God-level Base

Chapter 1129: One shot

Each of those high-ranking demon gods possesses terrifying recovery ability, which is extremely difficult to hunt. Especially the vitality of those giant species is more tenacious, their resilience is very abnormal, it is very difficult to kill them.

Qilin Haiye is a 9-source high-ranking demon god, and holding a high-ranking demon god-level secret treasure such as the [Imperial Sea Sword] can be easily beheaded.

"Higher source energy +10 trillion, the soul of the upper demon **** +0.5, and the source of the upper demon **** +0.5!"

Shu Feng looked at the line of prompts, and a vigilance flashed in his eyes: "The base space has not collected the complete demon soul and source of demon gods. This place is weird!!!"

"Go to die! Go to die!! You all go to die!! Hahahaha!!!"

Qilin Haiye laughed wildly, and waved [Imperial Sea Sword] frantically towards the true dragon of water.

The face of the true dragon of water changed drastically, madly urging the power of the true dragon, waves of terrifying whirlpools appeared around his body, forming ninety-nine water dragons containing all erosions, blasting towards the sea leaves of the unicorn. .

"It's useless!! You trash!! Go to die! Go to die!!"

Qilin Haiye laughed wildly and swung his knife frantically.

Wherever the [Royal Sea Sword] knife light hit, one after another water dragons that could strangle ordinary high-ranking demon gods collapsed directly.

In an instant, Qilin Haiye immediately appeared in front of the true water dragon, swiping a knife frantically towards the true water dragon, and countless terrifying blade lights instantly surrounded the true water dragon.


The face of the Golden Demon God finally changed drastically, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, and with a sharp roar, he took out a Great Demon God Level Secret Treasure [Ding Haizhu] at once.

Numerous mysterious curses appeared on that [Ding Haizhu], and the sea water within a radius of hundreds of miles was separated at once, forming a realm without sea water.

The golden devil **** child suddenly appeared with incomparable golden light, and then released an incarnation to become a golden giant, blasting towards the sea leaf of the unicorn with a punch like thunder.

Boom! !

With a terrifying loud noise, Qilin Haiye was blasted for more than ten kilometers, his body trembled slightly, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Shu Feng's gaze narrowed slightly: "Nine-source high-ranking demon god! This guy is really strong! Worthy of being one of the six gods! He has no advanced demon god, just to advance to the great demon **** in the posture of the 10-source high-ranking demon god, and then advanced can."

In Wanhua True Devil Kingdom, more than 70% of the great abilities are advanced from Liu Shenzi. Because the Six Gods were originally perfect in the Wanhua True Devil Kingdom, possessing countless adventures, and being invincible of the same order.

There are countless adventures in the imaginary world, and some upper demon gods are unstable, but because of an adventure, they directly advance to become the great demon god. Even if such a great demon **** died of old age, he would not be able to advance to his powers.

Only the geniuses of the ranks of Liu Shen Zi and Liu Mo Zi are perfect in every step, and it will be possible to advance to the power in the future. Of course it is only possible.

The true dragon of water screamed, and countless wounds appeared on its body, and large swaths of blood spattered out and scattered on the ground, dying of severe wounds.

The Demon Eel Demon God who was fighting with Thousand Claws also retreated violently, and returned to the side of the Five Heads Xuanhe, looking at Qilin Haiye with fear in his eyes.

"Interesting, you are very strong! If you are outside the Beihaixing Market, I am definitely not your opponent!! But, this is the Beihaixing Market!! Since you are attacking my lord, there is only one dead end!! Hahahahaha! !"

Qilin Haiye laughed wildly, raising the [Imperial Sea Sword] in his hand, and the curse of the power of the sea appeared.

The thousands of miles of sea water churned, frantically impacting the field formed by [Ding Haizhu].

Every impact will consume the massive power of the Golden Demon God Child.

"A trivial ant-like lowly thing, dare to speak nonsense! Let me kill you!!"

The golden demon **** child’s eyes are fierce, and his body is surrounded by heavy golden rays, like an invincible **** wearing gold armor, with [Ding Haizhu] on top of his head, holding a large demon-level secret treasure [Golden Sword], step by step towards Qilin Haiye walked.

The ghost succubus smiled slightly and said: "Stop it! Golden Devil God Child, our goal is the treasure left behind by the mighty. If we kill each other here, it doesn't make any sense."

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Golden Demon God Son: "Youth Succubus, we are allies, you help me kill this human!"

The ghost succubus smiled and said: "Sorry! Although I am your ally. However, the agreement between us is only to jointly explore this site. It does not include killing your enemies."

"In that case, I will kill him alone!"

The fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Golden Demon God, like a golden invincible god, rushing towards the Qilin Sea Leaf.

"Golden Demon God, your opponent is me!!"

Shu Feng smiled sensibly, holding the [Holy Blue Demon Sword], his figure shook, like a ghost, teleporting in front of the Golden Demon God Child, cut off with a sword, a blue sword light pierced through the sky, and cut towards the Golden Demon God Child.

"Trash, get out of me!!"

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Golden Devil God Child, with a stern shout, and the [Golden Great Sword] in his hand was cut with a single sword, and a golden sword light full of domineering and destructive aura hit the blue sword light fiercely.

Boom! !

Two extremely terrifying sword lights slammed together, and Shu Feng was directly shaken out for dozens of kilometers, bleeding from seven holes, and a golden light filled his body.

Shu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly: "What a great guy! You deserve to be one of the Six Gods! I am not yet his opponent."

"This Human Race guy is so strong!! He is only the 4th source high-ranking demon **** who can compete with me. He is really a monster, and he can never be left behind!!"

A touch of jealousy flashed in the eyes of the Golden Devil God Child, his eyes burst with incomparable fierce light, and his body was shining, and he changed into a 10,000-meter tall golden giant with 10,000 arms.

On top of the ten thousand arms of the golden giant with arms, each arm held a [Golden Great Sword].

"Human ants!! Go to death!!!"

A fierce light flashed in the golden devil **** child's eyes, a sharp roar, 10,000 arms slashed frantically, and countless brilliant golden lights gathered to form a terrifying sword light, madly slashing towards Shu Feng.

"This human being is dead! That is the great power level attack and killing secret technique that the Golden Demon God Child has mastered-a one-in-one blow! Even the powerhouses of the Great Demon God rank will be hit hard by the Golden Demon God Child. Although the strength is strong, it is absolutely unstoppable from the attack of the Golden Devil God Child!"

The fascinating succubus's beautiful eyes flashed and smiled.

Five Xuanhe watched this scene quietly: "With a single blow, the Golden Devil God Child felt threatened. Indeed, it is better for this human race to die."

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