God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 963: Take advantage of loopholes (5)

Ye Que said indifferently: "Pay the fee and pass, so less nonsense!"

Holding the baton tightly, thinking that someone must be dishonest, give him a beating first.

When there are too many people, there will naturally be temper tantrums.

Two or three tenth-rank **** kings didn't say a word, and they were about to blow Ye Que up.

Ye Que thought that sooner or later the blood would be opened, and this time, he would subdue all these guys.

Once the ancient god's latent anger was released, the first rank of the **** king directly soared to the eleventh rank of the **** king, reaching the level of the peerless **** king.

Anyone who exceeds the tenth rank of a god-king is a peerless god-king.

He went down with two sticks and overthrew two or three tenth-rank **** kings.

Someone else is coming.

This is the peerless **** king.

He was also yelling on the ground with a stick.

"This guy is so strong!"

"Is there no one who can cure him?"

Some people are not convinced.

With so many of them, could it be that they couldn't overwhelm a peerless **** king?

"I come!"

Another peerless **** king appeared on the stage, and he wanted to teach this person a lesson.

Ye Que solved it with a stick without even raising his eyelids.

But seeing more and more people challenged, in order to completely deal with this group of people, he got up and said: "We want to go together! Don't waste my time!"

What I said is too much hatred.

At least more than a hundred strong men shot to suppress him.

Ye Que shot with a big stick.

No one can resist his power.

With a wave of your hand, it's like beating a bug.

Seeing a group of people's faces change color, everyone was scared.

At the same time, some people feel that this person is somewhat familiar.

But I didn't remember it for a while.

They come from various places in the southern starry sky, and they don't understand many things that happened in the Wanyu starry sky.

"Old rules, anyone who wants to cross the inland sea can come to me! God Ruins, 10 million third-rank star cores, **** kings, 10 million fourth-rank star cores once!"

He guards the only passage.

Except for passages, anyone entering the seabed will be attacked by sea beasts.

The group of people who were beaten down finally came to their senses.

"How's it going?"

someone asked.

"From the seabed passage! Except for the passage, anyone who goes to the seabed will be attacked by sea beasts!"

When Ye Que mentioned this matter, many people really fell silent.

It seems that many people have been to the bottom of the sea and have been attacked by the bottom of the sea.

"Mostly it's a scam, it's a fake! How can the bottom of the sea be able to survive!"

Some people doubt, and not a few.

As for those who use the star core to walk through the passage, there is no such thing.

Ye Que frowned, thinking that it would be really difficult to make the first business.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!"

It's a dirt dog, and this guy came over safely.

It seems that the continents on both sides of the ruins of the ancient six realms have been cut off, and the only way to go inside is the inland sea.

In other words, all those who entered the ancient six worlds will gather along the coast of the inland sea.

This guy is wearing a picture of the common people on the earth, carrying a shovel, and walking upright.

He looked at Ye Que and said, "I'm at the peak of Daoyuan, let me walk for free, how about it?"

Ye Que thought that this guy was going to act with him, so he said: "You are the first one, in order to convince everyone, you can go!"

"Brother, can it really work?"

The earth dog transmits sound, a cowardly one.

"I can do it, and I won't harm you! If you pass, I will let you become a God Market safely!"

Ye Que chuckled.

"Then let's go, let's go!"

The earth dog walks the passage by himself.

After passing through, the picture was sent back through the potential array light curtain, which immediately caused a sensation.

"Fuck! So many treasures!"

"Spirit Tree, Spirit Star Spring! They are all mine!"

The earth dog knows how to play. Facing the bare ancient forest, he is a braggart without changing his face.

Even Ye Que was stunned.

Is this stuff too good at pretending?

"Mine, it's all mine!"

He threw away the momentum and went straight to the ancient forest.

the other side.

All the creatures in the starry sky were stunned for a moment, and fell into a brief calm, and immediately there was an uproar.

Although, some creatures know that there may be fakes, but most of them still want to try to go there.

"I want to go in! I am Shenxu, here I am, ten million third-rank star cores!"

"I am a low-level Shenxu, can I have less?"

"I am the king of gods, ten million fourth-grade star cores! Here you are!"

A group of God Kings of Shenxu squeezed their heads and wanted to enter the other side of the inland sea to obtain a lot of treasures.

For a time, it was overcrowded.

Not far from the sea.

Qi Wangshu is walking in the direction of Ye Que with the little rich woman who has just been chased, the daughter of the Lingzu.

"We have to go there too!"

The daughter of the Spirit Race said.

Needless to say, the Peerless God King and God Kings also intend to do the same.

They want to find the legendary tower of the gods, go to the other side of the inland sea, there is a good chance they can find it.

"There are too many people, it is a little troublesome to think about it."

The Peerless God King frowned slightly, and sent a voice transmission to Ye Liangchen.

Although I don't know how this guy survived from the Nine Moves God King, it's not important.

It is important that they enter the channel and go to the other side of the inland sea.

When Ye Que received the sound transmission, he was forced to give up the passage.

He frowned slightly and looked at the peerless king.

Immediately, the two looked at each other, filled with murderous intent.

"Can you beat him?"

Sensing something was wrong, the daughter of the Spirit Race asked nervously.

Both sides are peerless **** kings, and they are not ordinary. It is difficult to distinguish between the strong and the weak.

"Don't fight, don't fight! Harmony makes money! I have met this senior Ye in Wanyu Xingkongfang City. For Lingling, I am willing to come forward to negotiate with him!"

Qi Wangshu really knows how to find loopholes, so he walked out resolutely.

"You are at the peak of Daoyuan, go aside!"

The face of the Peerless God King turned black, and he became more and more puzzled, how could the young lady at the peak of the tenth-order God Market fall in love with this kind of guy.

"Wang Shu, don't go!"

Miss Lingling said nervously.

She was conquered by Qi Wangshu's talent and melancholy, regardless of strength.

"Don't worry about me, I am sincere, for Lingling, I am willing to take a risk!"

Qi Wangshu looked at Lingling melancholy and deeply, and sighed softly: "Since I met you, my heart that has been silent for thousands of years has burned again, Lingling, this time I will prove to you how much I love you !"

Turn around and fly towards Ye Que.

Lingling's complexion changed drastically.

Wang Shucai is at the peak of Daoyuan, and the opponent is already a peerless **** king.

But he still faced the peerless **** king for her, which shook her heart.

Not to mention Lingling, even the other **** kings have changed their colors.

If you are a little careless, you will be beaten to death by the opponent.

"Senior Ye, do you remember me? When I was in Xingkongfang City, I received you! Now, for the sake of the person I love the most, I beg you to open a passage for us! She wants to go to the other side of the sea , I want to go with her!"

What this guy said was too nasty, but he acted generously, defying life and death.

A group of star creatures almost vomited.

Even Ye Que wanted to shoot this B to death.

However, Xi Shi is in the eye of the beholder, Lingling, as the person involved, feels differently from others, she feels weak all over, her heart is crisp, and her eyes are full of autumn.

"He He…"

Inspired to tears.

The peerless **** king and **** kings protecting her felt something was wrong, but they couldn't tell.

At this moment, Ye Que echoed.

He said with a dark face: "You are at the peak of Daoyuan, and you dare to do such a thing just for a woman. It is really admirable, and it really touched me! Forget it, I miss you and I have a relationship, and I miss you too." Sincerely, I will let you pass for free!"

The peerless **** king and the **** kings were confused.

This is the end?

They felt more and more that something was wrong, why was there, why was there a perfunctory feeling?

However, our Lingling didn't think so.

She is the person involved, and the feelings are different.

She wiped away the tears from her eyes and said, "As expected... As expected, Uncle Wang Shu is my favorite."

"Lingling, it's okay, let's go."

Qi Wangshu turns around to hug Lingling.

This time, the Peerless God King and the God Kings did not stop him.

At this time, Jin Duande came.

"Son of Blood, we are here to hunt for treasure, and we cannot conflict with the peerless **** king. Senior Ye and I met once many years ago. How about this, I will ask for mercy and see if he can help us for free. Open a passage."

As soon as he said this, there was a touch of emotion in the eyes of the blood saint.

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