God-level Base

Chapter 1128: Show up

The geniuses of the ranks of the Six Gods of the Wanhua True Devil Kingdom and the Six Devils of the Primitive True Devil Kingdom are all peerless powerhouses with promising future.

It is like saying that the chance of an ordinary Mighty disciple being passed on to advance Mighty is one in a million. The six gods of Wanhua True Devil Kingdom have a one percent chance of advancing to power, which is 10,000 times higher than the probability of ordinary powerful disciples.

As for the head of the six gods of the Wanhua True Devil Kingdom, the chance of advanced power is as high as one in ten!

Compared with the ghost succubus, the dragon girl transformed by the true dragon of water is not worth mentioning.

The golden devil **** child has five fingers, and a small golden tower emerges directly, with golden rays of light shining, falling on the side, turning into a demon-level powerhouse.

After more than a dozen breaths, fifty powerhouses of the middle demon **** series immediately appeared beside the golden demon **** child.

"I have seen the Lord!"

The fifty middle-ranked masters of the Demon God level respectfully saluted the Golden Demon God Child. They are all subordinates who were subdued by the Golden Demon God Child.

The mighty tomb was so dangerous that the Golden Demon God Child naturally wanted to summon many of his men to help.

The golden devil **** child nodded slightly.

A middle demon **** with the head of a locust immediately shook his figure and stepped into the plain where it fell.

"you go!"

The phantom succubus smiled sweetly and stretched out his hand.

A middle demon **** of the ghost race stepped forward and stepped into the plain where the power fell.

The two great forces stepped into the plains where the mighty fell, and walked all the way to the depths.

Shu Feng thoughtfully: "They also have a safe road map. It seems that this phalanx in my hand is not the only map."

Along the safe road map, everyone has been walking inside.

Along the way, a lot of weird monsters that can hunt the Demon God also appeared. As soon as those monsters appeared, they were easily killed by the Golden Demon God Child and his party.

After walking more than six hundred thousand miles along the safe route map, a huge black mountain with a height of one hundred thousand meters appeared in front of everyone.

Around that dark mountain, there are five white jade mountains with a height of 10,000 meters.

On the top of that dark mountain, there is a coffin that is as dark as ink.

"That is the mighty coffin of the corpse! His corpse must be in it!"

When everyone saw the pitch-black coffin, a scorching color flashed in everyone's eyes.

For those powerful people with great energy levels, a drop of blood and a bone are treasures that contain terrifying power. A mighty corpse is the material for refining mighty level artifacts.

"Golden Devil God Child, phantom succubus, you are here!"

A flat voice sounded, and the five hanging rivers immediately came out from the side.

"Five Xuanhe, you haven't succeeded yet!"

The phantom succubus gaze swept across the pitch-black coffin, and finally fell on the body of the five heads Xuanhe.

The five Xuanhe smiled slightly and said, "Since the corpse clan Mighty Neng prepared a coffin for himself, it must have been arranged! I don't want to be profited by your fishermen just after breaking those restrictions.

The ghost succubus smiled and said: "Then we broke the ban on the power of this corpse clan together, and then how about sharing the resources in it equally?"

Wushou Xuanhe said very readily: "Okay! I agree! Golden Devil God Child, how about you?"

The Golden Demon Godzi said: "Okay!"

"But before that, you come out for me!"

As soon as the words of the five Xuanhe rivers fell, a fierce light flashed in the eyes of the upper demon **** with an eel head beside him, and with the touch of his five fingers, countless thunder lights blasted directly towards the empty sea.

"Five Heads Xuanhe, how did you find me?"

Shu Feng suddenly appeared, holding the [Yu Xing Hai Demon Flag], blue ocean currents surrounded his body, forming an extremely powerful ocean current enchantment.

The endless thunder light blasted above the ocean current enchantment, slamming the ocean current enchantment into a constant tremor, almost collapsed.

"Human? Go to die!!"

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the upper demon **** with the eel head, driving the endless thunder light toward Shu Feng. He has the power of the sea and the power of thunder and lightning at the same time, and can completely defeat Shu Feng's [Yu Xing Hai Demon Banner] defense.

"Thousand Claws!"

Shu Feng gave a soft drink, a thousand claws appeared, and a thousand tentacles burst out, directly blasting towards the upper demon **** with the eel head.

Shock waves gathered together, condensed into a wave, blasted fiercely on the upper demon **** with the eel head, and blasted the upper demon **** with the eel head back several steps.

Shu Feng smiled lightly: "How is it? I am also qualified to cooperate with you, right?"

A flash of contempt and coldness flashed in the eyes of the Golden Devil God Child: "You are not worthy to join hands with us!!"

The dragon girl beside the Golden Devil Godzi suddenly transformed into a real dragon, surrounded by the aura of the real dragon, and blasted towards the thousand claws.

Thousand Claws urged the densely packed tentacles, containing terrifying shock waves, directly blasting towards the dragon girl.

Countless pieces of flesh and blood erupted in the seawater at once, and Thousand Claw's shot was destroyed by the single blow of that dragon girl.

The upper demon **** with the eel head shook his body and transformed into a huge ocean electric eel, driving the endless thunder light towards the thousand claws.

The upper demon **** with the head of the snake also transformed into a super sea snake of the same size as Thousand Claws and rushed towards Shu Feng.

The phantom succubus stood aside with a smile, without any intention of making a move.

The three high-ranking demon gods who control the power of the sea joined forces, and in the depths of the sea under the North Sea Star Ruins, even ordinary big demon gods had to flee when they encountered them.

"You're looking for death, then I can't blame me! It's rare for me to show mercy and want to spare your life!"

Shu Feng sighed slightly and activated his summoning technique.

A sliver of ripples flashed, and the sea leaf of the unicorn with the six handles of the [Royal Sea Sword] appeared.

"You dare to attack my lord, you beasts, all go to death!!"

Kirin Haiye flashed a hideous look in his eyes, smiled frantically, and swung six handles [Royal Sea Sword] to control the terrifying power of the sea, appearing like lightning before the super large sea snake that was about the same size as Thousand Claws.

Countless incomparable blade lights were like lightning, slashing crazily on the body of the super sea snake, and it extended quickly at the speed of people.

Almost between a breath, the body of that super large sea snake immediately had countless thin lines.

"Do not!!"

The super sea snake screamed, eyes flashing with despair, and its body turned into countless pieces at once, and fell directly.

"It was killed!!"

"That's the upper demon god!!"

"That monster! It was able to kill the upper demons in seconds!!"

"too frightening!!"


Seeing this scene, the middle-ranked demon gods took a breath of coldness one by one.

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