suffered heavy losses and might even be in danger of falling.

Only Yanshan Xuegong Shanchang still looked at Shu Feng with some vigilance, and a look of worry flashed in his eyes.

Shu Feng smiled faintly: "Shanchang, I hope Yanshan Academy can support me to become a prince!"




In that Douyan Hall, all the elders of Yanshan Academy's expression became very ugly.

The struggle for the throne is cruel, and it is not uncommon for fathers to kill sons and sons to kill their fathers. In that battle for the throne, standing in the wrong team, there are not a few big forces that have been purged.

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