God-level Base

Chapter 1157: Mutation

Su Hana turned her beautiful eyes, and she exuded a trace of charm all over her body. Chu Chu said pitifully, "Yu Wenqing, please be merciful."

Yuwen Qingxin said coldly: "Suhana, Mei Gong is not valid for me. Do it!"

"Then it would be rude!"

A flash of cold light flashed in Suhana's beautiful eyes, and with a wave of her hands, the colored ribbons turned into shadows in the sky, sweeping away Yu Wenqing from all directions.

Suhana danced in it like a charming dancing elf who descended to the mortal world, and bursts of enchanting aura permeated her body, which made people intoxicated and couldn't bear to hurt her.

"Sky Demon Dance! What a wonderful dance! It's a pity, it's useless!"

Yuwen smiled indifferently, the long sword was unsheathed, driving the terrifying thunder light, and in an instant, the ribbons of the heavenly devil pierced and twisted directly.

Suhana screamed, her right arm broke, blood splattered, and she immediately retreated.

Yu Wenqing stood with a sword, looked around, smiled proudly: "Who else? In Yanshan Academy, who else would dare to come and fight me?"

One after another, eyes full of anger focused on Yu Wenqing's body.

In this Yanshan Academy, only the elder of the Academy and Shan Chang had the strength to easily defeat Yu Wenqing. But bullying the small with big things in that way will only give rise to notoriety.

When the genius was born in Yanshan Academy, he was also proud of the Lei Xing Sword Sect, and the Lei Xing Sword Sect also endured this bad breath.

Yu Wenqing smiled slightly and said: "No one in Yanshan Academy dared to fight, then this time, my Lei Xing Sword faction won! Right! Lord Yanshan Academy Mountain?"

Yanshan Xuegongshan Chang's face became cold and said: "This time, your Thunder Sword Sect has won!"

Yanshan Xuegongshan is very knowledgeable, and although he is a little unhappy, he admits the failure of Yanshan Xuegong.

"Yanshan Academy is really a bunch of rubbish!! In this case, there is no need for it!!"

Accompanied by the sound of a strange laughter, bursts of weird green corpse mist erupted abruptly in the Douyan Hall, quickly spreading in all directions.

"Do not!!"



Those students who were still in the mortal realm were swept up by the green corpse mist, and immediately everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they fell to the ground in a normal way, struggling with great pain, and turned into corpses.

A man covered with long green hair and three meters tall, like a human-shaped living corpse, walked out from the side, looking at the strong men of Yanshan Academy with a joke on his face.

"Green-haired corpse demon! Do you still dare to show up in the Northern Lie Empire, looking for death?"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of Yanshan Xuegong Shanchang.

"In the Northern Lie Empire, there is also a Northern Lie Xuankong that deserves a little more attention. Now Bei Lie Xuankong is constrained by the leader! You are all destined to die here today."

"But I was lucky to meet Yu Wenqing, the first genius of the Lei Xing Sword Sect. It was great. He can definitely become my best collection."

The green-haired corpse demon smiled sorrowfully and grabbed it with a big hand.

A bunch of weird and incomparable strengths gathered, forming a huge green-haired big hand in the void, and grabbed it directly towards Yu Wenqing.

"Lei Xing Po Kong Sword!"

Yu Wenqing's expression suddenly changed, and all the terrifying aura of the heavenly realm broke out, and the long sword in his hand surrounded the endless thunder light, madly stabbing on the big green hand.

The big green hand grabbed it at random, and the countless thunder lights went out, and took advantage of the trend to slap Yu Wenqing's body.

Yu Wenqing ejected a **** arrow in an instant, and fell to the ground like flakes. His whole body was disordered, and green corpse hairs grew.

"Green-haired corpse demon, your opponent is me!"

Yanshan Xuegongshan Chang screamed, turned into a flame, and rushed towards the green corpse demon.

With a grinning smile, the green-haired corpse demon rushed towards Yanshan Xuegongshanchang: "Yanshan Xuegongshanchang, you can definitely become my best collection."

From all over the Yanshan Academy, one after another powerful men of the Ten Thousand Corpse God Cult came out. Those strong men entangled the elders of Yanshan Academy. The other masters are frantically hunting down the students in Yanshan Academy.

boom! !

With a loud noise, the door of Shu Feng's closed chamber was immediately kicked open by a corpse pattern tattooed on his head, like a living corpse.

"Bei Liebo!! One of the most talented geniuses in the Bei Lie family. You are really enviable. You are born with endless glory and wealth and powerful blood."

"However, today, all of this will be ruined in my hands!! Go to death!!"

The strong man of the Ten Thousand Corpse God Cult smiled grimly, burst out the terrifying aura of the second heaven in the realm of heaven, and slammed Shu Feng fiercely with one claw.

"Idiot! I dare to disturb my practice, I really want to kill myself!"

A flash of cold light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and he threw a punch.

boom! !

The lower half of the body of the strong man of the Ten Thousand Corpse God Cult burst instantly, turning into countless pieces of flesh and blood splashing around.

"How is it possible? This guy has been in Yanshan Academy for less than two years, how can he have such a terrifying combat power!! This is impossible!!"

The strong man of Ten Thousand Corpse God Cult looked unbelievable.

Less than two years after Shu Feng joined Yanshan Academy, and he was not yet sixteen years old, he could already kill the powerhouse of the Second Heaven Realm of Ten Thousand Corpse God Cultivation in seconds, which was incredible.


Shu Feng stepped directly on the head of the strong man of Ten Thousand Zombies, and exploded directly on the head of the strong man of Ten Thousand Zombies.

"The God Cult of Ten Thousand Corpses launched an attack on Yanshan Academy? Beilie Xuankong was restrained by the leader of the Cult of Ten Thousand Corpses. What a great opportunity!!"

Shu Feng's eyes lit up, and he strode towards the Douyan Hall.

"Bei Liebo, save...!!!"

"Bei Lie...!"


As soon as one of the powerful men of the God Sect of the Ten Thousand Corpses saw Shu Feng, they rushed up, and was bombarded by Shu Feng, turning it into meat sauce and scattered all around.

When they got to the back, the strong men of the Ten Thousand Corpse God Cult saw that they were not doing well, and when they saw Shu Feng, they immediately backed away.

"Bei Liebo, run away! There are many masters of Ten Thousand Corpse God Cult!"

Zhou Haishan couldn't help shouting as soon as Shu Feng stepped into the Douyan Hall.

Shu Feng glanced over Zhou Haishan's body, and an unexpected color flashed in his eyes: "This guy is still full of loyalty, I can't see it!"

"Bei Liebo? The super genius of Yanshan Academy!! What a pity, you are going to die! Don't worry, your head will become my collection and will never be wasted!!"

An extremely good figure, wearing a black leather jacket, the elder Yan Zui, who was extremely sexy, gave a weird smile, and flew towards Shu Feng like a ghost.

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